The final gentleman

Chapter 67 Rat

【Mariano family】

Edmund's family is famous throughout the Fourth Continent. Even Zion has a large mansion and has been developing its own firearms industry.

The firearms produced by the Mariano factory are just like their family culture, which emphasizes 'excellence, speed and lethality'.

While ensuring high quality, every firearm produced by the family sacrifices stability in exchange for the lightness and power of the firearm.

Family members need to undergo strict special firearms training from the age of five. If they cannot fully adapt to the recoil before the age of ten, they will be removed from the family's internal cultivation system and cut off life supplies.

Edmund Mariano

He started practicing firearms with his father when he was five years old, and ended his firearms training early with perfect marks at the age of eight.

Instead, they were sent to a professional training ground under the organization to exercise their physique, reflexes, enemy-killing skills and learn the use of cold weapons.

At the age of thirteen, he was qualified to go hunting. He followed the family gentlemen to clear out the sick in the surrounding area and began to accumulate experience in advance.

Finally, he joined the organization with a score of 86 and received a blue letter, opening the rare profession Gun Swordsman.

≮Professional Characteristics≯

Mastery and Comprehension: When using firearms and swords alternately, the coordinated proficiency of both can be improved. With the improvement of proficiency, basic attributes such as reloading speed, shooting accuracy, sword drawing speed, etc. can be improved. When the proficiency is high enough, it is possible to master special combat skills.

Neural Debugging: When a fixed number of patients are killed with gun and sword coordination, the growth of [Coordination Motorics] value can be accelerated.

Edmund was raised by a noble family and received the training of a gentleman since childhood.

When he first came to the basement of the clinic in the same space and met Mr. Li, a sick and decadent gentleman, his philosophy was impacted.

Edmund was determined to root out such scum.

When Yi Chen first proposed the rat eradication plan, as the captain, he immediately agreed, risking his own life and choosing to stay here.


The plan progressed smoothly to the last moment, and Edmund's long-suppressed anger burst out.

His unimaginable concentration allowed him to achieve headshots and beheadings almost instantly.

Although such a blow to the head does not destroy the pathogenic core in the opponent's body, it may not be able to kill an abnormal patient.

But it can buy enough adjustment time.

Taking advantage of this time, the theater owner completed the splicing of the body.

He turned his head and looked at everyone and Mr. Li on the hospital bed.

Although I really want to stay here and kill this rat with you... However, there seem to be many restless things in the underground palace area outside that want to flow into the ward.

I'll help you stay outside, clean up the debris in the underground palace, and prevent any interference.

Please kill this disgusting rat.

The moon seal between the boss's brows was instantly activated, overflowing with a silver glow... This was the first time he showed his true strength as a moon citizen.

The white suit comes off.

Different styles of arms grow on his back and upper waist and abdomen, corresponding to his own characteristics as an actor.

There are slender arms that favor women, with long pointed nails.

There is an old man's diseased arm, rotten and capable of leaking corrosive acid from between the arms,

The faces of a young woman and an old man also grew on both sides of the boss's head, with different emotional expressions, and they jointly observed the situation on both sides and behind him.


The boss walked out of the ward and closed the door.

Bursts of fighting sounds immediately sounded outside the door.

In order to further reduce the disturbance outside, Juliana also poured all the fuel prepared in advance at the door and lit a fire.

If the rats try to squeeze in through the cracks in the door, most of them will be scorched.

[Camera switching (Yi Chen)]

Yi Chen, on the other hand, maintained a gentlemanly attitude and stepped forward with a smile.

Taking advantage of the moment when Edmund fired the gun to attract Mr. Li's attention,

One of his hands had already been wrapped around his coat, touching the waistband of his trousers behind him... and touching the handle of the axe, whose spine had become hot due to the moonlight.

Draw an ax,

swing arm,

Drawing a nearly circular trajectory in the air, carrying all the power of his body, he accurately chopped the Moon Seal on the side of Mr. Li's neck.


The cutting feeling of the new weapon is completely different...compared to the hard chopping of the hand axe, it is more of a sawing and tearing feeling.

The feeling transmitted to the palm through the handle of the spine is slow and fast, step by step, and rich in layers.

It even gave Yi Chen a vague sense of pleasure.

The slash not only cuts open the neck;

The tear was from the shoulder to the stomach, and Mr. Li's body was cut open in half.


Not only did Yi Chen not relax at all, there was even a hint of panic in his eyes... The sight exposed in front of him shocked his consciousness to a certain extent.

Between Mr. Li’s body that was cut open,

There are no so-called organs or skeletal structures at all, and it cannot even be described using the concept of the human body.

His body cavity was crawling with rats, or a group of living creatures that could barely be called 'rats'.

They stick together to build organs, muscle tissue, and even support structures similar to bones.

Rather than cutting open Mr. Li's body, it is better to say that it opened a [rat's nest].

The crimson eyeballs were staring at the 'outsider' Yi Chen.

Keep your mind still,

Yi Chen still has two things to do next.

1. Grab back the moon skin that Mr. Li has not had time to absorb.

2. Roots grow, trying to find the hidden core of the pathogen among such bodies.

Little Putao also opened his eyes wide and scanned the body cavity.


I just grabbed Moon Skin and before I could put it into my backpack, the inspection of the roots was about to begin.

The rats in Mr. Li's body actually have the intention to gather together quickly.

In an instant,

An instinctive sense of danger swept through his body, and the plants in Yi Chen's body began to tremble.

Edmund's strenuous shouting came from behind:

Danger! Get out of the way!

No hesitation!

The moment he drew his ax, Yi Chen immediately performed a standard and smooth backward roll.


Even though the response speed is already very fast.

But while rolling, he heard the sound of bones being broken.

Hiss~ red liquid sprayed out.

Yi Chen, with red eyes and bulging veins, stared at his left wrist... There was nothing above the wrist, leaving only the wound bitten by the sharp teeth, and some egg-shaped pathogens remaining. wound surface.

The left hand is abolished,

Looking up,

The crack in Mr. Li's body that was split by the ax has been filled by the rats. At the same time, they gathered, assembled, and built a twisted and deformed giant mouth structure, which was chewing happily.

If there had been any hesitation just now, Yi Chen would have been bitten off not just his left palm.

Seeing this scene, Yi Chen gritted his teeth. He was more concerned about another thing than his left hand being eaten.

Oops! Moonskin!

Gulu! Swallow.

This temporarily assembled giant rat mouth has no intention of continuing to attack.

Disassembled into a swarm of rats and returned to the body,

The wounds that were split were repaired together.

Not only that.

The white mice on the floor of the ward are all led by their owners. They carry the bodies of nurses and doctors whose heads were shot and beheaded, and return to Mr. Li's body for use as nutrition.


A beam of moonlight penetrated through the layers of the ground and shot into the ward, shining on Mr. Li.

The pathogenic core hidden in the body is activated,

Silver-haired handstand,

Mr. Li's body gradually separated from the hospital bed and gained a certain degree of freedom.

However, the silver blood vessels extending from the back are still rooted in the ground, and the restrictions have not been completely lifted.

His completely red, crystal-like eyeballs stared at the three people in front of him.

Mice kept crawling out from between the mouth that was torn by laughter,

You... just go back and hand in the mission, isn't it good? Do you have to let me eat you guys?

In order to maintain the continuity of the plot, we will continue to update at 10pm today

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