The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 576: Accompany thirty-seven

"Greedy!" Shen Shiyu said, "You don't worry about scaring me away if you say it like this?"

Yuan Xufeng leaned close to Shen Shiyu: "So I also have many shortcomings. I am also an ordinary person. A man will have this kind of exclusivity when facing a woman he likes, and I am no exception."

Shen Shiyu slapped Yuan Xufeng's arm: "Sophistry! Time is almost up, has the seat been opened?"

Yuan Xufeng took Shen Shiyu's hand and stood up: "It should be, let's go over."

Now that he said he would formally pursue Shen Shiyu, Yuan Xufeng's domineering character came out. He was holding Shen Shiyu's hand all the way, and he was still sitting at the main table when eating. This was an oath of sovereignty to everyone.

When returning, Yuan Xufeng volunteered to send Shen Shiyu and Shi Yue back. He has already planned and will live in Shen Shiyu's community in the future. He will never go back without abducting people back.

In the evening, Shi Yue poured a glass of honey water for Shen Shiyu: "I think Xufeng is determined to win, have you accepted him?"

Shen Shiyu's eyes were absent: "It can't be called me accepting him, but I think about it, he is still a good candidate. You have investigated him, I believe in Aunt Yue's vision."

"How did you know?"

"I guessed it," Shen Shiyu was lying on the sofa: "I have met Yuan Xufeng twice. He knows me so well. He must have heard from you, Aunt Yue. No wonder Aunt Yue has been taking pictures of me during this time. Keep going."

"I'm not hiding from you," Shi Yue sat down beside Shen Shiyu: "I really think that Xu Feng is a good child, and his mother Jin Yun is my friend for many years. If you are together, he will be sorry in the future. Wherever you are, I can also help you get ahead."

Shen Shiyu leaned on Shi Yue's shoulder: "I know that Aunt Yue is for my good. If I like it, I can't say it at the moment. Feelings can still be cultivated. At least Yuan Xufeng is still in line with my aesthetics."

"It's fine if you have success in your heart. If you really don't like it, I won't force it." Shi Yue touched Shen Shiyu's hair: "You child is too strong, always protecting others, and looking for personal care. You are the one who loves you."

"Didn't I have Aunt Yue? Aunt Yue, you also protect me."

"That's different," Shi Yue sighed: "When I accompany you, there are always a few. Only your partner can accompany you for the rest of your life. I hope you don't be alone."

"Every time I see Chenguang and Shi Shi, I love you very much." Shi Yue sniffed: "My little fish is so good, and I should have a happy life of love and happiness."

"I'm already very happy," Shen Shiyu's head arched over Shi Yue's shoulders: "My wish was to graduate early and take care of Aunt Yue. Now I have done it, and I don't feel any regrets anymore."

"One can't be too greedy. If you are greedy, it is easy to get nothing."

"Why?" Shi Yue's tears slipped down: "I think I am the most greedy. I want Xiaoyu to marry and have children, so that I can also enjoy the peace of family. But I don't force you, as long as you find the real harmony. The person of your mind."

"I understand, I will always be with you." Shen Shiyu is holding Shiyue's arm. They are also warming each other. They are also lonely souls. In such a huge city, they are cuddling and comforting each other.

"Although my marriage is not happy, it is not the fault of the marriage itself, but the person who manages the marriage. Xiaoyu, don't choke and give up because of my lessons. The essence of love is still beautiful."

Now when talking about her previous marriage, Shi Yue is already very calm. Time will dilute everything, besides, she is doing well now, and that unsatisfactory marriage has gradually become part of her experience.

"I know, I am still looking forward to love, I want to have my own home. Yuan Xufeng has a good saying, I really want to have a home of my own, where the people I love and love me live in. People, maybe we will have children in the future, that will make me feel more belonging to this city."

"If you think Xu Feng is pretty good, just understand it well and don't leave any regrets for yourself. This kid is clean and self-conscious. I haven't heard any lace news from him for so many years, but he is too busy with work and is a workaholic."

"I will, it's getting late, I'll go to bed first, and Aunt Yue, rest early, and you have to go to work tomorrow."

Lying on the bed, Shen Shiyu calmed down completely, rehearsing everything that happened tonight in his mind. Perhaps in the eyes of others, Yuan Xufeng abducted her to meet his elders tonight is an impolite behavior, but Shen Shiyu felt very heartwarming.

She was a person in her previous life and has always wanted to have a warm family. Seeing Yuan Xufeng’s harmonious family atmosphere today is what she admires and what she yearns for.

What's more, Yuan Xufeng's elders liked her very much and were very enthusiastic about her, which moved her very much. If you really want to consider getting married, Yuan Xufeng is a good candidate.

If Yuan Xufeng fits his three views, it seems that he can also consider it? Thinking of this in his mind, Shen Shiyu turned around and suddenly thought of Yuan Xufeng's serious face in the pavilion in the evening.

To be honest, Yuan Xufeng's confession was not gorgeous, nor could she speak sweet words, but it moved her very much, perhaps because of that seriousness? No one is unhappy to be taken so

Monday morning was the time for a regular meeting. Shen Shiyu ended the meeting. As soon as he walked out of the meeting room, a bouquet of roses came in front of Shen Shiyu.

The employees of the company who have not yet dispersed immediately let out a "wow" sigh. In their lifetime, they saw Dong Shen being given flowers. What kind of person was it? How dare Xiao miss their boss?

Just looking at the red rose, Shen Shiyu knew that it was not given by Yuan Xufeng, and this person would not be so tacky. Sending away the flower sender, Shen Shiyu drew out the card in the bouquet: "William Zhang? Who? This flower is for you."

"Shen Dong, don't you know this person?" Han Chenguang hugged the bouquet and followed Shen Shiyu step by step. His face was full of gossip. It's rare to see Shen Shiyu's lace news. Can't let her gossip?

Shen Shiyu glanced over: "The minutes of the meeting just now have been sorted out? Are you still thinking about gossip?"

"Isn't I curious? Shi Shi and I have settled down, and I don't want to see you alone." There is no one around, Han Chenguang also relaxes a lot, and speaks a lot more casually.

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