The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 352: Interstellar Pirates Twenty-Three

She had to find a way to see Alston. Jiang Chan's instinct told her that in order to solve the mystery, the key lies in Alston. Now this Auston is sleeping in the medical cabin of the research institute, and it is really a problem to get close to him.

   It seems that it is necessary to speed up, Jiang Chan touched his chin, this matter still needs to be considered for a long time. The medical cabin and the gene repair fluid are the core secrets of the scientific research institute, and not everyone can access them.

  Only the best people are qualified to contact these. Even Martin, who is usually silent, has never mentioned the medical cabin in front of her, which shows its importance.

   No matter what, she still has to be strong. As long as she keeps her excellent, she will get her wish sooner or later.

   Five years later, Jiang Chan is also eighteen years old. When this age is put in the real world, he has just grown up, but if he puts it here, eighteen years old is a tender water out of the water, okay?

   Last month, Jiang Chan officially left for a teacher. She successfully changed from a student of a scientific research institute to a teacher of a scientific research institute. This age suddenly broke the minimum limit for the faculty members of the scientific research institute, and it caused a wave of ridicule on the Star Network.

   But when they saw Jiang Chan's bronzing resume, everyone was speechless again. At the age of thirteen, this man was admitted to the scientific research institute with the first overall score, and then studied under Martin Pharmacist.

   During this period, many new types of medicines were studied, such as the rejuvenation medicine that had been heated up in the upper class before, and the latest Nirvana medicine she launched last month.

   As soon as this potion was launched, the entire Federation was shaken. In the interstellar age, there are only two things that restrict people's progress, one is mental power, and the other is physical fitness.

   Both of these are congenital. Some people have an extraordinary understanding, but due to physical reasons, they are mediocre and ordinary throughout their lives. The Nirvana Elixir perfectly solves this problem.

   It can directly improve people's physique. Of course, it is not unlimited. It is more effective for those with poorer physique. For someone with excellent physique like Jiang Chan, even drinking water has no effect.

   As soon as the Nirvana potion was launched, Jiang Chan was immediately held up to the altar. Although Nirvana Pharmacy is very expensive, it gives many people hope to take another step forward. With the help of Nirvana Pharmacy, Jiang Chan naturally became an outstanding graduate of Pharmacist College.

   At the same time, Jiang Chan also relied on the medicines she made over the years to become the youngest great pharmacist, and she was on par with her teacher Martin.

   After graduation, the Military Ministry also sent her an invitation letter, but Jiang Chan refused. The main purpose of her coming to Hongyuxing was to see the medical cabin and the gene repair solution, which was also the wish of the original master Ling.

   Usually Jiang Chan sets a time limit for herself when doing tasks, usually five or ten years. Now it has been six years since she came to the Interstellar Age, and she doesn't have much time left.

   But Jiang Chan wants to know a lot. For example, she is very interested in the gorgeous high-tech of the interstellar age. For another example, Jiang Chan wanted to take down all of the optical brains, mechas, starships, hovering vehicles, etc., to study them thoroughly.

   It’s just that her time is limited after all. She has not forgotten that her most important thing is to help Ling solve the problem. After Ling’s affairs are all solved, she can spare time to learn other things.

   Jiang Chan has not forgotten that her enemy is very powerful. After five years of hard work, she finally has the ability to face Angus head-on.

   Thinking of this, Jiang Chan's mouth evoked a **** smile. It's better to pinch the flea to death as soon as possible. To be honest, she has been very curious about Angus and his daughter so far.

   On the surface, it seemed that Angus was charging forward. Jiang Chan was very curious whether that Anna knew about this? Is it really acceptable to marry a living dead?

   "Ling, there is a banquet in the evening, on the 30th birthday of the prime minister's youngest son, are you going?"

   Martin is playing with a hot stamped invitation. When holding banquets, many big families will specially customize the invitations to show their style.

  As a veteran pharmacist, Martin certainly has one, and Jiang Chan also has one. Who makes her now in the limelight? The newly promoted pharmacist, the youngest pharmacist, if he can marry home, he will have all his fame, wealth, and prestige.

   Even if you can't marry home and have a good relationship with such a golden doll, there will be many benefits in the future. Don't look at anything else, but look at the Dubot family. Over the past five years, the embryonic form of the largest family has been faintly formed.

   Haven't you caught up with Jiang Chan's shareholder spirit? So no matter which family held the banquet, Jiang Chan would always receive invitations. Of course, Jiang Chan had never been there once.

   "Did you say that Angus Blair will go?" Jiang Chan moved his fingers slightly, and looked at another invitation on the table calmly. Although he has his own office, Jiang Chan usually stays with Martin.

   "He will definitely go, this person is the Duke’s The prime minister and the Duke are good friends, can he not go in this kind of relationship?"

   Speaking of Angus, Martin was very insignificant in his tone.

"Then I will go, I also want to have a direct contact with this Angus." Jiang Chan is simply and neat. She doesn't care about the Prime Minister's son at all. She intuitively told her that if she meets Angus tonight, it will be the experience of her life. She will be able to sort everything out.

   "Why are you paying attention to Angus so much? Tell me, where did he offend you?" Martin was excited, and the baby's face was full of gossip. It is rare that there is little apprentice's gossip, Martin's heart beats rapidly.

   "This is hard to say, but I am a little bit at odds with him. I'll know when I meet him tonight."

   A few words sent Martin away, Jiang Chan said nothing, and Martin rolled his eyes angrily. I kept mumbling that Jiang Chan would become more unlovable as he grows up. Where did he scold him for not responding like before?

   Now he just wants to blame Jiang Chan, and there is nothing to say, he can only sit on the side and get sulking. Jiang Chan is helpless, this old child, the older Martin is, how can his mind become more naive?

   "Next?" She took out a bottle of flaming potion from the space button and shook it at Martin: "My latest achievement, do you want to try it?"

   Martin is more than a hundred years old. The old man's legs and feet have become more agile with Jiang Chan's supply of medicine over the past few years. He reached out and caught the medicine Jiang Chan threw over: "What is it? I won't accept it if it's not a good thing."

  :. :

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