She took Kangkang the most. I don’t know how many times she saw Kangkang’s envious eyes watching other children running and playing around. Now the hope of Kangkang’s recovery is right in front of her. feel.

Jiang Chan squeezed Kangkang’s sallow face: “Yes, wait for Kangkang to finish the operation tomorrow, and take care of it for a while later, Kangkang, you can run and jump like An An, no need to do what you are now. I can't do it."

   "Okay, time is almost up, Kangkang will go to bed with the dean's grandmother first, and tomorrow I will accompany the dean's grandmother to the surgery together with Kangkang."

   Anan also touched Kangkang's hair: "Kangkang, don't worry, when you are better, we will take you to play the ball and draw together. You can do whatever you want."

   Several girls also nodded. The eight-year-old Niuniu said: "When Kangkang is ready, we will take you to play with eagles and chickens. Kangkang, you must like it very much."

Seeing Jiang Chan covering his lips and yawning, Dean Fan stood up holding Kang Kang, "Okay, your sister Xiao Chan was very tired from the exam today. Everyone, please go back to sleep. We will get better and better in the future, absolutely not. It will be like now!"

   The children left happily. When Dean Fan returned to the room holding Kang Kang, he didn't forget to turn off the light in Jiang Chan's room. He just wanted Jiang Chan to rest early and stop staying up late.

   Jiang Chan lay on her back on the bed. When she was holding Kang Kang just now, she gave Kang Kang a pulse without a trace.

  Qingyuan said it was really good. If Kangkang's heart disease was in the realm of cultivating immortals, Jiang Chan could make Kangkang alive and kicking with a rejuvenating pill.

   But in this aura-poor world, many medicinal materials are almost extinct, so Jiang Chan really can't help it with this heart disease.

   Today, I can only hope that Kangkang’s surgery will be successful tomorrow. Later, she will have the ability to treat Kangkang’s body to health and wellness.

  A good Danxiu must be an excellent Chinese medicine doctor. Facts have proved that Jiang Chan is indeed the case. In the world of cultivating immortals, Jiang Chan is a veritable great alchemist, but she is usually low-key, and her reputation is only circulated in Jianzong.

   What a powerful monk is Jian Xiu? Since he was injured, it would certainly not be mild, but with Jiang Chan in charge, no matter how serious the injury, it would basically be cured.

   So, today's Jiang Chan is really a masterpiece. It's just that this unique knowledge can only be hidden, and if someone asks it, she really can't say anything.

   It is estimated that in the future, if she wants to treat illnesses and save people, she will have to take another medical qualification certificate. Of course, these will be kept for later. The most urgent thing is to take Kangkang to the operation, and by the way, I will go through the high school knowledge points again in the next two days.

   Kangkang woke up less than five o'clock the next morning. The child didn't make a noise when he woke up, just opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, quietly waiting for Dean Fan to get up.

   Dean Fan had already packed up his luggage and Kangkang’s medical records. As for the check Jiang Chan gave, Dean Fan had already gone to the bank to exchange it. It can be said that everything is ready.

   Saying goodbye to the reluctant children, Dean Fan and Jiang Chan took Kang Kang on their way to the provincial capital.

   A certain hospital office, Director Wang made a note on the calendar. Wang Runhui glanced at it, "What special day is today, you didn't even arrange anything?"

   Glancing at his jumping son, Director Wang pushed his glasses: "A young customer came for the operation today. I specifically pushed other arrangements. It is not easy for them."

   Jiang Chan and the others left early and arrived at the hospital at about ten o'clock. When Jiang Chan knocked on the door, Wang Runhui just opened the door and came out and had a face-to-face meeting with Jiang Chan.

   "Oh, acquaintance, classmate Jiang Chan! The little guest my dad said is you, right?" Wang Runhui put her hands in her pockets and gave Jiang Chan a sunny smile.

   When he saw Kang Kang who was held in his arms by Dean Fan, he smiled more like the big brother next door.

   Seeing Wang Runhui, Jiang Chan was also a little surprised. Wasn't this one who participated in the training camp together? No wonder he cheered for himself in the end, presumably he knew some of his own situation.

Dr. Wang pushed aside Wang Runhui who was blocking the door: "Don't let the patient in, what do you do at the door? This is classmate Jiang Chan, right? Classmate Jiang Chan is very good. Congratulations to classmate Jiang Chan for winning in the international competition. Good results!"

   Jiang Chan blinked and knew what was going on when she saw Wang Runhui touching her nose. Now life is going well, Jiang Chan's expression has also softened a lot.

   She curled her lips slightly: "Thank you, Dr. Wang, this is my brother Kangkang. Do you think you can arrange surgery for him today?"

   When he mentioned his condition, Dr. Wang became serious. He scribbled the order and took Kang Kang to check it. Jiang Chan asked Dean Fan to pay the money, and she followed Director Wang to see what was going on with Kang Kang.

   The check-ups before and after took three hours. After analyzing Kangkang’s body data in detail, Dr. Wang pushed his glasses: “His body is well regulated. Let him adapt today and have surgery tomorrow morning.”

   Hearing this, Jiang Chan was also relieved. Dr. Wang also explained to Jiang Chan just now that Kangkang’s heart disease is not too serious. At this time, surgery is the best and recovery will be quick in the future. The success of surgery like this The rate is still very high. After the operation, Kangkang will be able to run and jump.

   arranged for Kang Kang to live in the ward, Jiang Chan told Dean Fan and Kang Kang to prepare to go out to buy something. The hospital has sick food, but it's a pity that the taste is really not delicious. Jiang Chan is going to get something to eat for Kang Kang and Dean Fan.

   If you don’t have enough to eat, how can you have the strength to support until the end of the operation tomorrow? Jiang Chan figured out what to make delicious, and walked outside, only to find a tail behind him after a few steps.

   Seeing Jiang Chan looking back at him, Wang Runhui smiled very heartily: "You finally saw me? I thought you never saw me?"

   Seeing Jiang Chan paused, Wang Runhui squeezed her eyes at Jiang Chan: "Oh, I saw you today, my parents have to scold me when I go home. They can't even compare to a freshman girl."

   Jiang Chan raised his eyebrows: "It's not a freshman, I have skipped a grade, I am already a sophomore."

   Wang Runhui's mouth grew up immediately, and the next second he felt that it hurt his image, so he clicked and closed it again. He blinked incredulously: "It's still you! How can your school skip a grade?"

   Jiang Chan also raised his eyebrows: "Good students still have certain privileges."

Wang Runhui Yu died, "Don’t tell my dad about your skipping grade. Or I have to be trained again. Why is the gap between people so big? I’m not stupid, so why do I face you? Does it seem that my IQ is offline?"

  :. :

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