The latest website: "Yes, when?" Jiang Chan agreed. She was a little bored always staying in the classroom. She hadn't been to the competition class for the first and second grades of high school. Who made her have all the competition experience? ?

"It’s best to study late," Lao Jiang said, frowning: "I guess it’s false to share experience. It’s true that I want you to talk to them. Cicada, you have to pay attention. The teacher flickered away."

"That won't work, Xiao Cicada belongs to all of us, and we also need Xiao Cicada to give us a topic at night."

I don't know when Chen Wei who had touched him suddenly rushed out, Lao Jiang stared, trying to scold people to see Chen Wei run away in a hurry, and then held back his words.

"Then go to the evening self-study next Monday. I will not go to the evening self-study on Saturday. I want to rest."

After calculating the time, Jiang Chan decided next week.

"Yes, I'll talk to those teachers." Lao Jiang nodded, his gaze swept across Jiang Chan, and he frowned, "Eat more usually. Look at the way you look like bean sprouts. Be careful in the future." "

Jiang Chan helplessly said, "Teacher, I am growing my body. I am six meters and six meters tall. I am not a little short, and I will grow again in the future."

"You are seventeen, only one meter six, how tall can you grow in the future?" Lao Jiang stared: "Eat more calcium tablets and exercise more."

"I see, teacher, there is nothing I'm going to do first." Jiang Chan smiled, knowing that Lao Jiang was cold-hearted and caring about her. Although the words are not to your ears, it is bean sprouts and dwarf.

In fact, she is only fifteen years old, and she can grow to 1.6 meters at the age of fifteen. There is still much room for her to grow up in the future. Nothing else is required, at least 1.7 meters, right?

Thinking about this, Jiang Chan slowly walked back to the classroom, and was surrounded by everyone as soon as he entered the classroom.

"Little Cicada, are you going to teach the students in the competition class? Don't you, do you have the heart to abandon us?"

"We are comrades in the same class, Xiao Chan, you can't do that."

"That is, the four classes in the competition class all have their own teachers, Xiao Chan, you can't be too busy, otherwise it will be too hard. It was already very hard in the third year of high school."

"Senior year of high school is not hard for Xiao Chan. What is hard is to go to the competition class, the competition, at the beginning, for the competition, I was hanging on the beam, and I got up earlier than the chickens and slept later than the dogs."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, just share the experience, and it will be fine for a week at most." Jiang Chan smiled: "The teacher in the competition class is so good, why can't it be my turn to give them a lecture."

She just won a gold medal, the students really thought she was omnipotent? In fact, she has been doing tasks these years, and she hasn't even won a professor. It's a pity that she wants to come.

"No matter, if Xiao Chan goes to the competition class to share experience, we will send her there on time, and then pick her back on time, so as not to be snatched away by others."

The Chinese class representative made a fist: "Little cicada belongs to our class!"

"Yes, this proposal is good, and those of their competition class dare not fight with us!"

Jiang Chan couldn't laugh or cry: "Well, you can do it if you like."

She just treated herself as a few more bodyguards, in fact, it didn't affect her at all. If she is not willing to be in the competition class, can others force her to fail?

Regarding the competition class, Jiang Chan carried the ink and entered the bedroom. There is no late self-study in the evening, and she can relax and sleep well. During this time, she is in desperate need to recharge her energy.

Mo Mo lay on Jiang Chan's pillow, accompanied by Jiang Chan's dense breathing, and his sleeping place was very fragrant.

In the early morning, Jiang Chan opened her eyes on time, and the rest of the night made her look radiant. Hearing Jiang Chan's movement, Mo Mo opened his eyes and leaned against Jiang Chan's pillow again, and his head reached Jiang Chan's cheek.

Jiang Chan got up lightly, Mo Mo took a look and continued to fall asleep. My sister is going to wash up and exercise. Meow can still sleep for another time. When Meow wakes up, the delicious food will be brought back by her sister.

The fact is also true, Jiang Chan ran two laps in the playground, and met the old stone of the morning exercise.

"Little Cicada, you rest this afternoon and go home to eat at noon," Lao Shi ran next to Jiang Cicada, as the cold wind was blowing. His face was not flushed or panting, and his physical fitness was particularly good.

"Teacher, I have no good food today. I have a patient on hand, and the situation is still relatively serious." Jiang Chan smiled: "You can tell me to my mother and let her not worry about it. She should rest more and cultivate her energy. Yes."

"Your mother is a person who can't be free," Lao Shi laughed: "Is there any time to go to eat? What kind of patient is it, so anxious?"

"It's not easy to say, he is really serious. His assistant will pick me up at the school gate at noon. Teacher, I really don't have any good fortune today. I'm really sorry."

"Okay, then I won't force you, you little girl should pay attention to yourself, and treat people with a lot of thoughts." Lao Shi touched his head and told Jiang Chan. Nowadays, there are endless medical troubles. Jiang Chan is still a little girl, so she really needs a long snack.

"I know, thank you teacher for your concern."

"By the way, after you went home on Friday, my little Yuanzi obsessed with us asking us to buy him books on Chinese medicine. Last night, he took me to teach him to read, but it was a lot of trouble."

"Then teacher, what books did you buy?" Jiang Chan became curious. He didn't expect that the three-year-old Yuanyuan was so determined. He just didn't know if it was three minutes of popularity or true love.

"Tang Tou Song Jue, Golden Chamber Synopsis, Huang Di Nei Jing, Treatise on Febrile Miscellaneous Diseases, Compendium of Materia Medica, etc. ~ Lao Shi shrugged: "At present we are teaching him to recite Tang Tou Song Jue. I don't know how to read. "

Jiang Chan smiled and said, "There are 320 soup songs in total. If Yuanyuan can memorize it in three months, I can take him to see Mr. Zheng."

"320 poems, which means that you have to memorize nearly a hundred poems a month, and it looks like three to four poems every day." Lao Shi bulged his eyes: "Okay, I don't know if this kid can stick to it."

"Speaking of which, we have to work harder and teach him to recite words." Old Shi sighed as he said, and he didn't know if this kid would be frightened.

"I think Yuanyuan still has a lot of potential in Chinese medicine. It depends on himself, whether he really likes it or is it just a momentary curiosity." Jiang Chan said objectively: "Even if he has the highest talent, if he is not himself Like it, he won't really calm down and learn."

"Traditional Chinese medicine itself is broad and profound. If you want to get started, you must first read these introductory classics. It will inevitably be boring, and many adults may not be patient and persevere."

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