The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2780: Dark Maiden Thirteen

She was obviously fanning the flames, and Solons had no choice but to say, "Okay, what are you doing so much about outsiders' affairs? Have you been slacking off in your practice recently? Hurry up and go back to practice!"

Stina smiled: "I will never slack off, teacher, don't you believe we practice? I'm worried about your old arms and legs, if you break it, it won't be worth it?"

Solons raised his hand and knocked her on the head: "You have rebellious bones in the back of your head, and you want to turn the world upside down. Don't think that you are a god-favored person, so I dare not deal with you..."

Stina held his arm smoothly: "Yes, yes, the teacher is unparalleled in all directions, don't I want to make you happy?"

Sorens: "I am very happy to be able to walk under the sun aboveboard, and you are doing very well."

Everyone talked and laughed and returned to the temple, leaving only the people in the temple of light looking at each other. Looking at the questioning eyes of the surrounding people, the Archbishop of the Temple of Light closed his eyes: "Go back first, since the matter has already happened, we must give an explanation to the outside world."

As soon as he returned to the Temple of Light, the archbishop's face sank: "Check out Ka Suo's situation over the years, and the candidates for the saintess who were originally registered must check out their traces over the years."

Although he lost a lot of face, but the Temple of Light has been in operation for so many years, the centipede is dead but not stiff, and the network of contacts is still very large.

In less than a day, a stack of materials was sent to the elders of the Temple of Light.

An elder flipped through the pages, and finally clicked his lips: "I didn't expect Ka Suo's viciousness to be worse than what Stina said."

The Archbishop of the Temple of Light's face sank like water: "So he incurred God's punishment, so it can be seen that God also knew what he did later."

"Archbishop, these saintess should we deal with them? The reputation of the temple can no longer withstand any damage."

"Anyone who has had an affair with Ka Suo will be sent back to their families. After all, they happened in the temple, and the temple will always give an explanation." The archbishop closed his eyes: "Although he doesn't want to admit it, Ka Suo is after all. The temple must wipe his **** for the disasters caused during his reign."

"In addition, from today onwards, the temple will stay behind closed doors and concentrate on practicing..."

"Right now, we just need to hide our strength and bide our time to recuperate."

"Damn Ka Suo!"

The elders shook their heads and walked out of the main hall. When Karina was about to leave, she was stopped by the Archbishop of the Temple of Light.

"I see that your eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to Stina. I guess you may be related. Go back and find out."

Karina bit her lip: "Yes, Archbishop."

If she and Stina are really related, does Stina know? If she knew that she would still treat her like that... Thinking of this, Karina felt a chill spread down her back.

After receiving the handwriting from the archbishop, Karina rushed to the family. Although she was undercover in the Eastern Temple, her family was in the Central Region.

It's just because Karina didn't catch up when recruiting new recruits in the middle, so she could only go to the Eastern Temple, but she didn't expect that she would be assigned an undercover mission after entering the Eastern Temple.

All the big families in the imperial capital are basically aware of the big commotion in the Dark Temple. Karina's family was no exception. In fact, when they saw Stina standing there, Dubot and Elvie recognized her.

There are not many children with black hair and black eyes on this continent, not to mention that she still has this name, and she has a dark physique. How can there be such a coincidence?

The Dubote family was just a small family. When they detected Stina's dark physique, they abandoned her in the dark forest the next day. If he had been more ruthless at the beginning, wouldn't the current situation not have happened?

They were not happy at all that Stina became the saint of the Dark Temple. Now they are worrying, what should they do if the other party turns around to retaliate?

Elvy: "And Karina, didn't she go to the Eastern Temple to practice? Why did she go to the Dark Temple as an undercover agent? One by one, what should I do?"

"The child never said it in the letter before, what should I do now?"

"You said we were going to ask Stina, she..."

"Please? What are you asking for?" Dubot sneered, "She is so merciless to Ca Suo, how do you expect her to treat us well?"

Elvy: "But we raised her until she was six years old..."

"But you were the one who proposed to abandon her," Dubot said mercilessly, "I said to send her to a small village in the countryside, but you didn't agree. You felt that it was not safe for a person with a dark physique to be found at home. .”

"Don't forget, you sent her to the dark forest yourself."

Karina froze outside the door, so Stina was really her sister? Was she abandoned by her parents?

Elvy: "This doesn't work, that doesn't work, so what should I do? Karina is struggling in the temple now, but she has transformed into a saint of the dark temple. How will the family gain a foothold in the future?"

"What do you think?" Jiang Chan looked at Stina curiously, seeing Dubot and his wife in a state of desperation.

Stina was expressionless: "I don't have any I have abandoned me, what I did later has nothing to do with them. Whether they are proud or disappointed now, they all have nothing to do with it. not my business."

Solons: "When I found you back then, you refused to change your name. Could it be that you were preparing for today?"

Stina: "It's part of the reason. What if they forget me if I change my name? I will remind them all the time so that they will have no peace for the rest of their lives."

"Why do I live so hard, but they are so relaxed and comfortable? Is it because I have a dark physique? I never think that my physique is a sin. The sin is nothing more than the human heart."

Jiang Chan patted her head: "You can think about it, don't look at what Dubote said, this couple is more vicious than the other, and more snobbish than the other."

Stina: "I've known for a long time that they all love themselves more, and their children are tools and interests in their eyes. Maybe they also have emotions, but compared to those interests, the trace of emotion is pitiful."

"I will not take the initiative to contact them, but I will not reconcile with them. Since we separated 20 years ago, there is no need to meet again in the future."

"Aren't they having a good time? They should be happy to have a daughter of a candidate for the Temple of Light."

Jiang Chan: "I reckon that the Temple of Light will not let it go so easily. If they know about your relationship with Karina, they will try their best to make a fuss."

(end of this chapter)

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