Seeing the back basket behind Wu Ji, Gu Jundong looked at it, "Teacher Wu, do you still make up the back basket? You hide it deeply!"

In order not to make himself look like an idler, Wu Ji volunteered to carry it after the basket was completed. Now when Gu Jundong saw it, he only assumed it was made up by Wu Ji himself.

Wu Ji waved his hand: "This is Ren Jiao's craftsmanship, don't you see it, I didn't expect the little girl to be versatile."

"Jiaojiao, is it troublesome to make this up? Can you make up one for me?" Chang Lei wondered: "With this, it's much more convenient to find things, save you always carrying a backpack."

"No trouble, ten minutes will be fine. If you need it, I will help you make one in the afternoon. Let's go to Yao Li and Hong Zhe first to see if they can do anything about it."

Although there is nothing to do with coconuts, Chang Lei and Gu Jundong did not eat dry rice, aren't there all kinds of conch on the beach? They also picked up a lot.

When he arrived at the camp, Jiang Chan's back basket received unanimous praise from everyone. Hong Zhe and Yao Li have also set up the tent, and they are clearing the weeds and gravel around the tent.

Hearing that coconuts were discovered, Yao Li raised her hand: "I also want to go and see, there is nothing left in the camp, and I also want to explore and explore."

Xingba, since everyone wants to go, then go. So everyone was dispatched and they all went to the coconut grove.

There was nothing in the camp, just three tents and sleeping bags, nothing else. Except for the firewood mushrooms and conch just picked up, it can be said to be pitiful.

When they walked under the coconut tree, everyone raised their heads: "That's so high? It must be twenty meters, right?"

"If you have the tools, you can think of a way, but if we have nothing to do, we can only figure out a way to climb the tree. Who of you can climb the tree?"

Gu Jundong's gaze swept across Hong Zhe's body. As for Jiang Chan and Yao Li, he didn't think about it at all.

Looking at such a tall coconut tree, Hong Zhe swallowed his saliva: "I haven't climbed a tree!"

Come on, here comes another one you can't count on. Chang Lei and Gu Jundong were dumbfounded, who should we count on? One day the coconut tree will be in front of you, but there is no way to drink the sweet coconut juice.

Yao Li coughed, "Can I try it?"

"You?" Gu Jundong's eyes swept over Yao Li's thin arms and legs: "You with thin arms and legs, can you climb the tree?"

Yao Li was also a little drummer in her heart: "My family is in the countryside, and I have climbed trees, but I haven't climbed trees for many years, and I don't know if I can climb to the top."

"Then you try, let's think of a solution." Everyone won't really put hope on a little girl like Yao Li, just frowning to find a way.

Yao Li moved her hands and feet, stood still in front of the coconut tree, and then hugged the coconut tree with her hands and her legs were also looped up. With her hands hard, the person went up more than a foot.

There was a smile in Jiang Chan's eyes. I didn't expect Yao Li to have such a handy skill, but it didn't match her sweet appearance at all. After all, no one would have thought that the little fairy who did not eat the fireworks on the screen was so grounded. Angry side.

Yao Li was a little bit weak after going up to more than three meters. The coconut tree was not like other fruit trees. It was bare and there was no point of borrowing. If you think about the top, it is purely relying on the strength of the hands and waist.

"Jiaojiao, I don't have the strength anymore." Unable to hold it, Yao Li asked Jiang Chan for help.

"If you let go, I will catch you. If you slide down with the tree, your leg will hurt." Jiang Chan looked at Yao Li with a serious face. On the island, everyone wears thinner ground. If you slide down, the skin on your legs will be scratched. It is estimated that walking will be a problem tomorrow.

"I'm letting go!" Jiang Chan asked Yao Li to let go. Yao Li really saw the direction and let go and jumped to Jiang Chan's position.

"Be careful!" Hong Zhe and others were blocking Jiang Chan, thinking that there would be a cushion if he fell.

I don't know how many of them stood still behind Jiang Chan, and saw Princess Jiang Chan holding Yao Li, Yao Li held Jiang Chan's neck with a smile of admiration.

"Jiaojiao, you are amazing!" Reluctantly letting go of Jiang Chan's neck, Yao Li jumped down and clapped her hands, frowning imperceptibly.

Jiang Chan took Yao Li's hand, and there were already two shiny blisters on it.

"Go back and pick it out for you, I'll try it." Pushing Yao Li aside, Jiang Chan walked under the coconut tree, looked up at the coconut tree five or six stories high, Jiang Chan vomited in the palm of his hand. After drooling, rubbing again, the whole person stuck to the coconut tree.

"Isn't this to join in the fun? Where can a little girl climb such a high tree?" Wu Ji frowned. Just now Yao Li's lesson from the past is in front of him, is it possible that Jiang Chan can be more powerful than Yao Li?

It was not that he underestimated Jiang Chan, but that the physical strength of girls was inherently weaker than that of boys.

"Is this almost in the middle? This speed is too fast, right?" Hong Zhe raised his head and looked at Jiang Chan who looked like a great ape, his eyes full of amazement.

Girl, is there anything you don’t know about it? Knowing how to go to sea to catch fish, climb trees, and make baskets, you are almost almighty, making them especially useless.

"I said Jiaojiao is great, and she can catch me even if I jump down like that!"

Within two minutes, Jiang Cicada reached the top of the coconut tree, which is a typical red coconut. Jiang Chan hugged the coconut tree with one hand and the coconut with the other hand. As soon as he pulled and turned, one coconut came down.

As long as he sniffs his nose, Jiang Chan knows which coconuts are mature, and the mature coconuts will give off a sweet taste. Jiang Chan stopped only after plucking all the mature coconuts from this tree.

She came down very lightly. When she was about three meters away from the ground, she jumped down neatly, and rolled lightly when she landed.

" are you too good? You picked more than 30 coconuts, so amazing!" Yao Li ran to Jiang Chan, her eyes staring at Jiang Chan.

Jiang Chan rubbed Yao Li's head smoothly: "This is not difficult, I will pick it again when you want to eat it!"

The barrage was already tumultuous: "Look at our Jiaojiao's petting eyes, how sweet!"

"Yao Li is also very good, although she did not climb to the top of the coconut, overall she is better than the boys!"

"Ren Jiao is too almighty, right? Anything! Just ask if there is anything she can't do?"

The coconuts were picked off, and the rest was shipped back. This time everyone did not ask Jiang Chan to intervene. Even Yao Li smiled and hugged three big coconuts.

"Jiaojiao, you see that you can fish again, make baskets, climb trees, and sing. Is there anything you can't do?" On the way, Yao Li turned into a curious baby, Xiaozui He kept talking.

Wonderful book house

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