The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2065: Gu Nian thirty-six

Looking at the exam results of the classmates next to her, Gu Nian misses it very much: "The Red List? I was also on the Red List back then."

The so-called red list refers to the top 100 students of each grade in the No. 3 middle school. Gu Nian remembered that she never got down from the first place in the exam that year.

Shen Shiqing knocked on her head: "Humble. I heard from my aunt, but you have never won a ranking other than the first. Keeping the first place all the time, isn't it very tired?"

"It's really a bit." Gu Nian nodded: "I didn't tell you, did I? After the high school entrance examination, I had a falling out with Gu Qingcheng and the others because I enrolled in the third high school. I'm afraid they will threaten me with my studies again."

"I wanted to study hard and didn't want to be shackled by others. No doubt, No. 3 Middle School gave me a lot of help at that time. I was free of tuition for three years and gave me living expenses every month. At that time, it really solved my urgent needs."

Shen Shiqing listened quietly to Gu Nian's thoughts: "At that time, I wanted to study early and make money early. I desperately wanted to escape from that prison. In that house, I was almost out of breath."

"Perhaps it was because I enrolled in the third middle school, which challenged their parental authority. During the military training in the first year of high school, they did not give me living expenses and intended to force me to submit."

Gu Nian stared at the red list, and his thoughts no longer knew where to go. Shen Shiqing gritted his teeth, even if Gu Qingcheng told him something in the morning, he still couldn't imagine how difficult it was for Gu Nian back then. All he could do was hold Gu Nian's hand and quietly listen to her finish.

"I used to be in poor health, and the armed police specially invited to come during the school's military training that year. Naturally, I couldn't resist, and I fainted on the second day of the military training."

Shen Shiqing squeezed her hand: "When we go back this time, we will do a detailed physical examination."

Gu Nian knew what he meant: "I've gotten better after college. I've been taking care of myself for the past few years, and I'm in great shape now. Maybe they know they can't beat me, but the way they treat me has changed since then. A big change.”

"I know they are trying to change, and I know they feel guilty and want to make amends. But I remember things too early. Some things can't be smoothed out if you apologize later and make amends. I always remember them."

"Sometimes I don't like myself very much, and I'm too serious, because it's easy to be serious. I'm also thinking, should I change this personality trait? But sometimes I can't tell the difference. What other people say is true and what is false."

Shen Shiqing: "You don't need to change. People who understand you won't step on your minefield."

Gu Nian: "So, they don't understand me. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable when I see them like that. I want to say something to me, but I think over and over again, but I want to be intimate with them, and I have been hindered by the past ten years. The damage is stagnant.”

Shen Shiqing: "You have done a good job. If it were me, maybe I would be far from being like you. After all, you are still soft-hearted towards them."

Gu Nian: "Maybe, I never thought that one day we would have such a peaceful meal on the same table. In my memory before junior high school, I always remember all kinds of reprimands, praises and praises that I have never heard. been."

"Their logic is usually like this, how can others be the first in the test, and why are you second in the test? Why can others be the monitor, but you can't? Why do others bully you?"

Shen Shiqing was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "We can't decide what kind of parents we meet. But we can decide what kind of parents we become. We have children, and I won't educate them like this."

Gu Nian raised her eyes: "I have never seen how other parents educate their children, but I believe you will be a good father. After meeting you, I have learned a lot of warmth from you, and I believe you will be A warm dad."

Shen Shiqing looked at Gu Nian for a long time: "If it weren't for the campus, I would love to hug you. My Nian Nian is also a warm person. Even if he has had such a painful past, he still embraces this world with love."

Gu Nian: "Such a high evaluation? I don't even know it myself?"

Shen Shiqing: "A discerning person can see that even if they hurt you so much, you still live in peace with them. You buy them a house and a car, you adopt Xiaobai and Pudding, and take good care of them. Your company spends a lot of money every year. Doing charity..."

Although Gu Nian didn't say this, but Shen Shiqing is not blind, can he not see it? It's just that Gu Nian does more and says less, but it is this kind of person who is the most distressing.

Gu Nian's ears were a little red: "Okay, stop talking, the teaching building is here."

Shen Shiqing knew that Gu Nian was not used to being praised in person like this, perhaps because she had rarely been affirmed in person like this before, she was a little girl who longed to be affirmed after all.

Even though Gu has only been in high school for one year and has graduated for several years, the teachers who remember her still remember her. Especially Mr. Qi and Mr. Liu, the two of them were overjoyed.

After all, Gu Nian spent the longest time with them. She was accompanied by two teachers when she went to the competition.

Teacher Qi looked at Gu Nian with relief: "At that time, I thought it was not easy for you to be a little girl, but now it's okay, it's all hard There will be someone to take care of you in the future."

Gu Nian blinked, so that her tears didn't fall out: "When I was studying, the teachers paid a lot of attention to me. Teacher, you brought me breakfast, and Teacher Liu sometimes took me to her house for dinner."

"When I went abroad to participate in the competition, I was not acclimatized. The teacher even borrowed a small kitchen to cook for me. I remember all these."

Hearing Gu Nian talking about the past, Teacher Qi and Teacher Liu waved their hands again and again: "You are our student. Since we have this relationship between teachers and students, we will naturally cherish it, and it's not easy for you, child."

Teacher Liu: "It's alright now, there are people around you who know the heat and the cold, and it saves us from worrying about you."

Shen Shiqing nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, I will take good care of her."

Gu Nian quietly wiped the tears from his eyes when he turned his head, "Teacher, how is your health recently? I remember that when the New Year passed, Shigong said that you had a pain in your back. Are you feeling better recently? Do you want to go to a large hospital for a check-up? I'll give it to you. have an appointment?"

Teacher Qi waved his hand: "My waist is much better. It's not a big problem. You have to take care of yourself when you are working hard outside. You are too stubborn, so don't worry about anything."

Teacher Liu: "That's right, just call us if you feel sad. There's nothing that can't be overcome in this world."


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