The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2821: Golden Harvest Twenty Six

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No matter what they think in their hearts, the old couple of the Ling family are indeed very upright on the surface. Qi Jiahe doesn't care, she actually doesn't have that high desire for money, but this is her own father and brother, and she can't really hold the whole Qi family in her hands.

This is not after the full moon wine, Qi Jiahe split the shares under his name into two, because Qi Xiaodi is still young, the shares are temporarily transferred to Qi Hongbo, and wait for Qi Xiaodi to grow up to adulthood, let's see what he thinks.

As soon as this move came out, the relatives of the Ling family were completely silent. Ling Ling felt a little guilty: "I'm sorry..."

Qi Jiahe didn't care: "It doesn't matter, this is our child, he deserves to enjoy these things. I can't let you be with Lao Qi, and let you be wronged."

Ling Ling: "How can there be any grievances? You and your father are very good to me."

Qi Jiahe: "It's fine if you don't feel wronged. Lao Qi has been blooming iron trees for so many years, and I moved out after I got married. He asks you to take care of him."

Gu Yin held her hand: "We don't live far away, we can come back anytime if it's convenient. Besides, I also want to go fishing and play chess with Dad."

Qi Jiahe was a little displeased: "We haven't received the certificate yet, you are more affectionate than me."

Gu Yin had a hippie smile: "Didn't I hug Dad's thigh tightly? If Dad didn't help make peace, you don't know how long it would take you to agree to me..."

Seeing that Gu Yin was tired of Qi Jiahe acting like a baby, Ling Ling carried the child to the nursery. Every time she sees these two people, she finds it very interesting. It seems that Gu Yin has borne all the worries about gains and losses in love.

Qi Jiahe looked very straightforward, as if he could get away at any time, no wonder Gu Yin was always clinging to her. To be able to forcibly train a Neptune to become a loyal dog today, Qi Jiahe's skill is something ordinary people can't learn.

In fact, it's simple to put it bluntly, you don't care about him that much, and you don't have that much thought, but he will watch you more closely.

Qi Jiahe's wedding was very big. After all, for such a well-known boss, Gu Yin's family is not an ordinary family. Naturally, the wedding is as luxurious as it is grand.

Think back when Gu Yin and Qi Jiahe were together, Gu Yin's parents couldn't believe it. That's Qi Jiahe, the most well-known rich woman in G City, and she just got together with her own worthless family?

Seeing that Gu Yin is really serious, Gu Yin's parents have followed behind to make suggestions, and finally someone has surrendered to live in Gu Yin, so for this, Gu's mother thinks that Qi Jiahe is her closest child!

Chen Wenting helped Qi Jiahe tidy up the skirt: "You are so beautiful today."

Qi Jiahe raised his eyebrows: "Aren't I beautiful in the past?"

Li Wenjing: "Yes, you were beautiful before, and even more beautiful now. This wedding dress looks great on you."

Qi Jiahe: "It's because you designed the wedding dress well. How does it feel to come out to work?"

Li Wenjing: "Of course it's very good. You don't have to stay at home all the time, and you can do your own things. It seems that you have the confidence to face the whole world. Wen Ting has grown a lot now, and she is not like a dough like before. gone."

Chen Wenting was not happy: "Jing Jing, I am your sister, you always call me by my name directly, how am I like dough?"

Li Wenjing curled her lips: "Don't act like a baby at me, just tell me I'm right, right? If you want to come here, you still have to suffer a little to make progress."

Chen Wenting sighed: "It's just that after suffering a loss, you will inevitably feel sad. Why do I say this? You are pregnant now, so you can't listen to it."

As soon as the identity of a pregnant woman was mentioned, Qi Jiahe became furious. She already had a shadow about having children, and the two had agreed before that they would not have children for the time being and enjoy the world of the two of them for a few years.

But who would have thought that Gu Yin's nephew was naughty, and if the child was naughty, the adults would have to pay the bill. After the pregnancy was found out, Qi Jiahe never gave Gu Yin a good look.

Rationally, he knows that the reason is not his, but is it possible that she is going to lose her temper with a child? Qi Jiahe couldn't do that either, so he could only endure the sulking.

She calmed down: "I am in good health. Last time you went back to T city in a hurry, and you never came to G city. How are you doing?"

Chen Wenting: "Everything is fine with me, and I opened a dessert shop after returning home. At first, my grandma didn't agree, but my parents agreed with her. Later, she didn't change. Now she is also in a state of desperation, and she can't take care of me."

Qi Jiahe raised his eyebrows: "Oh? What's wrong?"

Li Wenjing was disgusted: "Isn't it Chen Haojie? Didn't he marry Chen Yuanyuan? Chen Yuanyuan was pregnant and he had someone outside. Now the family is full of troubles. I haven't gone back for a long time."

Qi Jiahe was stunned: "Really? Fang Qin doesn't care?"

Li Wenjing: "What does she care about? Chen Haojie has grown up for a long time, and she has a young son herself. I think all her focus is on cultivating the young son now."

"Eldest uncle wants to control Chen Haojie, but he can't. As long as he mentions Chen Haojie, the old lady will go all kinds of ways. After all, this is her eldest grandson, and she is her darling."

Chen Wenting: "Actually, when I think about it, my auntie used to be very miserable. Once she divorced my uncle, I don't know how good her life is. On the contrary, my uncle is not happy in all kinds of ways."

Li Wenjing saw it clearly: "We all understand that uncle's abilities are mediocre, but he doesn't admit it, and instead wants to suppress his aunt. I will never find such a man in the future. Is it so difficult to admit that I am not as good as a woman? "

Chen Wenting sighed: "Not everyone thinks this way. Although these words are a little heartless, I am happy for my aunt when I see her like this. She should find someone who makes her happy instead of always asking her to compromise She forbears."

Qi Jiahe: "Since you understand this, you should also understand that you should never be with such a person. A person who will only make you endure, he is not qualified to stand by your side."

Chen Wenting nodded vigorously: "I understand. My mother is afraid that I will be too weak. She has taught me a lot over the past year."

These three little sisters got together to talk Ye Lan hammered Gu Yin around: "It can be regarded as letting you hug the beauty back, look at your complacency."

A man said with a smile: "Looking at the siblings like this, is this true?"

Gu Yin beamed with joy: "That's natural, we didn't plan to have it so soon, who made the big brother's children mischievous?"

Once this is said, everyone who should understand understands it.

Gu Yin: "In fact, thinking about it, it's good to have it, at least the marriage will be smoother."

Ye Lan scolded with a smile: "One day you will rely on your children to tie up your younger siblings. Don't you feel ashamed to say it? Is it just being manipulated to death like this?"

Gu Yin waved his hand: "You don't understand, if you meet someone you really like, you don't need her to tell, you will surrender first."

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(end of this chapter)

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