Gu Nian: "It hasn't gotten to this point yet, just think deeply. As long as he doesn't have a bad emotional experience or a bad ex-girlfriend, if our three views and personalities are compatible, I'm still willing to give it a try."

Jiang Chan: "Then you should observe and observe more. If Shen Shiqing also likes you, he will take the initiative to express his thoughts to you. So far, I have not seen the marriage line on Shen Shiqing's face, which means that he is currently single. Also very clean.”

"As for his previous emotional experience, I can't see it."

Gu Nian: "That's enough, sister, I found out that you are the biggest cheater in my world! No matter who they are, they probably won't be able to hide their thoughts from you."

Jiang Chan: "It's okay, I'll understand after seeing it more. Sometimes people think it's weird and interesting."

Gu Nian spread out on the big bed: "I'm very afraid to think about this, because sometimes I see too clearly, and my inner disappointment will be a little bigger."

Jiang Chan: "Keren should live soberly, and false happiness will be exposed one day."

Gu Nian: "False happiness... Yes, false happiness will be exposed in the end. Why did Yanhan marry me back then, I later understood all, I was the one who took the next step."

"Because Du Miao got married abroad, he was infatuated with waiting for the ending. It happened that I liked him at that time, and he was also the daughter of my father's comrade-in-arms. In order to cope with the family, he naturally stayed with me."

"I was so happy at that time. The man I liked for the first time in my life also liked me. Because of false love, I felt that apart from my family of origin, I was almost the happiest person."

"Yan Han likes the appearance of my short hair and the long red dress that I wear. Every anniversary, he will take me to a high-end restaurant to celebrate. But I learned later that Du Miao has short hair, she likes red dresses, and Yan Han takes me with you. The restaurant she went to was the restaurant she liked."

"How ridiculous is this one after another?" Gu Nian's eyes were empty: "The most **** thing is that Du Miao's first marriage was not happy. She came back from abroad and became entangled with Yan Han again."

"What about me? What have I become? I have become a complete joke." Gu Nian blinked, and looking back today, it's not that she doesn't complain, it's just that she hides those things in her heart.

As for Yanhan, she really has no feelings at all, and she despises Yanhan from the bottom of her heart.

Jiang Chan: "Since you have started all over again, don't give them a second chance to hurt you to those who have hurt you before. I really appreciate that you can keep your distance from the cold."

Gu Nian: "I just hate the person who used to be entangled with my ex-girlfriend. It makes me feel that he is indecisive and slow. And now the cold has nothing to do with me, but I will always remember the pain he once brought me."

"I will always tell myself, don't love someone who doesn't take you seriously. My marriage was unhappy at the beginning, of course there was a reason for the severe cold, but I think my mistake was that I was too lacking in love and craving for him too much. The little warmth that was given."

"Because I rarely get this kind of warmth, I feel that the cold is too precious, but looking back now, I think I was too naive and too naive."

"There is no savior in this world. In the final analysis, the road of life is to walk alone. It's just that some people are lucky and meet like-minded partners, while others are not lucky."

Jiang Chan: "Let me judge your marriage with Yan Han. Yan Han must be at fault. He assumed the status of a husband, but he did not fulfill his responsibilities in the marriage. He did not respect and love you. The other half's fault is not the fault. Your character, in the final analysis, is the mark that Gu Qingcheng and Zhang Yun have left on you for more than 20 years."

"You are the complete victim in this. It's not because Gu Qingcheng and his wife raised you, so they have no fault at all. Not cultivating the child's character well is their biggest mistake."

Jiang Chan said lightly: "Parents bring their children to this world, and they should raise them to grow up healthily. This is a responsibility and an obligation. The so-called health is not only physical health, but also psychological."

"But obviously, Gu Qingcheng and his wife only did the former."

Gu Nian turned over and looked at Jiang Chan who was sitting on the sofa beside the bed: "Sister, it's so logical for you to say this, have you educated many people?"

Jiang Chan flicked her fingers: "It's alright, the little brat has indeed seen a lot, and I have seen a few like you. Okay, the heart-to-heart time is over, you should rest."

Gu Nian raised a finger: "There is one last question, if I am really with Shen Shiqing, will you have any opinion, sister?"

Jiang Chan is inexplicable: "Why should I have an opinion on you? This is your life. You have grown into an independent and self-improving person. I believe you will manage your life well."

"It's just a person like Shen Shiqing, the city is deep, I still hope your life will be easier."

Gu Nian: "I don't know what's going on. I have no resistance at all to thoughtful and mature men. Maybe it's because I haven't met such a person before. I'm especially eager to get emotional comfort from them."

Jiang Chan: "As you said before, pampering you and loving you, so that you can be the little girl in your heart without any scruples?"

Gu Nian: "Well, I just want to experience what it's like to be spoiled, who I wanted to be spoiled with in my last life, and all I got in the end was indifference. So even if I do it again now, I know that Gu Qingcheng and the others have changed a lot, but I still can't. Open up to them."

"I'm a Gu Nian laughed at himself: "I will be very frank with those who have not hurt me. But if they hurt me, I'll never open up to them again. Once bitten by a snake for ten years, I was afraid of the rope, and it was me who said it. "

Jiang Chan: "It's human nature, and I won't give others a second chance to hurt me. People need to know how to protect themselves. Letting others hurt you again and again is something a fool would do."

"If you really think that Shen Shiqing is not bad, then work hard. Although such a person has deep thoughts, if he really puts him in his heart, you will be very happy. Because he will take care of you in every way and try to cover you up for you. Wind and rain, of course, if you have the charisma to attract him."

Gu Nian put on an enchanting pose on the bed: "Sister, I'm not attractive enough? I think I'm pretty, talented, and worth a lot of money. Shen Shiqing doesn't like me, that's his loss."


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