The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2412: Lin Lin thirty-two

Lin Lin: "Just a little while later. My sleepiness has passed. Should I be fine now?"

Daliu: "That's quite okay. Teacher Lin Lin's condition is very good, but there is nothing bad."

Lin Lin chuckled: "That's good, Brother Tao, let's go out first."

Walking out of the venue, there were many flashing lights and questions from reporters. Lin Lin picked up a few questions to answer, and then pushed aside the crowd of reporters, Liu Tao and others back to the hotel.

"Let's just have a bite. Not everything is good abroad, and there is no place to make skewers at night." Song Chen handed Lin Lin a sandwich.

Lin Lin waved her hand: "I don't want to eat this, brother Chen, have you cooked noodles? I want to eat something with flavor. My body management is over for today, and I can let it go for a few days."

Qi Yu took a sip of instant noodles: "I cooked it, congratulations. I'll cook two bowls for you too. It's been hard work all night. I also ordered some fried chicken, which will be delivered in a while."

Liu Tao also didn't see the outside world: "Thank you then, let's start first while we're at it?"

Lin Lin nodded: "Yes, you can eat after work."

Liu Tao straight to the point: "First of all, congratulations on winning the best album, what do you think about this result?"

Lin Lin thought for a while: "I'm happy. Although I thank the jury for awarding this award to me, it also shows from the side that my album is of high quality. This is the greatest compliment to me."

After a series of official interview questions, Liu Tao began to ask other questions, which is what the public is most interested in, namely Lin Lin's personal life.

Liu Tao: "I have collected some information. Since your debut, your style has been very changeable. But the most puzzling thing is that you are very accomplished in love songs. Is there any special reason for this?"

Song Chen quietly sat up straight. He didn't know much about Lin Lin's past. What he knew was what happened after Lin Lin debuted.

Lin Lin thought for a while; "Maybe it's from my ex. He was my first love. Of course, we already broke up. We separated before I participated in the star show contest."

Liu Tao's eyes lit up, but he remained calm: "Can you tell me in detail?"

Lin Lin smiled: "Of course, there will always be someone in everyone's life who has a deep influence on you. My ex was like that. My parents immigrated abroad when I was very young, and I live in China alone with my aunt. "

"He is my neighbor. We have known each other since we were twelve years old. We walked through junior high school and high school together. He didn't confess to me until the year we graduated from high school. We can say that we are the people who know each other the most. We go to school together and leave school together."

"He is a person who likes music very much. Perhaps it was because of his influence that I embarked on the path of music. People who play music seem to have a feeling of freedom and unfettered in their bones."

Lin Lin knocked on the table and talked about her emotional experience for the first time: "After graduating from high school, we were together. But because of the different colleges we applied to, we had to be separated."

"Maybe it's because we've known each other for too long and he's too unbearable. He broke up with me three times in two years, but we got back together after each time."

Liu Tao subconsciously frowned: "Why are you so... twisted?"

Lin Lin laughed at herself: "Maybe it's because I'm too nostalgic? I'm like a dispensable shadow. It seems that I can only wait in place forever, waiting for him to look back at me."

"Until one day I found out that life couldn't go on like this. So the fourth time he came to me, I rejected him. As the one who was always left behind, this time I cut us off with my own hands. relationship between."

Liu Tao: "So "Prisoner" and "Shadow" basically describe your emotional experiences? Then why don't you sing these love songs yourself?"

Lin Lin: "Let's put it this way, "Prisoner" is my first original song, the first song I wrote after breaking up. It has a very special meaning to me."

"Singing the song "Prisoner" is my wish to say goodbye to the past completely. I got out of his cage in the name of love."

"But the reason why I didn't sing "Shadow" by myself is because it's too bitter. Life should make people happy and pleasant. I don't want to be immersed in the past all the time. The rest of my life is long, and I want to eat some candy."

Liu Tao: "Then the love songs you wrote later revolved around your first love?"

Lin Lin shook her head: "Of course not, I've let him go. After we broke up, we never contacted again. After "Shadow", he no longer exists in my love songs, maybe I saw it A certain story, or a certain couple I met, was more inspiring to me than first love."

Liu Tao smiled: "If necessary, what do you want to say to your ex? Maybe he can see your report?"

Lin Lin thought for a while: "A qualified ex will never appear in each other's life again. I hope each other will be well for the rest of their lives and not disturb each other."

Passing over the topic of emotion, Liu Tao asked something else: "Lu Jiaxin is also a singer in your studio. It is said that you choreographed her dance?"

Lin Lin was a little embarrassed: "Actually, it can't be said that I arranged Teacher Amy is the biggest contributor, I just made a little suggestion. I think cuteness is not deliberately close to children, but Strive to discover the shining points of the artist."

Liu Tao wouldn't let her go easily: "So how did you come up with those cute and sweet dance moves? Many people want to see you dance live."

Lin Lin shook her head again and again: "Although I'm not cute, I like cute people and things very much. Jiaxin is an artist I like at first sight. Her smile is very contagious, very cute and will not be offensive in any way."

"Just seeing her gives me an endless source of inspiration. Who can refuse a cute and sweet person? It was Su Zhe who gave me this feeling last time. Of course, they have different lines."

Liu Tao: "You have discovered two singers, Su Zhe and Lu Jiaxin. Now both of them have successful careers. Have you ever thought about discovering more newcomers in the future?"

Lin Lin thought for a while: "I didn't deliberately seek out new people, but I just met them, and they just fit my eyes, so I want to sign with them. As for the conditions of signing, it depends on whether they will inspire me. ."

Liu Tao: "Then this requirement is a bit harsh, and it feels the most illusory."

Lin Lin: "Indeed, but aside from the feeling, there are also many excellent singers in the circle. As long as everyone concentrates on their own professional skills, there will always be a day when they will be seen by others."

Liu Tao looked at the time: "At the end of the interview, I have another question, what type of man do you like?"

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