The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 271: Unrequited Love Twenty Seven

How could this girl escape Feng Feishuang's palm after being looked at by such a big-tailed wolf? Liu Mingxuan smiled and refilled himself a cup of tea. Xuanyue is examining Feng Feishhuang's pulse, but to outsiders, it is Xuanyue touching Feng Feishhuang's wrist, looking intimately.

Liu Mingxuan looked very surprised. Although his good brother looked very kind on the surface, he smiled when he saw everyone, but he was the most indifferent in his bones, and he didn't like physical contact with others.

"You still shouldn't use your internal force during this period. If you recover well, you will be able to heal in three months. If you use your internal force freely, it won't be better for a year or a half."

Crescent Moon retracted his wrist, "Let me see your latest prescription?"

Feng Feishhuang blinked: "The prescriptions are all in the other hospital, not here, or do you want to go to the other hospital with me?"

The first step in this pursuit is to change the name without a trace.

Looking at the storytelling below, Xuan Yue also came to an end, "Okay, send Buddha to the west, I'll go and have a look with you."

Feng Feishhuang stood up: "Then let's go."

Seeing that the two went out of the teahouse together, Liu Mingxuan, who was left behind, stretched out Erkang's hand, didn't he just leave me behind? It's too unbrotherly, right? In vain, he also specially accompanied him out to listen to the drama and relax.

Feng Feishhuang no longer lives in Liuzhuang, after all, it is someone else's home, so it is not good to harass others for a long time. So after recovering from his internal injuries, Feng Feishhuang set up a separate hospital in Jiangnan, and the environment was very quiet.

When the crescent moon enters this courtyard, it feels like a cave in the sky, with winding bridges, rivers and mountains, and it looks like a typical Jiangnan garden landscape. Why didn't she think of setting up a hospital in Jiangnan? How bad is it to always live in an inn?

"How much money do you need to buy in this other hospital?" Looking at Feng Feishhuang's prescription, Xuan Yue asked casually.

"Not much, two thousand taels of silver." Feng Feishhuang said casually, and Crescent Moon tapped her finger on the armrest. She still had two thousand taels. It's decided, and I will also buy another hospital tomorrow.

"The people who prescribe this prescription are also good at medical skills, and some areas need to be changed. You can take this medicine for three months to ensure that you will be cured."

Xuanyue added additions and subtractions to the prescription, and soon a brand-new prescription appeared. Feng Feishhuang handed it to the entourage in the other hospital, and said softly: "Follow this prescription to grab the prescription, and then pack a few signs of Ruyilou. Come back?"

Xuanyue frowned: "The roast duck at Ruyilou is good, but it's still not as good as our Xiaofeng's craftsmanship. In this way, if you look at buying a la carte, how many of our masters and apprentices will disturb you in the evening?"

Hearing Xiaofeng's name, Feng Feishhuang's brows frowned almost invisibly, and when he heard that he was a master and apprentice, Feng Feishhuang immediately bloomed with a smile.

"That's naturally desirable. If you can't get used to outside food, Crescent Moon can start a business here in the future."

Xuan Yue frowned and thought for a while: "I will disturb you for a week first. After a week, it is estimated that my other courtyard will be almost cleaned up. Then there will be no need to trouble Patriarch Feng."

Feng Feishhuang suddenly smiled: "We've known each other for so long. You still call me the patriarch Feng Feng. It’s very strange."

Crescent Moon stuck: "Then Master Feng? Master Feng?"

Feng Feishhuang was helpless: "Just call me Feishhuang directly. My friends all call me like that."

The crescent moon follows good things like a stream: "Okay, Feishuang."

Although Xuan Yue wanted to find someone who would treat her sincerely, she had never taken Feng Feishhuang into consideration. Just as Chong Feng Feishhuang is Feng Feiyang's eldest brother, it is impossible for her to have any other relationship with Feng Feishhuang.

But it's strange to say that Feng Feiyang's parents are not only Feng Feiyang and a son? What's the identity of this Feng Feishuang? Why are you still the patriarch?

"To be precise, I am Fengfeiyang's cousin, and my father is the previous patriarch."

Feng Feishhuang explained to Xuan Yue softly that this girl had been thinking about it for a long time while holding the tea, and she accidentally bald her own problem.

"This way, it's no wonder." Xuan Yue nodded, no wonder Feng Feiyang would succeed the patriarch in her previous life.

Reminiscent of the bone-breaking paste that Jiang Chan had prepared for Feng Feishhuang before, Xuan Yue had a general guess in her heart. In all likelihood, Feng Feishhuang passed away in that accident, so that the position of the patriarch could fall on Feng Feiyang's head.

Soon, Feng Feishhuang's entourage bought all the medicinal materials back, and Xuan Yue opened it to see, "The medicinal properties are very good, and I will have a bowl sooner or later, and he will be cured in three months."

When he saw the large food box that his entourage was holding, Xianyue's eyes lit up. She can cook and eat, and she can’t take her eyes away when she sees something delicious.

Xuanyue had also tasted this Ruyiju meal, and she sniffed: "Are there any roast ducks?"

Seeing that it was just time for dinner, Feng Feishhuang laughed: "Let's have lunch first, do your two little apprentices know that you have come to another hospital?"

Crescent Moon frowned, and suddenly a signal flare was thrown from his sleeve: "It's okay, they will come in a while, I'm going to start."

Because I was going to eat, Xuanyue didn't wear her veil anymore. They were all people I knew, and they didn't have so many taboos. Besides, if Feng Feishhuang is surprised, she has a way to clean him up!

Seeing the true face of Lushan, Feng Feishhuang's eyes flashed with surprise. In the past, when the crescent moon changed her face, she knew that her land was not bad, but when she saw her true face of Lushan, Feng Feishhuang still felt that her imagination was too lacking.

Different from the pure and elegant appearance of women, the crescent moon looks very open and bright, just like a blooming peonies, it can be called a flower of wealth in the world.

Regardless of Feng Feishuang, Xuan Yue was eating happily, and the dough was rolled up with slices of duck meat, which was just a bite. Watching her eating, Feng Feishuang, who was not originally hungry, felt appetite.

In this side hall, there are two people, Xuan Yue and Feng Feishhuang. Feng Feishuang also delivers water to Xian Yue Duan Tea from time to time, and it is comfortable to wait on Earth Xian Yue. In the current cuisine, where does Crescent Moon think of anything else?

Suddenly, Xuanyue's ears moved, "My two little apprentices are here."

Sure enough, the entourage led a pair of young girls in. The young man held a big bag in her hand, and the girl held a bag of fried chestnuts in her hand, which made a smile.

"Master, see what I brought you? Candied chestnuts!" Honeysuckle saw the crescent moon and hurriedly offered treasures: "Brother, quickly take out the candied chestnuts for Master, Master's best bite."

Xiaofeng hurriedly said, "Junior sister, you have bought too much land, I don't know which package is?"

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