The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 381: Little princess fifteen

In other words, like Chu Ziqi, who always grasps the news of people around him all the time, once a long time passes, others will definitely not be able to bear it. As a normal person, who can accept that he is under the supervision of others for a long time?

   After a long time, the two will definitely have conflicts, depending on when Chen Yu will break out. Of course this is a matter for their young couple and has nothing to do with her.

At noon, everyone went to the seafood buffet. During the dinner, Jiang Chan and Zhao Yi and other leading actors sat together. Zhao Yi expertly peeled the shrimp, and then brought it to Jiang Chan: "Fuling, your episode today is really shocking. When I’m here, can you go to learn directorship and take acting lessons?"

   "That's right, I cried when I watched the scene of Director Fang, and the old aunt's heart couldn't bear it." The deputy director Sang Lan said jokingly, and there were bursts of laughter on the table.

"Seriously, our director's appearance conditions are really quite good. I have a lot of little flowers in the circle. It's a pity that I became a director." The film crew of the crew is a bit regretful: "The director is a rare one I've seen. The girl with no dead ends."

   "Less to praise me, I still like working behind the scenes compared to the glamour in front of the stage."

   Zhao Yi did these things smoothly. They were all childhood sweethearts. These things are all used to doing things, but in the eyes of outsiders, it is the relationship between Zhao Yi and Jiang Chan.

   But thinking of the background of Zhao Yi, whom I have vaguely heard of these years, it is estimated that these two are family friends again. Everyone at the table winked their eyebrows, and everyone knew what it meant.

   "I went to the acting class several times to listen to, but I only got the land for this section. This is what I saw with my own eyes." Jiang Chan is always willing to come. Isn't it okay for someone to wait? As for the eyes of others, she didn't care about it at all.

   "I once met an elder in a foreign country. His son became a vegetative in a car accident. He goes to the hospital to see him every day. I have a deep memory of that scene."

   Jiang Chan was holding the juice, and remembered the scene of seeing Duke Arnold for the first time, so a hard-core man, for his son who was sleeping in the medical cabin, was exhausted.

   "It turns out that this is the case, so you are imitating in that section? But imitation can be imitated so powerfully, and it's really not easy."

   Zhao Yi nodded thoughtfully, and Jiang Chan said casually: "We still have to observe more in life and accumulate more."

   "Don't say it, it's rare to have a rest, everyone has a good afternoon." Seeing the atmosphere on the table is a bit serious, Jiang Chan picked up the juice: "After eating this meal, everyone will speed up the process in the next half month."

Since Jiang Chan said to speed up the process, the crew will run more efficiently. There is not much time left for Jiang Chan. Her post-production special effects will take at least a month. After the finished product comes out, she has to contact the hospital. Line, these all take time and effort.

   It is now the end of July. According to Jiang Chan's estimation, the filming of this movie will be finished by August at the latest, so she really doesn't have much time left.

   "Ka, this shot has passed, I announce that this movie is officially finished, everyone can go back to rest. As for the subsequent publicity, the producer will notify you at that time."

   Jiang Chan raised his trumpet and said, "Producer Liu, I will bring the red envelopes prepared for everyone!"

   "Long live the guide!"

   "The next time the director makes a movie, he must contact us. It is the first time for the crew to be so comfortable."

"that is!"

   Watching the crew leave in twos and threes, Jiang Chan stretched her waist: "Zhao Yi, you will go back with me later and help me get things back to my house."

   Jiang Chan is naturally referring to the film she has taken in the past two months. She has a special editing room in Fang's family, and Jiang Chan is going to edit the film by herself.

   Zhao Yi stopped when he heard the words: "Yes, but I can't help in vain, no, I miss the meal Zhang Ma cooked, and I haven't eaten it in these two months, but I panicked."

   "You can't do without you! Come and help!" Jiang Chan picked up a big box, which looked very heavy, but Jiang Chan didn't change his face, as if he was holding a bunch of cotton.

  When I went home, I actually met Lao Fang. Seeing Jiang Chan and Zhao Yi holding a big box alone, Lao Fang laughed like a sunflower: "The girl is back, and the movie is over? What's the result?"

   Seeing that Lao Fang was about to take the box in Jiang Chan's hand, Jiang Chan hurriedly avoided: "You don't want your waist anymore. This thing is a bit heavy. I'll just do it myself."

   "Lao Fang, why are you at home today? This point has just finished lunch, right?"

   moved the box into the darkroom, Jiang Chan and Zhao Yi walked out one after another.

   The old Fang smiled and said, "Didn't you say yesterday that I will be finished today? I didn't go to the company today. I was waiting for you at home. My daughter hasn't come home for two months. I can't take a good look at you?"

   "Don't worry, I will eat and drink well outside. I will stay at home for the rest of the time. Don't despise me for trouble."

"Why do I dislike you? I can't wait for you to stay at home and do This is all day running around, I feel distressed when I look at the land, you are my palm, where is it necessary? Hard?"

   Jiang Chan helplessly: "Old Fang, if you like it, you won’t feel hard. I still prefer to be self-reliant than sitting and enjoying things. Besides, I don’t want to go out in the future. The impression people have of me is that I am your daughter."

   Lao Fang is not happy anymore: "What's wrong with you being my daughter? Still insulting you?"

"Where can this be?" Jiang Chan's mouth lightly twitched: "You have provided me with a generous life. How can I say such unconscionable words? I just hope that the impression of me from others is that I am a good person. Director, Fang Zhibang is like my father."

   The old Fang laughed: "If you are ambitious, then dad is waiting for you to get some results. Don't come back and cry if you hit a wall!"

   Jiang Chan couldn’t help but laugh: “Don’t worry, I’m not a kid anymore, I will solve the problem myself.”

   Watching Jiang Chan and Lao Fang quarrel, Zhao Yi sat lazily on the side, and when he heard something funny, he also smiled at the right time.

   As soon as this person gets old, it is inevitable that he will pay attention to the marriage problems of juniors. The old party burned artillery fire on Zhao Yi's body: "Xiao Zhao, I ate with your dad yesterday. What your dad meant is that he wants you to go back and inherit the family business as soon as possible. After all, he is your son. ."

   Zhao Yi smiled and cynically: "The old man is in good health and can last another twenty years. What do I do when I go back so early? I'll talk about it when I get some results."

  :. :

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