Both parties started their new lives, Gu Hanyuan enjoyed the exclusive treatment of his single nobleman, and Mo Ke worked hard to beat the fierce ghost and improve himself.

After talking to Mo Ke, Jiang Chan concentrated on practicing in the study. At present, she has no plans to try to draw amulets, and she will talk about it after the cultivation base is mentioned.

In the past, Mo Ke didn't dare to sleep, for fear that she would have unknown ghosts as soon as she fell asleep, so Mo Ke made herself gloomy and depressed.

Now that Jiang Chan came over, because of her cultivation, those things didn't dare to approach her at all. In addition, Jiang Chan himself has a huge merit in him, which invisibly shocked the creatures in the dark.

Cultivation is much better than sleeping. Jiang Chan basically only sleeps for two hours a night, and the rest of the time is used for cultivation. Once this person has rested, his energy and spirit will be much better.

Mother Mo originally thought that her daughter was pretending to be strong, but she should actually wash her face in tears in the villa. She had prepared a word to comfort her daughter. How did she know that when she saw a ruddy girl, Mother Mo said a word Can't come out.

Seeing that the girl's spirit is better than any other day, Mom Mo let go of her hanging heart. She glanced around the living room, the curtains opened, and the sunlight poured down the floor in the living room.

Not the gloomy she felt before, but rather warm and comfortable.

"It seems that your master is really reliable. You have a lot of head and feet. You are not like a frightened bird like you used to be." Mother Mo said with a smile.

"Of course, I only practiced for two days. When I practice for another year or two, it's my turn to be afraid of me." Jiang Chan raised his eyebrows and filled a bowl of porridge for Mother Mo.

She didn't deliberately pretend to be Mo Ke, according to her experience, but for all parents who love their son, basically she will fall off in the later stage. After all, she and Mo Ke have completely different temperaments, the key is only when Mo's mother will find out.

Mo's mother didn't think about anything else, only when Mo Ke had just gotten divorced and her temperament changed drastically. She rubbed Jiang Chan's head: "Why don't you come back with me? I don't worry about you being here alone."

Jiang Chan immediately shook his head: "My master is more offensive. If I go back, it will be inconvenient to practice. I will go back to see you and dad when I have time."

"Then you have to practice hard, we don't ask you to be rich and wealthy, as long as you are safe and secure." Mommy Mo didn't do much insistence. At this time, there is nothing more important than her daughter.

"Don't worry about it." Jiang Chan took a big deal. In order not to fall off the horse immediately, it is best for her to keep a little distance from Mom's father and Mo's mother during the past few years, so as to save the other party's random thoughts.

After seeing Mo Ke, Mo's mother let go of her heart. Since Mo Ke is okay here, and it's better than any other day, then she doesn't need to worry about it.

Now she is going to settle the company's affairs with Dad Mo. With the divorce buyout fee paid by Gu Hanyuan, I believe this storm will pass soon.

From a certain level, what Gu Hanyuan did this time was a bit at the risk of others. He started from scratch, even though Dad Mo forced him to marry Mo Ke before, deliberately suppressing him from getting ahead.

But after Mo Ke and Gu Hanyuan got married, Dad Mo gave a lot of support. Now that Mo's father's company is in crisis, it is unlikely that there will be no Gu Hanyuan's handwriting in it.

But what if there is? Could it be that Mo Ke is going to trouble him now? If you have done some things in the first year of junior high school, don't blame others for doing it on the fifteenth year. After all, Mo Jiali was the one who was at the forefront.

Mo Ke's aptitude is really not covered, the cultivation speed is very fast. Jiang Chan's savvy is also extraordinary, she also has martial arts skills, and she is even more swift in her practice.

Speaking of Di Su, it means that she is about to reach someone else on the ground for half a year after one month of cultivation. It's just the introductory stage, and the speed should gradually slow down in the later stage.

At noon that day, Jiang Chan woke up from entering Ding, looking at the talisman paper cinnabar and writing brush piled on the side of the desk, Jiang Chan raised his eyebrows, or try to draw a talisman seal?

Although this kind of talisman seal has been drawn on white paper in the real world, Jiang Chan hasn't tried it on talisman paper, and he doesn't know if it can be made?

Five minutes later, looking at the two exorcism charms placed on the table, Jiang Chan blinked, and the cinnabar on the brush was about to fall: "It's not very difficult. I'll try something else."

When people are interested in doing things, they feel that time passes quickly. By the end of the evening, there were already ten Zhang Fu seals on the desk. There are exorcism talisman, peace talisman, lucky talisman, vajra talisman and so on.

Now Jiang Chan can only only use these four types of talisman seals. There are hundreds of types of talisman seals in the book given by Qingyuan, with various names and various functions, just because her cultivation is still shallow now, and many talisman seals can’t be drawn. That's it.

With these three types of seals, it was enough for Jiang Chan to use. She ran her finger across the two peace charms and a lucky charm on the table. These were for Father Mo and Mother Mo. As a child, the one who should be filial or should be filial.

In other words, she has been cultivating for a month, so she should go out and have a look. This month, she has been practicing behind closed doors, and now it's time to test the results.

Do it when you think of it, look at the weather, if you go back now, you can still catch up with your meal. I made a phone call with Mo's mother and said to go back to dinner in the evening. While listening to the phone, Mo's mother couldn't close her mouth with a smile, and Jiang Chan also evoked a slight smile.

At the time of the divorce, Gu Hanyuan was generous. In addition to this villa, he also left two cars, both of which Gu Hanyuan drove before. Jiang Chan didn't dislike it, and got into a black luxury car. After getting acquainted with the steering wheel, Jiang Chan stepped on the accelerator and left the community.

Because I am practicing now It is a ghost, Jiang Chan, and I can tell at a glance. The old saying goes that there are three fires in the living people, but there are none in the dead. Coupled with the aura of living people, this is also a key point of distinction.

While waiting for the traffic lights, Jiang Chan discovered that there are really not so many ghosts in this world. It's just that Mo Ke, a hapless child, is born with a light character and has double yin and yang eyes, so these rare ghosts basically circle her around.

When the red light passed, Jiang Chan stepped on the gas pedal, leaving behind the exhaust of the grand luxury car. Feeling the joy of joy from Mo Ke's heart, Jiang Chan also smiled.

"Can I come out like this in the future?"

"Of course you can, as long as you don't interrupt your cultivation, you can do whatever you want in the future."

"Very good!"

When Jiang Chan arrived at Mo's father's house, he happened to be back with Mo's father. Seeing Jiang Chan getting out of the car, Mo's father was full of joy, and he didn't know what to do. The trouble of coming to the company was almost solved.

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