Shi Jiajia chuckled, she was going crazy. After eating two or three bites for breakfast, he went back to the room and looked in the mirror. Now she considers that bottle of Chinese ointment more important than anything else. Whether her face can recover depends on this bottle of Chinese ointment.

   Jiang Chan will clean up the things she gave to Aunt Mo Shumo after she gets up to wash. It is also a big bag. She is riding her own little electric donkey. It's called a fast electric donkey, and the destination is very clear.

   When she went to Uncle Mo's small restaurant, Aunt Mo was clearing the basket. In the morning, she made some buns and pies to sell, while Uncle Mo made porridge in it.

   Seeing Jiang Cicada coming over, Aunt Mo smiled and said, "Cicada will come, so what do you bring with you?"

   Jiang Chan did not raise his head: "You have to bring it. This is the medicinal wine I specially prepared for you and Uncle Mo's physique. This is a Chinese patent medicine to strengthen the body. This is for Aunt Mo."

   There was no one in the shop, Jiang Chan lined up things. Uncle Mo walked around from the back kitchen and his eyes lit up when he saw the two jars of wine on the table.

   He went over to lift the seal on the jar, and sniffed up and sniffed: "Yes, the smell of wine is strong enough, and it smells good."

   Jiang Chan's mouth curled up: "This is tiger bone wine, which was picked out from an old Chinese doctor."

   "Then I want to taste it tonight." Uncle Mo laughed loudly, and Aunt Mo gave him a weird look: "You know how to drink it, why don't you take these medicinal wine in?"

"Aunt Mo, you have this Chinese patent medicine once in the morning and evening, one pill at a time. This is a one-month amount. I will make it for you next month after I have eaten it. There are also medicinal wines. I have them over there. Waiting for you and Mo I'll bring it back when my uncle is finished."

   Aunt Mo's crow's feet lines all smiled: "You are so busy studying, what do you do? Your uncle Mo and I are in good health, don't delay your study."

   Jiang Chan held Aunt Mo's hand: "Where it is delayed, your body is more important than anything."

  Uncle Mo hid the medicinal liquor, and heard Jiang Chan's words. When he slapped him over, Jiang Chan ducked and hid behind Aunt Mo.

   Although she is not afraid of pain, but Mo Shu's iron palm is really not something that everyone can bear.

   "What is the smelly girl hiding?"

   Uncle Mo blew his beard and stared, feeling that Jiang Chan was not close to him. Aunt Mo smiled and said, "Your hand is so strong that you can't stand the child when you slap it down. Let's sit and rest for a while. Isn't it tired after a busy morning?"

   "Little Cicada, have a meal at Aunt Mo'er at noon, and let your Uncle Mo cook two good dishes. It may make the child lose weight during this time."

   Uncle Mo blinked and did not speak. This girl is much healthier than when she was in junior high school. She used to be black and thin, but now she is white and tender. Why is she thinner as his wife said?

   "I won't eat here at noon. I'm going to the pharmacy later. I'm going to buy some medicinal materials. I don't have enough medicinal materials, so I have an appointment with Mr. Zheng."

   During the monthly holidays, Jiang Chan would go to Zheng Lao's Chinese pharmacy unmovingly. One is to exchange experience with Zheng Lao, and the other is to go to Zheng Lao's side to see if he can pick out some of the best medicinal materials from his hands.

Therefore, Mr. Nongdi always smiles with anger every time he sees Jiang Chan. The one who is angry is that when Jiang Chan comes, he will have fewer treasures. He is happy to exchange medical skills with Jiang Chan, and he himself has benefited. many.

   If it weren't for Jiang Chan's ancestors, he would want to get Jiang Chan down to his own door. It was so good that he would be greedy when he looked at it.

   I can't tell Jiang Chan. Aunt Mo quickly picked up a steamed bun: "Then I will bring you back. You will come back once in a while, and Aunt Mo has nothing good for you."

   Jiang Chan took a bite of the steamed buns: "I was thinking of Aunt Mo's steamed buns when I was at school. The school buns were all tired of eating them."

   Aunt Mo slapped Jiang Chan and said, "Small flattering! It's delicious, Aunt Mo will decorate you?"

   Jiang Chan waved his hands again and again: "No, these are enough, I will come to the store next time to eat."

   Saying goodbye to Uncle Mo and Aunt Mo, Jiang Chan set off again, this time to Zheng Lao's Chinese pharmacy. When he arrived at the Zheng Lao Chinese Pharmacy, it was only just over nine o'clock. Jiang Chan happened to see Zheng Lao dangling over with a birdcage.

   There are two thrushes in the cage, they look very gorgeous. The corner of Jiang Chan's lips lifted: "Old Zheng, when did you get this thrush?"

   Zheng Lao Qiao Qiao's beard: "Someone gave it to me to see him. How come you, the chicken thief's girl? Oh, I'm thinking about the good things of my old man again."

Jiang Chan supported Zheng Lao's arm: "Look at what you said, if you don't take care of me, I can get good things from you?" In a blink of an eye, she smiled again: "Tell me what I took out of you, But there is a finished product for you."

   Don’t have to say, just the health pills and medicinal wine she made, if Mr. Zheng speaks, when did she refuse?

   Zheng Lao San: "It's OK, I just said one thing, you girl has said so much, do you know that you respect the old and love the young?"

   Old Jiang Chan feels comfortable: "I know, I am a young man, you elder should love me as a junior."

   Zheng Lao is angry, knowing that if you encounter this girl if you are bickering, you don't necessarily fight her.

   "I'm not old enough to I'll go by myself!" The old man was proud, and walked forward by himself.

   Jiang Chan chased after him, and after a few words, Zheng Lao laughed amusedly again. Without a few words, Zheng Lao suddenly said: "I currently have a patient on hand who has been paralyzed for five years. He recently came to me. He is coming over today. Would you like to take a look together?"

   "Paralysis?" Jiang Chan frowned, "What caused it? It happened that my hands were itchy recently. You know, for people like us, challenging patients can arouse our interest."

   "It is said that it was a car accident. Maybe it was a wealthy man." Zheng Lao downplayed it, and Jiang Chan didn't ask carefully. She was concerned about the patient's condition, but it didn't mean she was interested in the patient's family.

"I know you are interested in these. It is true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. He will come later, and you will help to see it together?" Old Zheng stroked his beard: "He came here for acupuncture and moxibustion a few times, anyway. No effect at all."

   "Then I'll just wait here, Mr. Zheng, show me the good things I received recently?" Jiang Chan nodded, and smiled like a little fox at Mr. Zheng.

   Zheng Lao looked away with toothache, "Hey, take you to the back to see, there is my private possession."

   Jiang Chan pushed his shoulder to Zheng Lao: "The good things I make will divide you half by the time, so don't feel distressed."

   When I heard this, Zheng Lao didn't feel distressed anymore, "I don't know who taught you this girl. I am greedy for the ability of this hand-made medicine."

  :. :

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