The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 394: Little Princess Twenty-Eight

Seeing that Chu Ziqi was going crazy, Chen Yu laughed and said, "Fuling is just joking with you. Even if the crew really doesn't take a holiday, I will ask for leave. Fuling is still very reasonable."

   Chu Ziqi snorted: "Don't tell me, this is the time for the two of us, always saying how boring outsiders are?"

  Chen Yu blinked: "Then let's not talk about it. You have a better attitude towards Fuling. She takes care of me a lot. If it weren't for Fuling's care, I could play the female number one in the interstellar age? We must know how to be grateful!"

Chu Ziqi helplessly: "Yes, she does this very well and takes care of you very much, but she provides you with the opportunity. If you don't have the ability, the movie won't be that big, isn't it? I'm the one who is depressed. Now three sentences are inseparable from Poria, I am your husband, why do I feel that in your heart, I am still inferior to Poria?"

   "It's not like that. You are my husband. Fuling is just a friend. Besides, I also really like acting. It's a rare experience to be able to experience all kinds of life."

   "You see that I got tens of millions in pay for the upper part of the film. I have never seen so much money in my life..."

   "I can give you more." Chu Ziqi said sourly, it was tens of millions, he gave Chen Yu his own secondary card the day after he got married, and he could swipe it without limit.

  I was pleased by Chu Ziqi's sour tone, and Chen Yu was in a good mood. "This is different. This is the money I earn with my own ability, and I feel more secure when I spend it."

   "It sounds like my husband doesn't give you enough sense of security?" Chu Ziqi touched his chin and teased Chen Yu.

"I didn't mean it," Chen Yu was anxious: "You are good enough to me, but I can't stay at home forever? I can't be out of touch with society. Besides, I also want to realize my dream, I want Become an excellent actor."

"Think about it, if our news is announced, others mention that I am Chu Ziqi’s wife, but I don’t want to be shrouded in your aura for the rest of my life. I want others to say when they mention you, look. This is the husband of the actress Chen Yu."

   Chen Yu broke her fingers and spoke very seriously. After entering the entertainment industry, she discovered how fierce competition among actresses is. You can have a relationship. If the other party is too rich, there will be all kinds of rumors.

   Even if she and Chu Ziqi were married, everyone would not see her efforts, but thought that she was walking up step by step under Chu Ziqi's light, so it is terrifying.

   "Very ambitious," Chu Ziqi narrowed his eyes and looked forward, "Don't forget when you are working hard, you still have a family, and I will always be behind you."

   "So you agreed?" Chen Yu turned her side, and looked at Chu Ziqi with bright eyes, thinking it would take a long time to convince him.

   "Although I don't want you to go out to work, I prefer to see you so vivid now, but you have to remember that you will go home when you are tired, and the door will always be open to you."

   Chu Ziqi also doesn't have serious machismo thoughts. Since Chen Yu wants to go out and make a break, then go. With him escorting behind the scenes, she can't suffer any loss.

   "I know you are the best, and I think about it. When I become famous in the future, I will support you?"

   "Aren't you already famous? The interstellar age is not popular enough?"

"I don't mean that, I mean, when I get the trophy for my best actress, that will truly be the pinnacle of my life," Chu Ziqi looked wrong: "That was a career. At the peak of life, my greatest happiness is actually marrying you."

After being beaten by Chen Yu's flattery, all of Chu Ziqi's thoughts in her heart disappeared: "Little flattery, you will be obedient. When you enter the crew, I guess I will be left behind. NS."

   Jiang Chan and others waited for ten minutes in the lobby of Shengshihuating, but the two talents, Chu Ziqi and Chen Yu, arrived late. Seeing Chen Yu's red face, you know that these two people were not too crooked just now.

Jiang Chan would not put this kind of thing on the public, so he opened the topic: "You are late, when will President Chu's luxury car fail to compare with our commercial car? You let us wait so long. For a long time, I will punish myself a cup later!"

   Shen Chen is a very lively temper: "Where is one cup enough? At least three cups! Shih Tzu, why are you staring at me? Are you reluctant to bear your husband? That's okay. If you punished one cup, we won't pursue it."

   Chu Ziqi hugged Chen Yu: "Then punish yourself for three cups, Xixi has a thin skin, don't make trouble with her."

   Seeing Chu Ziqi put his posture down, the crew was much more relaxed, and the atmosphere at the dinner table was much more relaxed. Sui Yu is still thinking about buying a house. In fact, after so many years of wandering, who doesn't want to have a small family of his own?

   "Mr. Chu, I heard that the Chu Group has newly developed a real estate. Is there any housing available?"

   When she asked this, everyone's ears stood up, and they all stared at Chu Ziqi scorchingly. Chu Ziqi didn't change his face: "I will give you the contact information of the sales manager later, and he can give you an internal price."

   Everyone grumbled their Chen trembled: "What is the internal price? I'll hurry up to Balabala my wallet and see if I can get it together?"

   Chu Ziqi smiled: "I don't know the specifics, but at least 20% off."

   "Mr. Chu is refreshing, come and I will toast you." An actor stood up and toasted Chu Ziqi. Don't underestimate the discount of the 20% discount, it saves a lot.

"That is, President Chu, I also toast you." Everyone toasted Chu Ziqi at the dinner table, and Chu Ziqi raised his hands: "You are Sixi's friends. She wants you to take care of her in the crew. You're welcome."

   "That is, I will definitely take good care of her, don't worry." Everyone is packed, and they have received such a big favor from Chu Ziqi, how can they handle things well?

  Furthermore, it was aimed at Mrs. Chen Yuchu's identity, and many people wanted to have a good relationship with her. That is to say, Chen Yu wants to keep a low profile, and if someone else wants to tell the world long ago.

   But this is also cheaper for them. Who made them so coincidentally on the same crew as Chen Yu?

Seeing Chu Ziqi win over the hearts of the people, Jiang Chan watched indifferently, and Shen Chen muttered: "The house prices there are so expensive. I don't know if I can afford it. I am a small screenwriter. I want to buy a house there. How many scripts have to be written?"

   Everyone talked in twos and threes, and Jiang Chan heard what Shen Chen said. Jiang Chan knocked on the table: "Your script is well written. When the script is shot, you will turn over."

  :. :

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