"What nonsense, you have a strong body, don't worry about your legs, last time I asked someone to get some good medicine, you can try it later, although it can't be cured all at once, but it can always be relieved- "

"As for Yueyue, you don't have to worry, that girl is smart, I have someone to take care of her, don't say anything about being a drag or not, you must know that Yueyue is the closest to you, if you are gone, she will How sad-"

"Yeah, Yueyue is a good boy with a lot of love. Speaking of which, this kid doesn't look that big, why didn't he go to school? Look at him like this, he doesn't look like a child from a poor family—"

Thinking that the old man didn't want Shen Changlin to worry too much, he changed the subject and asked the young man standing in front of the two.

The old man's words made Shen Changlin also raise his eyebrows. To be honest, he really didn't expect this.

So, he raised his head and looked at Chu Jungu.

"Your father didn't let you learn? Logically speaking, for a young master like you, your family should pay more attention to your studies, right?"

Regarding this point, Chu Jun Gu reached out and touched his chin, and said thoughtfully:

"Maybe I can't support the wall with mud, so my father just trains me from another way?"


His words made Shen Changlin twitch and glance at him suspiciously.

"Are you sure you didn't mean to?"

With his skills, he still can't support the wall with mud? How about being funny?

Besides, if you are so smart and lively, with a brain that can push ten, how can you still learn?

Afraid that you don't want to learn, don't want to learn?

He didn't forget that when we first met, this kid also said that he had just had a fight with his father--

"Tsk, the bear child of the rebellious period—"

After Shen Changlin let out a sigh of relief, he dazed the tobacco pouch in his hand, returned the tobacco pouch to the old man's laughter, stood up and patted his shoulder.

"Let's go, look back at you."

"Okay, be careful."

The old man waved at them, and after watching them go away, he sighed and lowered his head to rub his legs.

It hurts, he thought.

Along the way, Shen Changlin looked at Chu Jungu many times, but every time he was hesitant to say anything, but Chu Xiaohu could calm down and follow him to the train station with a smile, but in the end Shen Changlin held back. Don't stop, cough softly.

"Then what, your family seems to be rich and powerful. You should know a lot of people, right? For example, some famous doctors with good medical skills?"

"You want to show the old man's legs?"

It was no surprise that Chu Xiaohu, who he would bring up, put his hands in his pockets and glanced sideways at him as he walked.

"Yes, the old man was kind to me when he was young, and his leg injury was left on the battlefield. At that time, the hospital asked him to amputate his leg, but he refused, because there is a young granddaughter at home to take care of, we can't beat him, In the end, it has been delayed until now, and it has become more and more serious, and I am afraid that if it continues to be delayed—”


She nodded knowingly.

"Yes, but don't get your hopes up."

That one can make Shen Changlin's eyes light up, but the next one, "But don't hold your hopes too much", made Shen Changlin stunned for a moment.

"What's the meaning?"

"The bullet penetrates the knee mirror and bends directly into the calf bone, and the time is too long. The bullet has rusted and grown into the bone marrow. Although the knee mirror can be replaced, the bone marrow of his calf has been completely necrotic, so it is necessary to Change--"

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