The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1243: Please show the son of Fangxiang, who has been reading poetry and books, to everyone.

Chapter 1250 Asks the son of a housekeeper who is full of poetry and books to show everyone a stone lock (seeking subscription and ticketing)

Cheng Chubi coughed dryly and pointed to You Guo Dao.

"If you don't believe me, please demonstrate it."

Deng Chengxin nodded, pouring all the **** slices on the plate into the frying pan with a serious expression on his face.

Then, everyone saw the **** slices in the oil pan being blown into frantic bubbles.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyelids jumped wildly, and they all looked at Cheng Chubi, who had a unicorn arm, with a look of monsters.

Although Li Ke didn't understand how Brother Chu Bi dared to reach into the oil pan to fish out the copper coins.

But seeing Brother Chu Bi's intact, but a little reddish arm, I couldn't help but feel jealous.

I took a look at my right hand of the thin-skinned meat, think about it, forget it, this king is too idle to try.

Monza looked at the **** slices that were rapidly rolling in the frying pan. At this moment, his heart curled up like those slices of ginger.

"I'm waiting for admiration. Cheng Changshi is worthy of being the son of General Cheng. He really deserves to have steel and iron methods. I can't wait as well."

Monza's face was extremely ugly, and he looked into Cheng Chubi's eyes with shock and fear.

I dare to even get out of the pan. The important thing is that he is unharmed except for the red spots on his arm, for fear that this kid is likely to be invulnerable.

If by any chance, if Luzhou Zhuli guilty of his hand, then he will end up, I am afraid it will not be any better than guilty of his father.

After Cheng Chubi took the towel to wipe off the grease from his arm, he hooked his finger towards Fang Jun.


Fang Jun walked up to Cheng Saburo with a dazed expression, before he had time to speak.

Cheng Chubi slapped the sturdy shoulder of the second son of Fang who had abandoned his education and military affairs.

Looking at the group of dumbstruck dumbstruck people, he hehe amused.

"You must have just listened to Cheng's introduction, this is the second son of the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty who has been reading poetry."

"My brother, he likes to stay behind closed doors since he was a child. He is studying poetry and books at home and aspires to be a gentleman who is proficient in the four books and five classics, and writes amazing articles..."

"??" All the Luzhou civil and military, including Li Ke and Fang Jun, looked at this serious nonsense Cheng Saburo with a dumb face.

"Brother Chubi..." Fang Jun shyly wanted to remind Brother Chubi that I have given up my writing to martial arts, okay.

"Don't talk nonsense, listen to me." Cheng Chubi blinked at the kid, and continued to tout Fang Jun's literary talent fiercely.

Then he looked at the dull Luzhou Zhuhu grinned.

"Just now, you Luzhou Zhuhu performed two tricks for us. In return, Cheng also performed one.

But it’s not always good for me to perform alone. In that case, let me, a virtuous brother who has no hands and can open your eyes while studying behind closed doors. "

Cheng Chubi turned his head and shouted at Cheng Fa Chengda who was standing there stupidly.

"Stupefied, I didn't bring the stone lock weighing three hundred jins over."

With a puff, Li Kelian, who was sitting behind the main case, let go of a few dumb farts, and quickly turned his face away.

"!!!" A dry man almost went crazy, looking at the tall and burly Cheng Saburo, and then looking at the second son of Fang who was slightly shorter than him and slightly thinner than him next to him.

Seeing the second son of the room seemed very shy, with a somewhat embarrassed expression of tightness.

I can't believe it, just such a shy fellow, and the second son of Fang, who is a scholar from a family of scholars, you really want to let him play a stone lock.

It's nothing more than playing with stone locks, you actually let him play with a stone lock weighing three hundred jin?

Among the most powerful warriors in Luzhou, Xue Zhou Liao Shoulu can stare blankly at Fang Jun, who is about the same physique as himself.

With this shy-faced little baby, he can actually handle a 300-jin stone lock?

"Brother Chubi, you are cheating me." Fang Jun raised an eyebrow with embarrassment and said unhappily.

Cheng Chubi glared at the boy who was very good at playing stone locks with a black line on his face.

"Fart, let you play three hundred catties, but didn't let you play three hundred sixty catties, can't you still do it?"

"It's not about this. You actually said that I was studying at home every day and memorizing the Four Books and Five Classics. I didn't even read the Analects."

"That's it?" Cheng Chubi had a black line on his face, with countless grooves in his heart, but he really couldn't spit it out. How did this kid turn his mind.

At this time, Cheng Fa, Cheng Da, and two of the Cheng family, who were fat and strong, carried the heavy three-hundred-jin stone lock with two wooden sticks and ropes.

At this moment, the **** slices in the frying pan have been fried, and the frying pan and stove have been lifted down. At any rate, there are more than ten or twenty catties of rapeseed oil, which must not be wasted.

After all, it is oil, so Cheng Chubi specially ordered that the sliced ​​ginger that Deng liked to be used for refining vegetable oil.

Only **** oil that has been refined in this way can become mature oil and can be used to make **** oil.

After all, juggling can also carry out the pre-treatment of oil by the way. This is the life style of the Cheng family, who is diligent and thrifty.


Cheng Chubi took a look at the three-hundred-jin-heavy stone lock that was moved over, his eyes were swept, and he swept past the hustle and bustle, smiling authentically.

"Dear warriors, I don't know who can come and have a try to see if this stone lock is genuine and can weigh three hundred catties."

"Today, so many lords and warriors are gathered here, there should be those who dare to challenge this stuff?"

Seeing Brother Chubi whispering while tapping the stone lock, Fang Jun stood there quite tightly next to him.

The corners of Li Ke's mouth raised happily, okay, what's this called? Demon moth to demon moth? Keke...should it be a trick to a trick?

Anyway, no matter what's right, Brother Chu Bi’s showdown, those gangsters, ha ha...

At this time, more and more liren's eyes were focused on the Luneng who claimed to be the first warrior of the liren.

Seeing more and more eyes look at Neng feels that his face is getting hotter and hotter.

The first warrior of Luzhou, with great strength, captured the tigers and leopards alive, these are the titles that he and Xue Zhouli helped him to blow out.

And he is also very confident that he can bear the title, but now, facing the stone lock weighing three hundred jin, his heart is a bit stubborn.

Maybe what to do, he can't even have the courage to stand up, he can only harden his scalp and step forward.

Towards Cheng Saburo respectfully salute. "Cheng Changshi, he took the liberty of being an official. If you want to give it a try, I also ask Cheng Changshi for permission."

Cheng Chubi smiled and raised his hand, motioning towards Lu Neng.

"It turned out to be the Luzhou Clerk, the first warrior of Luzhou Liaoren. Good job, I also asked Lu Cushishi to open my eyes for me."

Facing the uneasy smile of Cheng Saburo who had just gotten off the frying pan, Lu Neng looked at the huge blue-gray stone lock, his eyes could not help but moist.

(End of this chapter)

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