Mo Ke laughed: "Then I'm not welcome, please help me to the car, and then I will treat you to dinner?"

"No problem, but there will be Jin Chi for dinner today, how about another day?"

"Of course, I can invite you to eat Xiaorou's meal if you have time. It's pretty good."

"Then I am looking forward to it."

Talking to Huang Xiao and arriving at Leti, Jin Chi and others haven't arrived yet. Mo Ke raised her cheek and looked at Huang Xiao: "Why are you in that mall? We happened to run into it?"

"That's the mall under my name. Today is exactly the time I went to the mall. I didn't expect to meet you here." Huang Xiao poured a cup of tea to Mo Ke, and Huang Xiao smiled.

"You are a real tyrant." Mo Ke quipped, "Said we haven't seen each other for two years."

"Isn't it? The last time Jin Chi got married, you were a bridesmaid, and you showed up for one day, and then you never saw you again. We can only see your movements from the circle of friends."

"I can't help it. I was busy cultivating before, and I promised others to help find things, but I couldn't relax for a moment." Mo Ke held the cup and said true or false.

"Seeing that you are much more relaxed now, what you want to promise others is done?"

"Of course, now I am debt-free and lighthearted..."

When Jin Chi and Cheng Ye came in, they saw Mo Ke and Huang Xiao talking happily. Huang Xiao, whose eyes were higher than the top, poured tea for Mo Ke, and Jin Chi's eyes were staring.

"Sister Ke, Brother Xiao, when did you come?" After the two sat down, Jin Chi couldn't restrain his curiosity.

"Just arrived, we met in the parking lot." Seeing Jin Chi coming in, Huang Xiao felt that a hundred were not pleasing to the eye. When Jin Chi Cheng Ye came, Mo Ke stopped talking to him, and focused on Cheng Ye.

Seeing Cheng Ye wanted to drink tea, Mo Ke removed the teapot subconsciously: "You should drink boiled water, congratulations."

The second monk Cheng Yezhang couldn't figure it out: "Congratulations to me, what? I'm so thirsty that I won't even give me a sip of tea?"

"I think you are pregnant. Let's quit all the tea and drinks." The waiter called to give Cheng Ye a glass of boiled water, Mo Ke calmly threw down a big thunder, and the young couple Cheng Ye was outside Jiao and Li Nen. .

"Sister Ke, are you serious? I'm going to be a father?" Jin Chi jumped up suddenly, not knowing where to put his hands and feet.

Cheng Ye curled his lips: "You calm down, but Ke Ke, I'm really pregnant? You can't read it wrong, right?"

"If it's wrong, don't you know when you go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow?" Mo Ke picked up his teacup and took a sip.

"It can't be wrong, when do you think Sister Ke will miss it?" Jin Chi already smiled like a fool: "Are you tired? Do you want to vomit? Do you want something sour or spicy?"

Cheng Ye was impatient: "Can you calm down? I am dizzy."

Huang Xiao raised his glass to Jin Chi: "Congratulations."

"I'm so happy, I will go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow."

"What is so happy?" Fu Zhenting opened the door and walked in. There were three other men and a woman with him. Mo Ke's eyes fluctuated when he looked at the woman.

"Zhenting, I'm so happy. Sister Ke just said that Ye Zi was pregnant, so happy."

Jin Chi's big mouth kept talking whenever he saw someone he was familiar with. Hearing that Cheng Ye was pregnant, Fu Zhenting's eyes dimmed a lot, and then he smiled again: "Congratulations, take the time to go to the hospital for an examination."

Knowing about Mo Ke and Gu Hanyuan, Jin Chi did not invite Gu Hanyuan either. Those who came were all good friends of him, Huang Xiao and Fu Zhenting, who were also Jiang Chan's main customers in the past two years.

"Finally, I saw the sister Ke in Jin Chi's mouth. You have been running frequently in the past two years. We couldn't find you to eat if we tried to find it." An elegant-looking man raised his cup at Mo Ke with a special smile. mild.

"Just call me Mo Ke. I have been out there for the past two years, and I will basically be in the city in the future. If there is a treat for dinner, there is time, so you don't want me to be annoying."

"Why then? By the way, Mo Ke, do you have any jade charms on your side? I feel a little strange these days, I'm always weak, and I don't know what's wrong?"

This came with that woman, and the two behaved very intimately, looking sweet.

"There are jade charms, but unfortunately it can't solve your problem." Mo Ke glanced at the other party. Now she knows who the other party is. The new Xiaohua in the circle: "Liu Qian, don't you think?"

Liu Qian's face froze: "Miss Mo is really jokes, Yuen Long is not resting well, is it always my reason?"

Mo Ke no longer said more: "You know if it is or not."

"Ping An Talisman doesn't work for you. I have another jade talisman with a price of one million."

Zong Yuen Long responded: "Yes, I will transfer the money to you now."

After getting the jade talisman, Zong Yuen Lang immediately stuffed it into his pocket. It's strange to say that when he put it on, he felt a lot warmer all over, not as cold as before.

After the greeting, everyone talked about each other, Mo Ke stabbed Huang Xiao in the elbow: "When did Liu Qian meet Zong Yuanlang?"

"It's been a month or two? I don't know the specifics. What's wrong with her?"

Huang Xiao approached Mo Ke, and the two of them were almost holding their heads. From the outsiders' perspective, they were extremely intimate.

"The problem is not small, let me remind your good friend, lest I don't know how I died."

Huang Xiao paused, and secretly remembered the incident to his heart.

"She became popular also very smoothly. It's been a year or so since her debut. She made a big hit TV series, and she looked more beautiful day by day, but she couldn't find evidence of her plastic surgery."

Huang Xiao talked carefully about everything he Mo Ke glanced at Liu Qian, and before the other party noticed it, he took his gaze back.

"Anyway, you should remind Zong Yuen Long to avoid contacting her, she looks very evil."

Being able to be called an evil door by Mo Ke, Huang Xiao suddenly became serious.

"Is Yuen Long's life in danger at the moment?"

"With that jade talisman, he is currently safe and sound. If he takes the jade talisman off, I can't guarantee it later."

Mo Ke shrugged, why did you say that the world was all in one face? No matter how good the outside is, if the inside is a bunch of grass, tut, man, you still have to suffer a loss to know.

Because Mo Ke revealed the reason why Cheng Ye was pregnant, everyone broke up before nine o'clock. Seeing Liu Qian walking away with Zong Yuanlang on his arm, Mo Ke's lips curled up silently.

"She has a strong peach blossom on her body. There are many boyfriends who want to come to her. Your friend Zong Yuen Long should be just one of them."

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