Mo Ke is drinking coffee with Huang Xiao [58fo], the place is near Leti. Since this week, Huang Xiao has always had various reasons to ask her to come out with her, either to watch a movie, or to an exhibition, and so on.

Mo Ke didn't think too much about it, since the others had asked her to go, the other party didn't say anything anyway.

Mo Ke's eyes moved slightly as soon as the jade talisman was triggered. Huang Xiao was keenly aware of the strangeness: "What happened?"

"It seems that I can't enjoy today's dessert, Zong Yuenlang has something wrong." Putting down the coffee cup, Mo Ke stood up: "I want to rush over and take a look."

"It just happens that I have nothing to do this afternoon. I'll go with you." Huang Xiao also stood up. How could he not let Mo Ke go to the risk alone, although he might not be able to help.

"Also, as long as you are not afraid."

As soon as he got in the car, Mo Ke pulled out the compass from his bag. After she made a few gestures, a crooked line appeared on the compass.

"If you drive, I will tell you where to turn." Sitting in the passenger seat holding the compass, Mo Ke told Huang Xiao.

As soon as Huang Xiao stepped on the accelerator, the car galloped out.

"Turn right ahead."

"Turn left after a traffic light."

"Go straight for five kilometers."

"Almost there, turn right at the intersection ahead."

The car finally stopped in front of a villa, watching the security guard want to stop the car, Mo Ke made a few gestures at the window, the security guards didn't seem to see the car and let them go.

The confidentiality of this community is still very good, the elevator can not go at all. Looking at the stairs, Mo Ke stepped up a few steps, followed by Huang Xiao.

"She is on the twenty-sixth floor. Let's hurry up. It is estimated that Zong Yuen Long will soon be unable to hold it."

Mo Ke didn't blush or pant even after reaching the seventh or eighth floors. Huang Xiao has been working out all year round. At this moment, his breath has only become a little quicker.

At Liu Qian's house, watching the cracks gradually appearing on the jade talisman, Zong Yuanlang wanted to cry without tears. He didn't dare to move, the smoke attack became more violent when the smoke screen moved, and the cracks on the jade talisman appeared faster.

"Sister Ke, ancestor, help!"

Zong Yuanlang let out a cry, tears streaming out. He was really scared to death!

Liu Qian sat on the sofa and was indifferent to this scene: "You just yelled and no one came to save you today. You should accept your life obediently, hurry up, lest there will be more dreams at night."

Zong Yuanlang was holding the jade talisman, and suddenly his whole body became stiff. The jade talisman shattered and broke into pieces in his palm.

Now he was crawling around and trying to escape, but it was a pity that Mahogany still followed him like a shadow, and the pink smoke had already touched his front door.

"Sister Ke, help!"

Mo Ke heard this voice as soon as he reached the door. I felt that the connection between myself and Yufu had been completely cut off. Mo Ke's expression changed, and he nodded at Huang Xiao: "You let go."

The next moment, Mo Ke moved his legs and kicked the door open. Huang Xiao touched it suspiciously. The wooden door of pure solid wood was just kicked open like that?

Zong Yuen Long crawled to the door, but he didn't know that before he touched the doorknob, the door was kicked open just like the door frame. It's not Mo Ke who is standing outside?

This time Zong Yuen Long cried with joy: "Sister Ke, you can be regarded as coming. If you come a step late, you won't see me!"

Looking at Zong Yuen Lang, who was holding his thigh and crying with his nose and tears, Mo Ke looked away with disgust: "Rang, hide away!"

Mo Ke said that Yuen Long didn't dare to say anything, and immediately stood by Huang Xiao's side honestly.

"Brother Xiao, why are you here?"

"You're so good? You're a big man." Huang Xiao glanced at Zong Yuanlang, his eyes were about to cry and swell. He was still a little upset, his date with Mo Ke was so disturbed by this kid.

"It's horrible, I'm afraid I can't cry?" Zong Yuanlang twisted his nose, and Huang Xiao handed over a pack of tissues in disgust.

Mo Ke stepped on the door she knocked into the hallway, and at a glance saw the mahogany sign hanging in the hallway. Seeing Mo Ke coming in, Taomu Pai trembled, and the next moment he rushed towards Mo Ke, as if he wanted to absorb her fortune.

Mo Ke understood everything as soon as he saw this mahogany sign.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Mo Ke took out a Heavenly Thunder Talisman from his bag and threw it over.

The Sky Lei Talisman ignited spontaneously without wind, and when it came into contact with the Taomu card, it suddenly cleaved the Taomu card into coke. Liu Qian on the sofa screamed and spit out blood.

"How can you do this? Give me back my mahogany sign! My fortune, my face!"

Liu Qian stared at Mo Ke, her eyes full of resentment and unwillingness. Had it not been for Mo Ke, Zong Yuen Long's fortune would have been hers.

Mo Ke sat down at the door in time: "The things you get from crooked doors are not yours after all. You still have to pay back what you owe to others, so you can do it for yourself."

Seeing that the mahogany card had been chopped into coke, Mo Ke couldn't rest assured, and used another Sky Thunder Talisman. She didn't feel relieved until the mahogany brand was completely reduced to ashes.

As the Taomu sign turned into ashes, Liu Qian's face changed visible to the naked eye. In the past, the gleaming big peach eyes turned into small eyes with single eyelids, the straight nose bridge also turned into a collapsed nose, and there were many more spots and acne on the cheeks.

I originally looked at someone in their twenties, and suddenly seemed to be about twenty years old, and lines began to appear on their faces.

"Although it seems that the fortunes of others you borrowed have become more beautiful, it actually overdrawn your vitality for the next few decades. As for your fortunes borrowed from others, this is the price you should pay. What about your innocent borrower?"

Looking at Liu Qian, who was paralyzed in the living room, Mo Ke walked out of the living room.

Seeing Zong Yuen Long with red eyes like a Mo Ke moved his fingers: "Next time you look at people, don't just look at your face."

"Also, two heavenly thunder symbols, one for one hundred thousand, no price."

"That's necessary, I won't be missing Sister Ke." Zong Yuanlang nodded like smashing garlic: "Sister Ke, that jade talisman is broken, can I buy another one?"

"Yes, one million."

"No problem, sister Ke, my problem has been completely solved, right?" Zong Yuanlang was still a little worried, and asked Mo Ke for some comfort.

"There is no problem now. Liu Qian's affairs are over." He glanced at Zong Yuen Long's face, "As for what you will encounter in the future, who is right?"

Although she was wearing high heels, Mo Ke walked flat, leaving the two big men behind.

Zong Yuanlang was completely relieved now. He sniffed and glanced at Huang Xiao gratefully: "Brother Xiao, thank you for coming to rescue me with Sister Ke."

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