Mother Mo swallowed, for Jiang Chan's wealth and wealth: "Koko, did you paint these for you by your master or did you paint them yourself?"

Jiang Chan lied and didn't blink his eyes: "Naturally, my master gave it to me. Now my cultivation base is not at home yet. She gave me these talisman papers for self-defense. I still have a lot of them in the villa."

"That's good. These moms and dads will put them away. Since your dad had this incident last night, I didn't let him go to work today. I feel uneasy about going out without a safety talisman."

Mother Mo quickly folded all kinds of talisman paper and stuffed it into the necklace around her neck. Father Mo did the same, but he stuffed it into the bracelet on her wrist.

If it weren't for worrying about being unsightly, he would have liked to wear ten or eight talisman papers around his neck.

"But it's strange to say that there will be an accident every few months in the place where your father drove. He doesn't usually go there, and I don't know how he came back from there yesterday."

Mom Mo suddenly muttered, her tone full of suspicion.

Dad Mo raised his hand: "I just wanted to come back earlier, so I took a shortcut. How did I know that I encountered this kind of thing? At that time, I also slanted the door, and it felt like my eyes were covered. If I hadn't turned the steering wheel in time, I guess I would have been lying in the hospital by now."

Jiang Chan suddenly raised his eyes, "Have my eyes covered?"

"Isn’t it? I still looked good, but when I got to that section, I couldn’t see anything in front of me. Then I felt my hands burned a bit, but at that time I was about to collide with someone else. Fortunately, the steering wheel hit the ground. In time, it just hit the railing and didn't really hit anyone."

Dad Mo was scared after talking, it was really evil.

"The section of Xinlong Road is really weird. There have been three or five accidents."

"Really?" Jiang Chan raised his eyebrows and made up his mind to take a look. It happened to have been cultivating for a while, so I went there and tested it on the spot to see if I could deal with it.

"Koko, can you stay at home for a few more days when you come back this time? The crisis of your dad's company is completely gone, and you can live at home without you being alone in the villa."

"This..." Jiang Chan hesitated a bit, and Mo's father hurriedly finished the game: "If you miss her, you should go to see her. The child currently focuses on cultivation, and she can come back anytime after she has the ability to protect herself. Isn't that true? ?"

"Yes," Jiang Chan nodded fiercely. She still prefers to be alone quietly. Besides, the shrewd temperament of Mo's father and Mo's mother really live together, and she will find something strange in a few days.

"Well, when you leave, let Madam Zhang cook a few more dishes for you. If you live alone, you can't treat yourself badly."

On the coffee table, a little chuckle: "Sister Rou cooks the best food. Sister Rou cooks."

Mother Mo looked at Jiang Chan and said nothing after she was silent. The expression on her face was quite indescribable. I originally thought that the girl had a hard time, who knew that she had five babysitters, who care about eating and making fun, everything.

"Your life, I am jealous." After holding back for a long time, Mom Mo still said this sentence.

"I just walked a different path from others." Jiang Chan fiddled with Xiao Yi's little hands and feet, Xiao Yi jumped onto Jiang Chan's palm and made various kinds of things on Jiang Chan's palm. action.

"Have your master said, can your eyes be sealed?"

"Why is it sealed? I won't be able to see the cute little one and the other friends after it is sealed." Jiang Chan breathed out, "It's not bad to be like this, it's a gift from heaven."

"If you can protect yourself, it's okay to be like this." Mo's father nodded, "This way you have more choices than your peers."

"Yes, it's a pity that you met your master too late. If you met a few years earlier, you wouldn't have been so hard."

"This kind of thing pays attention to a fate, maybe because I was too hard before, so the genius compensated me for letting me meet the master?"

"I've eaten, today I made the pickled fresh food that Koko likes to eat, and I will pack things up for Koko to take home later." Zhang Ma came out of the kitchen with the soup, her mellow face was full of smiles. .

Jiang Chan stayed at Mo's house until the evening, and when he went home after dinner in the evening, there were big and small bags in the trunk. After leaving the community where the Mo family was located, Jiang Chan turned the steering wheel and drove quietly towards Xinlong Road.

The small paper people were all lying on the back seats. They were all chatting all afternoon. Now the car is very peaceful and they are also starting to rest, but Jiang Chan wonders, do they need to rest?

Xinlong Road is not very lively, and there are not many vehicles coming and going. Maybe it is because this is an accident-prone area, and many people avoid it. After Jiang Chan parked the car, carrying his bag across the body, he casually headed to the intersection where Dad Mo had an accident last night.

There was no one on the huge street, and it looked very deserted. Jiang Chan walked on this empty road alone with his hands in his pockets, looking a little lonely from his back for no reason.

I don't know when, the street has fogged up, and this July night has fogged up, Jiang Chan sneered, didn't he tell her there was a ghost here?

In less than a moment, Jiang Chan was in the vast fog and could not see anything around.

Jiang Chan glanced at him: "Did you come out by yourself or did I get you out?"

After waiting for a few seconds, there was no response at all, Jiang Chan silently took out the ghost charm and threw it out. As soon as the Ghost Expelling Talisman came into contact with the fog, it emitted a golden light, and it ignited spontaneously without wind.

There was a piercing scream in the Jiang Chan frowned: "You are too noisy. If you don't come out again, it's not as simple as a ghost."

The fog gradually dissipated, but another picture appeared in front of Jiang Chan's eyes. On a quiet night, a middle-aged man in his forties wanted to cross the road on a small electric donkey.

The basket of the electric car contains the stewed vegetables he bought on the way from work, including chicken feet, roast duck, etc. I want to add something to everyone.

Originally, he had been optimistic that there was no car passing by in the surrounding roads, and the little eDonkey had just passed by. I did not know that he had just passed through the middle of the road when a small truck galloped out and hit the little eDonkey.

The middle-aged man was hit, bleeding from his orifices on the spot, and after a few convulsions, he left. The only thing left on the ground is the blood stains of the big beach, and the blood and flesh of a place.

Jiang Chan blinked, "Is this how you are? It's too bloody."

What she saw was an unkempt image with blood oozing all over her body and twisted hands and feet. There was still blood oozing from the nose and mouth, and the scalp of the local people was numb.

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