Chapter 215 What a joke

   Even Lao Jiu came out from the back and turned around a few times, and was a little anxious when he saw that there was no business.

   The owner is generous, he drinks wine every day, and he also expects the pharmacy to stay open for a long time.

   When everyone was restless, a woman came in with a prescription in her hand.

   Zhang Shun got up quickly, "Does the guest want to take medicine?"

The    woman handed the recipe to Zhang Shun.

   Zhang Shun took it, flicked the abacus, and counted it up. If he couldn't remember the price of a few medicines, he shouted, "Pillar, look at the price of keel and oyster."

   Liu Zhu was about to find the two herbs he mentioned, and Jiang Youzhi had already quoted the price.

  Zhang Shun gave him a thumbs-up, played the abacus very quickly, and then said to the woman, "Forty-five cents for one medicine, two hundred and twenty-five cents for five medicines, can the guests order medicines now?"

   It is the rule to quote the medicine first.

   Just because there are too many poor people these days.

   The doctor prescribes ten prescriptions, and he may only have the money for five prescriptions.

   This is the first question to ask.

   The woman hesitated for a moment, "Catch."

   Liu Zhu quickly spread the paper, and Zhang Shun began to pick up the medicine.

  A Tie copied the recipe next to him.

  The woman said strangely: "Why are you copying my recipe?"

  A Tie explained: "Our Renxintang is responsible for the patients, and for all medicines taken from us, we must keep a prescription for inspection."

  The woman stopped talking and looked around at the furnishings in the pharmacy.

   Zhang Shun and Liu Zhu were still a little unfamiliar with which drawer the medicine to be grabbed was placed in. The two of them searched for a while before they grabbed the medicine.

   Zhang Shun ordered the same medicine again in front of the woman, facing Fang Zi.

   One is to check by yourself, and the other is to reassure customers.

   Then Gu Yunjiao said again: "Zhang Shun, the fraction of that five cents was wiped off by this elder sister."

The woman glanced at Gu Yunjiao, not knowing whether it was because she was called elder sister, or because she had spared her five cents, her frown slightly loosened, "Your shop is not bad, the Qilin Hall diagonally opposite, every time Not a penny less!"

   "I'll smash your house to get the medicine later."

   Zhang Shun tied the five herbs together, and then explained to the woman, "There are three taels of **** in this recipe. When you go back to decoct the medicine, remember to add it yourself."

   After the woman left, everyone was a little excited. After all, it was open.

   Then people came in one after another to get medicine.

   After a while, a man covering his stomach came in, "Do you have a doctor here?"

   Zhang Shun pointed towards Gu Yunjiao, "Here, the doctor is there."

  The man was about to walk over there when he saw Gu Yunjiao's footsteps, "Female doctor? Or a little girl?"

   "What are you kidding?"

  Gu Yunjiao didn't say anything, she couldn't catch up on seeing a doctor, so don't watch her if you don't believe her.

   The man turned around and left.

   Zhang Shun sighed and said nothing.

   Then someone came in from outside.

  The person wearing a black brocade robe came in and glanced around, and then landed on Jiang Youzhi, who was sitting in the corner reading a book.

   He walked over and folded his hands, "May I ask if it's Jiang Xiucai?"

  Jiang Youzhi put down the book and got up, "It's down here."

   came and said: "Our lord invites you to the palace."

  Jiang Yuzhi guessed it was about playing chess last time.

   He nodded and explained to Gu Yunjiao, "I'll go there, I don't know when I'll be back, if my mother asks you, just tell her."

  Jiang Youzhi followed the black-clothed guard and got into a carriage.

   The carriage walked for about two quarters of an hour and arrived at the palace.

   (end of this chapter)

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