The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2174: Twenty-six white peaches

She didn't like seeing herself, and Shen Guangcai noticed it when they first met, but since she didn't like seeing him, why did she bother him again and bring him back to the right path?

Jiang Chan hummed: "If I didn't intervene, Shen Jianguo would be gone by now. As for you, you don't know how to live and die in that corner. I'm not here to help you, but I can't bear to be silent towards Shen Jianguo and Silent."

Shen Guangcai was silent. He had also imagined that if he hadn't met Jiang Chan, what kind of life path would Shen Jianguo and Shen Mo take? Every time he thinks of this, Shen Guangcai feels that he is out of breath.

Not to mention how much pain and remorse Shen Guangcai felt in his heart, the meeting between the Shen family and the Bai family went smoothly. Shen Guangcai has always been talking about people and talking about ghosts, and chatting with Bai Jiancheng is quite speculative.

Just looking at it now, no one knows that he was a rotten gambler a few years ago, drunk all day long. Silently watching this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, hiding the sarcasm in his eyes.

Even if Shen Guangcai is very different from before, he still has no expectations for Shen Guangcai. As long as he takes care of himself and doesn't make trouble for him, the silence is thankful.

After all, Bai Tao is still studying, and after deliberation, the two decided to get the certificate first, and the wedding will be held after Bai Tao's senior year or graduation. Silence was a little regretful, but still agreed.

In fact, Bai Jiancheng was able to let Bai Tao get married so early, which surprised him very much. As for the others, you can plan later.

After coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Bai Tao was holding two small red books, which was called a treasure. Not long after she and Silent received their certificates in their previous lives, Silent suddenly had an accident...

Seeing Bai Tao was a little stunned, Jiang Chan reminded her: "The reason why Silence has an accident is the curse left by Shen Guangcai in the past. At that time, Shen Guangcai owed Liu Dalong's gambling debt and was unable to repay the gambling debt he owed to Liu Dalong, so he gave the house to Liu Dalong, so Shen Jianguo couldn't save him. Died in time."

"Later Silent was willing to be Zhang Zhaoqi's thug in order to retaliate against Shen Guangcai and Liu Dalong, which disrupted a lot of Liu Dalong's business. It is natural for Liu Dalong to hold a grudge against him."

"Silence is his biggest concern. How could he let Silence live a good life? Such a person has no bottom line, no conscience and morality at all. What moral bottom line would a person who runs a private casino have?"

Bai Tao pursed her lips, "Suddenly I feel that this kind of happiness is unreal. Thinking of Liu Dalong's death, the big stone in my heart has been completely removed."

Jiang Chan: "You and Si Si are completely different from the previous life, but the same thing is that you still love each other and still come together. Isn't this your biggest wish to come back again? Now that your wish has come true, you should be happy. "

Bai Tao: "Yes, I'm very happy. What awaits us in the future will all be good days."

Now that they are married, Bai Tao naturally moved out of the school dormitory. Her ring wasn't a decoration either. It didn't take long for the class to know about Bai Tao's marriage.

Everyone has seen her boyfriend Silent. Bai Tao is usually a very introverted and shy person, but he didn't expect that he would actually hold such an excellent young man firmly.

At night, Silent held Bai Tao in his hands, his originally steady breathing gradually became rapid, and his eyes kept rolling, apparently falling into a nightmare.

021 hung on the silent head: "Boss, what happened to him?"

Jiang Chan pointed her finger at Si Si's eyebrows. After seeing Silent Dream, she suddenly hooked her lips and smiled: "It's nothing, he just saw his past experiences in his sleep."

021: "Is this a good thing or..."

Jiang Chan: "Let's see what he thinks. Silent once wondered why Bai Tao likes him so much. Seeing this will only make their relationship stronger."

021: "That Shen Guangcai..."

Jiang Chan: "Silence and his relationship will naturally take a turn for the worse, but so what? The relationship between their father and son is not strong at all. He is an adult, and he can distinguish between dreams and reality."

When Bai Tao woke up, Kan Si Si was looking at her with his head propped up. His dark circles were heavy, as if no one was there all night.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

Silent: "Well... I had a long, long dream."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he found that his voice was particularly hoarse and even more throaty, obviously infected by the abundant emotions in the dream.

Bai Tao blinked: "Dreams are all fake, only reality is real."

Silent: "I dreamed that we were husband and wife in our last life. I opened a pet hospital. You bring stray cats to see a doctor. You are a poor society. We heal each other and warm each other..."

Bai Tao was stunned, her eyes suddenly turned red, and tears fell one by one. She wanted to reach out and hug Silent, but hesitated.

Silent wrapped her arms around her shoulders and took it into his arms: "My ending is not good. Did Liu Dalong find someone to do it?"

Bai Tao grabbed the sleeve of his pajamas: "Aren't you very good now? Silence, those nightmares are gone, we are living well now, we are not the same as our previous life."

Silently sighed: "I feel very uncomfortable when I think of how much you have endured alone. I remember that you were very afraid of life, but I didn't expect such a big change now."

Bai Tao arched his shoulders: "Because you were too bitter before, and then I was lucky enough to do it again, I thought that no matter what, I must find you first, and hug you hard, so that you don't have so much regret and pain.”

Silently rubbed her head: "After seeing that painful dream, I have no regrets at all. It's just that you approached me so hard and suffered a lot of grievances in the middle. I used to have a bad temper..."

Bai Tao put her finger on his lips: "Who said that? I think you are good There is nothing wrong with you. As long as it is you, even if you are cold to me, as long as you are good, I'm all happy."

Silent didn't ask Bai Tao whether he liked him in his previous life or the current one. After all, aren't they alone? It was only because of Bai Tao's intervention that their experiences were different, but the person was still the same person.

Perhaps because of the shared memories, the atmosphere between Silent and Bai Tao is more harmonious. His heart is also more stable, a person has come for him from thousands of miles away, and the fate of two lifetimes has all fallen on him, and he will naturally cherish it.

Not to mention that Bai Tao has done so many things for him, thinking of this, Silent's hand holding Bai Tao tightens.

Bai Tao hugged him vainly: "My back hurts because of your hoop, what are you going to do with Shen Guangcai? Although he has changed it now..."

Seeing Silent staring at him, Bai Tao was a little stunned: "Why are you looking at me like this?"


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