Chapter 651 News

   Madam Yu smiled and nodded to Lin Shuo, pulled Feng Shuzhen, who was a little dumbfounded, and walked forward.

  The red strip of cloth at the highest point of the treetop fluttered in the wind, with a line of small characters written on it: "May you live in peace and joy".

   After strolling around the Xiangguo Temple all morning, the group of people went home.

   Mrs. Wu returned to the mansion, and the girl handed over an envelope, "It was sent by the palace of Changle County."

   Mrs. Wu raised her brows. She didn't have much contact with the Changle County Prince's Mansion, let alone closeness. Why did she suddenly hand over a letter?

   And the letter was sealed with varnish, but there was no word on the envelope.

   She opened the envelope with doubts. The letter was only a thin page, on which was written a sentence, "The emperor intends to marry Princess Shoukang and the prince."

   Mrs. Wu was furious when she saw it.

  What marriage is given, her son is already engaged!

  She took the letter and walked around the room a few times.

  The palace of Changle County is Queen Zheng's family. Since they handed over this news, it is likely that Queen Zheng revealed it to the palace of the prince.

   Some time ago, Jiaojiao healed the princess' eyes. Perhaps it was for this reason that the prince's mansion sent this letter.

   It seems that Princess Jun really likes Jiaojiao. She gave so many gifts to the doctor last time, and she also revealed this crucial news.

   Well, this must have also been instructed by Empress Zheng.

   Mrs. Wu thought for a while, walked to the door and instructed Lin Qiao, "Send someone to call Grandpa Guo back, and said that there is an urgent matter at home."

  Lin Qiao hurried to the second door and ordered the servant.

   In less than half an hour, the grandfather of the country returned to his residence.

   He strode into the main courtyard and saw Mrs. Wu's appearance in the house, "What's wrong?"

   Mrs. Wu waved her hand, and all the servants went out. She then showed Jiang Zhongxing the letter that she had been holding in her hand, "It was sent by the palace of Changle County."

   After reading it, Jiang Zhongxing lit the candle on the table and burned the letter. He frowned and said, "Why did the emperor suddenly think of marrying Princess Shoukang to Youzhi?"

   "Princess Shoukang is not yet fifteen years old, so you don't need to be in such a hurry to get married, right?"

   He thought for a while, "No, I remember chatting with the emperor once and he said that he would choose a concubine for Princess Shoukang when the spring came."

   Mrs. Wu said: "When was that, when Yuzhi didn't come back, right?"

  Jiang Zhongxing shook his head, "No, after Youzhi came back, it was just a few months ago."

   "Why did the emperor suddenly change his mind?"

   Mrs. Wu said irritably: "What kind of princess she is, in short, I only need Jiaojiao to be my daughter-in-law, you can quickly think of a way, it will be too late when the imperial decree is issued."

   Jiang Zhongxing thought for a while, then strode out, "I'll go to my mother to discuss."

   He suddenly stopped again, "Have you told your son about this?"

   Mrs. Wu shook her head, "Not yet, he can't get involved in this matter."

  Jiang Zhongxing nodded, "Don't tell him first, I'm afraid he won't hold back, I'll go to the princess' mansion."

   Seeing Jiang Zhong walking, Mrs. Wu was a little relieved.

   Jiang Zhongxing soon arrived at the Princess Mansion.

  The eldest princess had just eaten her lunch and was walking around the house to digest her food. In a moment, it was time for her to take a nap.

   heard the servant say that the grandfather of the country is coming, "call him in."

  Jiang Zhongxing came in and sent the servants out, and then told the eldest princess about this.

The eldest princess frowned slightly, "Princess Shoukang is the daughter of Concubine Chen. Could it be that Concubine Chen said something in front of the emperor, and the emperor had this idea?"

   (end of this chapter)

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