The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 424: Autumn Heart One Ten

Being rejected by Jiang Chan, the little milk dog really slumped under the dinner table, but with big eyes glanced at the dinner table from time to time, hoping that Jiang Chan would change his mind.

   Jiang Chan is a one-of-a-kind person. If you don't give it, you won't give it. I didn't know that Feng Yuan suddenly caught a chicken leg and threw it under the dining table. The little milk dog jumped forward. Unfortunately, he overestimated his size. He didn't receive the chicken leg, so he rolled on the ground.

   But it doesn't matter, the old master gave a chicken leg anyway. At the moment, the little milk dog hugged the chicken drumstick and gnawed it. It just took two bites, and it couldn't eat it anymore. It could only lick the taste of the chicken drumstick.

   Jiang Chan squeezed its small ears: "Just tell you not to eat it? You still don't believe it!"

   The little milk dog screamed, Jiang Chan turned his head and looked at Feng Yao: "Mom, you ate your food. It ate a lot at noon. It just looked panicked when we ate it."

   The Sanhua cat rolled over on Feng Yuan's knee and screamed softly, that is, Xiao Huang has big eyes and small belly, not like it doesn't worry about it when it's full.

   After lunch, Jiang Chan thought about going up the mountain, and settled Feng Yuan as usual. Jiang Chan carried the bamboo basket and set off again. Feng Yuan in the corridor looked at Jiang Chan's back, his eyes were clearly extinguished, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

   I said before I left, I won't go back until the evening. Seeing Feng Yuan getting better step by step, Jiang Chan also felt relieved to go out longer.

   In the morning, she received a call from the landlord, which means that the rent is about to expire. Will she continue to rent? Originally, Jiang Chan planned to go back and pack things back. Later, the landlord learned of her family's situation and said to help her pack up clothes and other things and send them back, which saved her from going again.

   This is also a matter of her mind. To be honest, the original owner Qiu Xin has been working hard in the Shanghai stock market for several years, but she didn't buy anything for herself.

   I don't know if it is good or bad to stay in the big city after graduation. Jiang Chan sighed, personally chooses differently. Although the big cities are a lot busier, there are more job opportunities.

   When I came back at night, I returned home with a full load. After entering Dashan, she was like a human radar. Nothing could be hidden from her eyes. Although there are squirrels and other small animals storing food in the mountains, they are still a small number after all. Most of the fruits fall on the ground and die by themselves.

   The early morning in the old house is very peaceful, plus it is a little far away from the village, so Jiang Cicada sleeps very soundly every night. She enjoyed this peaceful atmosphere, and at first she was worried that Feng Yuan would not be uncomfortable in such a quiet environment.

   Later, it was discovered that Feng Yuan had adapted well after returning, and he could speak a few words, and his perception of the outside world had become more and more. Jiang Chan felt relieved.

   At nine o'clock in the morning, Jiang Chan wrapped Feng Yuan tightly: "Let’s go to town today, and we have agreed to buy new year goods. We need chicken, duck, and fish. The refrigerator at home is large enough to fit."

   "There are not enough clothes in the town. Why don't we go to the city to buy? I remember that there is a mall near our community. We will also visit the community this time?"

"Buy clothes, don't go to the city." Feng Yuan said, Jiang Chan nodded in kindness: "Okay, let's buy it in the town. After the New Year, I will buy a car so that we can go anywhere. ."

   Feng Yuan's eyes fluctuated: "Don't worry, take your time."

When    was closed in recent years, the town was very lively. Now Feng Yuan is no longer as shocked as before, nor will he exclude places with many people. It's just that she still doesn't like to talk, but Jiang Chan can feel that she is getting better step by step.

   After all, it is an old house to celebrate the New Year. The old house is still half an hour away from the town. Jiang Chan has to prepare the things needed for the New Year.

   In essence, she is still a person with a sense of ritual. Since it is Chinese New Year, it will naturally be lively, even if there are only two people in the family.

   This is what makes the New Year different from other times. The sense of ritual is still very important. It is because of the difference between days and days that when I am old, I realize that there are so many beautiful memories in my life.

   The peaceful days passed very fast. During the Chinese New Year, Jiang Chan received good news. Her new book "Zhu Hua" was on the shelves, and Jiang Chan made a big update after it was on the shelves, and directly rushed to the new book list.

   As soon as this result came out, the editors almost went crazy. She is very optimistic about Jiang Chan's book. Although she is a newcomer, the background lights of the writing and plot are all first-class. As long as such a person is not a demon, it will become popular sooner or later!

  The new book is on the shelves, and Jiang Chan's online articles can be regarded as income. Seeing Feng Yuan getting better day by day, Jiang Chan felt that there are still many beautiful things in life.

  As soon as the Spring Festival was over, Jiang Chan started to be busy. In the afternoon, Jiang Cicada in the bamboo garden was not ready to move. Although it was behind the old house of the Qiu family, it belonged to the village, not the Qiu family. Jiang Chan did not have the right to do anything to the bamboo garden.

   Not behind the house, but the Qiu family still has five or six acres of land there, enough for Jiang Chan to toss. Not just after the beginning of spring, Jiang Chan started to work. She likes the kind of self-sufficient's family does not have fruit trees, and Jiang Chan is going to plant a few fruit trees.

   Peach trees, pear trees, apricot trees, persimmon trees, loquats, etc. Jiang Cicada bought a few fruit trees that are suitable for planting here. The place is big enough, no fruit trees are wasted.

   She doesn't plan to grow crops. If the land is idle, it is idle. When the time comes, fruit trees will be planted, and chickens can be raised under the trees. It is absolutely natural and without additives.

   has money in her hand, and Jiang Chan is also willing. All of her fruit trees are from the same year she bought the land. Of course, the price is very beautiful. Near the old house, Jiang Chan also created a strawberry garden.

   Feng Yuan likes to eat this kind of sweet and sour fruit, grow some strawberries, you can eat it at home, or make it into jam or candied fruit, which can be eaten for a long time.

   Time flickered in this busyness, and it was May in a blink of an eye.

   "Mom, I'll go to the mountain later, lunch will be later."

   Feng Yuan stood by the door, "Take the little yellow, take it safer."

   Xiao Huang is now a big yellow dog. Hearing Feng Yuan mentioning his name, Xiao Huang wailed, but she could still be heard immature in her voice.

Jiang Chan rubbed Xiao Huang's head: "Xiao Huang will stay at home with you. It is enough for me to go up the mountain alone. I don't want to go deep in the mountains. I just went to the outside to take a look. It rained last night. Go and see if there is any fungus."

   "Then you should pay more attention to snakes and insects." Feng Yuan warned worriedly.

   "I see, you can go in and rest."

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