The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1249: The Luzhou Metropolitan Government will help your states attract investment

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The strong pungent scent was both on the head and refreshing, but the problem was that Lu Nengsheng, who was originally in a bad mood, sneezed Xundi.

He puffed up his eyes unhappily and looked at the confidant who stood aside and blinked.

"Mao Lie, what are you kid doing?"

Because he wiped a little too much, Mao Lie, who couldn't open his eyes, hurriedly said loudly to Lu Neng.

"Boss, what I didn't do, just let those mosquitoes bite badly.

So I thought that the gift from the Metropolitan Government just now contained the essence of mosquito bites, so I wiped it off. "

"Unexpectedly, it really worked. The red envelopes just got out of the bite are almost gone, but the smell is a bit too irritating, and the villain will not feel sleepy at all."

"..." Lu Neng looked at Mao Lie in front of him, and the guy blinked vigorously.

The whole person does not have the laziness of the previous night vigil, and a very energetic posture.

Lu Neng's eyes rolled, and he couldn't help thinking of the Liren brothers who were accompanying him.

Today, being so tossed by the three newly arrived young officials, everyone's morale is low.

The head of my own, should cheer them up, appease them.

Lu Neng strode forward, not far away, not very far.

I heard the sounds of the hustlemen still bragging and farting, and the loud popping noises one after another.

"The big boss is here." The sharp-eyed people hurriedly got up to salute after seeing Lu Neng, and the others also got up to give Lu Neng a salute.

"Everyone has worked hard today." Lu Neng looked at this Xue Zhouli warrior, thinking of himself full of confidence today, planted in the hands of those Han people one after another.

There is really a sense of facelessness facing Jiangdong's elders.

"It's so late, why don't you rest?"

"Big Chief, it's not that we don't want to rest, but there are a lot of mosquitoes here, but we are now in Luzhou City."

"I don't know where to get herbs to smoke the mosquitoes for a while, so I just have a chat here, and if I can't stand it, I just go to sleep."


Hearing this, Lu Neng glanced at the energetic Mao Lie beside him, turned his head and asked.

"...I remember, the Governor's Office, Cheng Changshi, didn't he send some mosquito repellent incense? Why don't you use it."

The gangsters looked around, and finally had the courage to harden the scalp.

"The deputy chiefs said that those might be things that the Han officials wanted to harm us, and they could not be used."

Hearing this, Lu Neng sighed lightly and shook his head slowly.

Although Lu Neng did not study much, he was not bad at being the leader of Xue Zhou.

After giving a few words to Mao Lie, Mao Lie took the big pack of mosquito coils with little effort.

"You can first put on a mosquito coil in a room to try. If you can, then rest early."

"If the chief governor really wants to hurt me, do you still need to use this method?"

With the approval of the big leader, some people hurried to light the mosquito coil, and some people just lit it outside the house.

At first, I didn't feel it, but as the smoke of the mosquito coil gradually diffused, all the lizards were surprised to find out.

The mosquitoes that had been buzzing so disturbingly had no sound anymore.

Not only the location of Xuezhou Liao, but also the residences of many Luzhou Liao people began to light up the mosquito-repellent incense that came from the Metropolitan Du Mansion.

The sound of the original crackling gradually ceased, and soon, more and more grunts began to come and go.

Monza sat in his own room thinking hard after he broke up with Lu Neng.

But after thinking about it, Monza, who was a little hesitant, waited for an unexpected guest.

It was a messenger sent by Cheng Changshi and brought two letters. The content of the first letter is not complicated.

It's very official, and it represents the Luzhou Metropolitan Government Mansion, which means building roads to prevent you from putting a copper plate on each of you.

But you all must not violate the orders of the Metropolitan Government.

The second is that the Metropolitan Government will help you attract investment based on the environment and properties of your localities.

For example, if you Songzhou is rich in camphor trees and bamboo, then you will cooperate with you, the head of Songzhou, to establish a business.

Specializing in the production of camphor and camphor oil, making various bamboo products, helping you sell, and so on.

It is to tell Songzhou Governor Monza that the partner in attracting investment is the Hantang Commercial Bank headquartered in Chang'an.

In another letter, Cheng Saburo directly told Monza as a shareholder of Hantang Commercial Bank.

Hantang Commercial Bank intends to purchase a large amount of Chinese medicinal materials in Songzhou, and the purchase price is listed in the letter in detail.

Looking at the shocking price, Monza couldn't help but hesitate.

Suddenly, I thought of the gift from the Metropolitan Government. After someone brought that gift, it really happened.

The producer of the souvenir was also the Han and Tang firm.

Monza was stunned for a long time before reacting, it turned out that this Han and Tang firm had such a deep connection with that Cheng Changshi.

This is a night that is difficult to sleep, because every head has received similar letters.


In the early morning of the next day, many heads of lion heads all met in front of the Luzhou branch of the Hantang Commercial Bank in Chengdong City, Luzhou.

Already after Cheng Sanlang and others arrived in Luzhou, they had already secretly sold several shops in the most prosperous area of ​​Luzhou, making this an important base for Han and Tang Commercial Banks in southern Shun.

At present, the main business items of Hantang Commercial Bank Luzhou Branch are not many, mainly using daily chemical products, mosquito repellent and mosquito repellent products.

As well as the iron stove and the iron stove corresponding to a variety of high-quality and inexpensive kitchen utensils.

In addition to selling things, it is also mainly based on the purchase of various specialty products from the southern region of Shun.

The beautiful Southwest is originally a huge production area of ​​Chinese medicinal materials for Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine. There are many precious Chinese medicinal materials here.

Whether it is Gastrodia, Eucommia, Panax notoginseng, Dendrobium, Polygonatum, Atractylodes, or Ganoderma lucidum and so on.

After meeting the heads of the prefectures here, they were a little embarrassed to each But fortunately, there are a large number of staff in the Han and Tang Commercial Banks.

Soon these heads were introduced into the VIP guest room, and they began to inquire about each other in detail.

It doesn't matter if the other party is here to purchase, or to sell, or to inquire about the news.

The staff of Hantang Commercial Bank are devoted to the communication work with full enthusiasm.

In this day alone, almost 10,000 packs of mosquito coils, the most affordable and cheap goods, were sold.

Although I don't know what the heads of the monarchs in the various states think, but if you want to come, the monstrous people in each state must be suffering from mosquito bites.

The mosquito-repellent incense burns for a long time, has a low peculiar smell, and is a cheap mosquito repellent that has conquered the husks in just one night.

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