As soon as Father Tang said, Mother Tang nodded, Jiang Chan helplessly: "There are still many opportunities like this in the future. Is it possible that you have to collect every interview and every program? You have to believe in your daughter's strength."

Mother Tang poked her finger: "You can be proud of you! Come over and help me clean the dishes, I have only half washed the dishes."

Tang’s family is full of joy, and Tang’s father and Tang’s mother are in harmony with each other. The Song's house across the door was covered with dark clouds, and Song's mother sat on the side of the sofa with a calm face.

The TV in the living room also shows Jiang Chan's talk show. This is a channel that the Song family often watches, especially this talk show, which is even better for Song's mother.

Seeing Tang Peijun appearing on the TV station during dinner, Song's mother was not too happy. She is also gradually thinking about it now. Since she can't be her own daughter-in-law, she can be a goddaughter.

Besides, Junjun didn't share her relationship with her anymore, and gave her a cervical spine massager a few days ago. So Mother Song basically stared at the talk show for a meal.

Even Song Dad nodded again and again, "Jun Jun, this kid is now promising, and this talk show can be on. Before, it was only those big business men who were able to go on it."

When he saw Jiang Chan in the afternoon, He Miaomiao was upset. Finally, she was soothed by Song Ruizhe and returned to Song's house. Song's mother was also indifferent to her, very polite and alienated, and He Miaomiao couldn't bear it.

It was finally time for dinner and Song's father came back from work, and the Song family became more lively. Who knew that as soon as I turned on the TV, I saw an interview with Tang Peijun. He Miaomiao bit her lip, why is this Tang Peijun so persistent?

Especially when Mama Song and Daddy Song praised each other, He Miaomiao's face seemed to drip with gloomy water. She was so cautious in Song's house that Song Ruizhe's parents praised another girl in front of her.

In particular, this girl is still her self-recognized rival in love, and He Miaomiao's breath is stuck in her heart. She has always done superficial skills, and her temper is also directed at Song Ruizhe, and she won't make faces for Song Dad and Shi mother at this time.

Seeing He Miaomiao's complexion, Song Ruizhe could only make ends meet: "Mom and dad, eat soon. If you don't eat, the food will be cold."

Father Song waved his hand: "You eat yours first. This program will be replayed tomorrow. I have to work tomorrow. Where can I have time to watch it? I'll finish reading this paragraph first."

He Miaomiao bowed her head. This was her first visit to Song's house. As a result, Dad Song would rather watch a talk show than eat with her? Don't you like her?

Mother Song glanced occasionally and saw He Miaomiao biting her lip. Mother Song felt like a mirror in her heart. Watching the talk show had come to an end. She Shi Shiran stood up and said, "Eat first, watch the show later."

Father Song stood up and went to the restaurant: "Xiao He is not restrained here, just as his own home."

At dinner, Song Dad and Song mother did not talk about Tang Peijun again, which also made Song Ruizhe a sigh of relief. He really can’t stand it. No matter who it is, the mention of Tang Peijun is like stepping on He Miaomiao’s tail.

A meal of He Miaomiao is not tasteful. Father Song and Mother Song are trying very hard to find the topic, but He Miaomiao's mind still echoes with Tang Peijun.

Later, Mother Song got tired and didn't say much. Just use your eyes to signal Song Ruizhe, the girl you brought back, take care of yourself.

Song Ruizhe smiled bitterly, this feeling is really bad. The attitude of the parents is already obvious. They do not object, but they do not agree. As for He Miaomiao, he was still worried about Tang Peijun's existence.

In Song Ruizhe's view, he had nothing to do with Tang Peijun, and he still didn't understand why He Miaomiao returned to Tang Peijun so concerned.

After dinner, in order to show, He Miaomiao took the initiative to wash the dishes in the kitchen, and Song Ruizhe accompanied her in the kitchen.

Mother Song poked Father Song a finger: "This meal, I have a bit of stomach cramps, what do you think of Ruizhe? This Xiaohe looks like a little white flower, as if everyone is bullying. She's the same."

Father Song glanced at the kitchen. The petite girl and his son were standing side by side. He sighed: "I'm a bit tactful, forget it, it's Ruizhe's own choice to decide whether to stay with us or not."

Mother Song was not convinced: "The last son I carefully nurtured, finally followed other women?"

Father Song smiled bitterly: "What else can we do? Is it possible to force them to separate? Xiaohe has done nothing wrong at present, and we have no position to do so."

"The more I think about this, the more aggrieved, I can't be a brighter person and be more generous? You didn't see her like that, we just watched a Junjun talk show, as if we did something to sorry her Things are the same."

Mother Song felt more uncomfortable the more she thought about it, and she tried her best not to compare He Miaomiao with Tang Peijun. But the fact is here. She can't let her speak without conscience, saying that she He Miaomiao is better than Tang Peijun, right?

Even if she gave Mother Song another face, she was embarrassed to say that.

"It cares about everything, and what TV I watch? This is a channel we often watch. Even if Junjun is not my daughter-in-law, am I wrong to follow the news reports of juniors?"

Father Song patted her hand: "Okay, that's a thoughtful thing. If you can't get along with her, we will have less contact with her in the future. After all, Ruizhe brought it back. We still have to take care of it."

"I have taken care of as much as possible, what else should I do?" Mother Song rolled her eyes and leaned back on the sofa.

"This hasn't entered the door yet, just like I can see it, I just can't get along with her."

Listening to Song's complaints, Song's father frowned. Since ancient times, he said to marry a wife and marry a virtuous person. To be honest, Song's father didn't understand why his son would like a girl like He Miaomiao.

He tried to find the good points from He Miaomiao, but he didn't see the reason after watching it for a long time.

"Maybe Ruizhe is just like this?" Father Song also sighed. He touched his pocket and wanted to smoke a cigarette. Later, he let go of the idea in a slanderous manner.

"Don't talk about this, in the future, with her here, let's not talk about Junjun less, so as not to cause any trouble to Junjun."

Mother Song murmured: "If you are uncomfortable with our compliments to Junjun, then try hard to make yourself outstanding. If you can't admit the excellence of others, but give others a face, I am really enough. NS."

"You don't want to say a few words, I can see that this Xiaohe is very irritable to Junjun."


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