Lao Shi kept looking at his mother with a worried gaze, Jiang Chan pondered for a moment, "Mother, this is a typical confinement disease. It is a disease caused by external infection within one month after giving birth, and it was not cured in time during confinement."

"Is your mother's illness difficult to treat?" Old Shi leaned forward, obviously very nervous.

Yuanyuan jumped off Shi Jiajia's knee, and he ran upside down on his calf and hugged Jiang Chan's calf. "Sister, can mom be okay? It won't hurt anymore?"

The mother was very calm. Jiang Chan squeezed the small hands of Yuanyuanrouwowo, "It will be fine. My sister will prescribe a prescription and cooperate with acupuncture. It will be fine in three to five months."

The mother smiled and said, "Let’s eat first, and then talk about this after eating. Even if you have acupuncture and moxibustion, you have to eat enough to have energy, right?"

Yuanyuan held Jiang Chan's hand, and kept staring at the gold bracelet on Jiang Chan's wrist, "Sister, your circle is so beautiful."

Lao Shi glanced at the circle his son said, and then coughed frantically. He hugged his fat son, "Stupid boy, that's not a nice bracelet, it's a golden needle for my sister's treatment."

When Jiang Chan showed his hand on the playground, everyone was stunned. Everyone knew that Jiang Chan's wrist looked like a bracelet, but it wasn't.

"Golden Needle?" Shi Jiajia and her mother looked at him together, plus the little Yuanyuan bun who had to sit next to Jiang Chan, and three pairs of eyes looked at Jiang Chan curiously.

Lao Shi touched his nose and went to the kitchen to serve food wittily. Helpless, Jiang Chan took off the twisted "bracelet" from his wrist, and slowly straightened it, and then flicked his index finger lightly and made a soft buzzing sound. It turned out to be soft and lying. The gold needle straightened immediately.

This hand was exposed, Yuanyuan and Shi Jiajia screamed immediately, and the mother's eyes widened. Although I don't understand it, I feel so powerful when I look at it.

"In the school's physical education class, Jiang Chan relied on this golden needle to give the classmate whose heart had stopped beating back. That ability is absolutely amazing!"

Lao Shi arranged all the food, watching Xiao Baozi climb up to get Jiang Chan's golden needle, and told Jiang Chan's glorious deed.

"I heard you tell me about this." The mother gave Jiang Chan a bowl of soup. "The video is still hanging on the school forum."

Shi Jiajia took out his mobile phone, "I also want to go to your school forum. The city is really lively. There is no such thing in our second high school."

The mother nodded her head, "Who caused you to perform abnormally during the entrance examination?"

Jiang Chan put away the golden needles, watching Xiao Baozi still staring at her wrist reluctantly, Jiang Chan smiled slightly, "This is not something to play with, and it's too thin. It's easy to hurt herself."

On the dining table, Jiang Chan was talking to Master Lao Shi, and Shi Jiajia, an internet addicted girl, was eating with her mobile phone. She touched the student forum in the city, which was very lively.

She also found the video of Jiang Chan. During the meal, she glanced at Jiang Chan and then had a bite of rice with a triumphant smile on her face. With Jiang Chan, who has such a powerful Chinese medicine doctor, still worry that her acne can not be cured?

After lunch, after resting for more than an hour, Jiang Chan proposed to give his mother acupuncture. Both Lao Shi and Shi Jiajia had to watch, and Xiao Baozi Yuanyuan had to stay in the room when she was curious about everything.

Jiang Chan was standing by the bed, holding silver needles in her hand. Her fingers lightly swept across the back of her mother. In a blink of an eye, there were silver needles on her back.

Xiao Baozi was held in his arms by Lao Shi, with his small hands covering his mouth, his eyes staring wide, without blinking. After putting the silver needles on the acupuncture points of his mother, Jiang Chan stood still, and his fingers flicked on the tail of the needle like flowers and willows.

The silver needle brushed by her swayed slightly in the eyes of everyone, and the amplitude became larger and larger. Old Shi swallowed, "Wife, what do you think? Does it hurt?"

The mother's complexion is as usual, "It doesn't hurt, but it's a little sour and uplifted, and her body seems to be lighter."

Jiang Chan's face was calm, and after three consecutive rounds, she took the silver needle off.

"This acupuncture and moxibustion needs two more times, one week apart each time, and the blockage in the mother's body disappeared after three weeks. It's just that for such a long period of deficiency, the teacher usually needs to replenish her and eat more blood. Sufficient things. I will prescribe two more medicated diet recipes and take them for three months in a row."

The mother got dressed, she moved, and she was surprised, "It feels really good. The acupuncture that Xiao Chan gave me just now, I feel all over my body is warm, not cold at all."

Lao Shi took her cotton-padded coat in angrily, "Hurry up, don't catch the cold anymore."

"Little cicada, thank you so much for today."

Facing Jiang Chan in a blink of an eye, Lao Shi took the prescription and medicated diet that Jiang Chan gave, and smiled like a big trumpet flower. Seeing that smile, Shi Jiajia couldn't bear to look straight away. She felt very scary when she saw the smile of her uncle.

"You're welcome, Madam's craftsmanship is good, as long as I come to Madam next time to cook another meal." Jiang Chan slowly disinfected the silver needles and put them in his portable acupuncture bag, while Yuanyuan Xiaobao kept watching.

The child was very quiet, and he was not noisy when Jiang Chan applied the injection.

The corners of her eyes smiled with shallow fine lines, "Okay, when you come next time, she will show you a good hand, I still have a lot of specialty dishes."

Jiang Chan sucked and slobbered in cooperation, "Then I will wait to eat Master's mother next week. Master, don't be too troublesome. I'll leave if there is nothing to do. I still have something to do in the afternoon."

" wait." Madam stopped Jiang Chan, and took out a red envelope from the drawer. "This is the medical fee for you from Madam. You can pay Jiajia to see the acne once you come, and again. Give me acupuncture, it makes you bother."

Jiang Chan took out two pieces from the red envelope, and handed the rest to his mother, "200 is enough."

Seeing her mother is a little embarrassed, Jiang Chan smiled and said, "If she feels sorry for her, she will open a small stove for me in the future. The food she cooked is really delicious."

Lao Shi is a refreshing person. He took the red envelope. "Okay, I like your refreshing little girl. Your mother cooks very well. I will come to the house for tooth sacrifices on the weekends. The school cafeteria always has those tastes, and I should be tired of it. ."

Jiang Chan squeezed a small round hand with a smile, "Then I'll go, goodbye teacher and mother, goodbye round little bun, goodbye Jiajia."

Lao Shi put the little bun aside, "I will send you back, I can't let you walk back."

Jiang Chan shook the phone, "No, I called a car, and it will be here soon. Teacher, you can take care of your wife. I will come again next week."


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