"Master still has a pen account confiscated, won't you let it?"

"What account?"

Qin Liyao, who was stunned by her extremely handsome hand, shone in his eyes and did not regain his senses for a while, but the eyes of the boys and girls following him flashed, and they instantly understood what he meant. .

A few months ago, this person abolished Hutouye in a nightclub and broke the hands of three others, but it all spread among their circles.

And it is said that the culprit is Jiang Xi'an, Qin Xiaoye's cousin.

After the accident, Jiang Xi'an disappeared. They thought that this master had already abandoned people, but they didn't expect Jiang Xi'an to hide in the city. At this moment, they thought they would be **** for tat as before. Two masters, one of them actually bowed his head and called the other Brother Chu?

What does it mean?

Several young girls were shocked.

Did Qin Liyao recognize Chu Jungu, or did the Qin and Chu families reconcile?

But no matter which one is, it is not good news——

Facing Qin Liyao's silly expression, Chu Jun pointed to the red-haired boy hiding behind a few people.

"Jiang Xi'an, it is said that you used the name of Qin Xiaoer to prescribe medicine for your grandfather? You also gave your grandfather the gift of Hutouye?"

! ! ! Grass, I forgot that there is still this stubble!

Qin Liyao's face changed slightly, and he instantly thought of the black hand that this man had done in the nightclub that day!

"That, that—"

"To shut up."

He still wants to deal with it for a second, why is this unfinished cousin also his cousin, can't really let the man open the bud?

But where did he know, he just opened his mouth, and the word 'shut up' was fluttering out in front of him.

It was clear that his tone was not severe, his voice was not ruthless, but also clear and light, with a smile on Yan Yan's face, but he was so stunned that he did not dare to refute it for a while.

Qin Liheng, who was looking at him like this, lowered his eyes.

What kind of virtue is his brother, he knows too much, and because he knows too much, he is a little scared.

Did something happen that he didn't know about?

How could this kid listen to that kid like that?

This doesn't look right, does it?


Brother Chu?


It's not an easy thing to make your own bear child call you brother so obediently?

And when Qin Liyao came back to his senses from the brief stupor, Jiang Xi'an had already been stepped on by Chu Jungu. Let's go!

"……elder brother?"

Qin Liyao was a little dumbfounded, and looked at his brother subconsciously, he wouldn't really care, would he?

But unexpectedly, his brother stood aside with his arms in his arms and raised his chin at him.

"What are you doing here in Qushi?"

"Isn't this a holiday? They said that Qu City is very interesting. There are several large-scale jade farms, so I'll take a look-"

Qin Liyao, who didn't know that the topic had been skewed, chatted with his brother, while Jiang Xi'an stared at Chu Jungu with a slightly changed expression.

"You, you are talking nonsense, I don't have it!"


Chu Xiaohu smiled and stretched out his hand to tap his chin.

"Master Hutou identified the young master of Qi Qiao's second family and the young lady of the Lu family, and Qi Qiao Lu, the three of them first identified Qin Xiaoer, and later said that it was you who opened the mouth, so the master went directly to Qin Xiao. Two confrontation, unfortunately, Qin Xiaoer said he didn't do it, so it's not what you did or who?"


"Tell me, what kind of grudges do you have with you? You want to hurt him like this? I'll make it clear, I'll leave you alive, I can't tell—"

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