The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1251: If it weren’t for my father to ask me to love the people like a son, believe it or no

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Li Ke looked a little unwillingly at Cheng Saburo who responded with a nonchalant heck.

"Brother Chubi, why are you laughing?"

"I am naturally relieved to laugh. After all, the chief governor finally thought that he should do something serious. How can he not laugh twice and cooperate?"

"Hehe..." Fang Jun, who was next to him, also came up with a horrible humor to show his attachment.

Li Ke couldn't help but feel bad in his heart, touched his upright belly, and stopped doing more activities.

My own belly, I am afraid that within two years, it will be the same English fruit as my father.

Since he was going to go out, the general governor issued an order, approved by the governor of the general governor, and the general army of the general governor accompanied him.

It's done, at least there will be no problems with the procedures. As for the Luzhou civil and military, they can perform their own duties.

Of course, the Metropolitan Government still sent someone to say hello to Luzhou Wenwu, and then ordered a hundred fine rides to accompany.

Just now the Luzhou Metropolitan Government came out, and the local people in Luzhou outside, after seeing this team, pointed towards this side.

"Look, look, look, the three nobles have come out."

"By the way, Aunt Wu, who is the invulnerable Cheng Saburo with a unicorn arm?"

"Didn't you see? The young man of the highest hero, that is, I heard that that day, all those barbarians were in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion."

"It's climbing the knife mountain again, and it's gone through the fire again, and it may be bearable to spread its teeth and claws.

But when he met Cheng Changshi, who dared to put his arms into the hot oil pan to fish for copper coins, he was shocked. "

"It's terrible... The other day, Aunt Zhao, who is next to me, accidentally scalded the hot oil, and a layer of skin fell off this arm."

"No wonder people say that Cheng Saburo is more powerful than his father, General Cheng, and he is invulnerable, especially the right hand, which has the power of a unicorn."

"The power of a unicorn?"

"Ha, you don't know this lady, it's said that someone saw it that day.

After Cheng Changshi's arm reached into the oil pan, a unicorn loomed on his right arm, causing his entire right arm to glow red. "

"You see that there is no shy young official who is shorter than Cheng Saburo. That one is Fang Erlang."

"He is the second son of my grandfather of the Tang Dynasty. That day, the head of Xue Zhou, who was known to be able to fight beasts, compared his strength with him.

What do you guys guess? "

"We are very shy, Fang Erlang, who is a heir to poetry and literature, picked up a 300-jin stone lock, and walked like flying in the big governor's mansion, running around ten laps without breathing."

"Wow... It's so amazing."

"That's not it. I have long heard that our Fang Xiangye has both civil and military skills. We can lift the sword on horse and write when we dismount."

"Otherwise, how could it be possible to be born like such a capable Fang Erlang?"

"Then, what about our newly arrived Metropolitan Governor, His Royal Highness King Wu?"

"Hehe...that day, the brother-in-law of my third aunt's son-in-law was waiting inside, but he saw it at that time."

"Our Royal Highness Wu, don't look at his fine noodles and tender meat, in fact, it's amazing."

"I heard that His Royal Highness Wu is not good at delicacies, and he doesn't like the delicacies of mountains and seas, so he eats mice."

"???" All the gossip neighbourhoods raised their eyes.

"Don't believe me, I heard that Xue Zhou's head, who wanted to embarrass us at the time, gave us three weird ingredients that ordinary people shunned."

"One is the smelly wild boar, the other is the greasy and cold long worm, and the other is the big and fat rat that likes to gnaw on bamboo."

"Ah, is it possible that His Highness King Wu actually eats it? Gosh..."

"Who said no, after our Royal Highness King Wu saw it, he liked it to be radiant.

He even pointed to those big rats who like to eat bamboo and told that Xue Zhou Lu Shou Lu Neng that his favorite delicacy was the thing. "

"It deserves to be the blood of our emperor of Tang Dynasty, who dare to eat even those things that Luzhou people are not happy to eat..."

"..." Cheng Saburo's face was vermilion. God’s unicorn arm, I don’t have that stuff, okay?

What kind of horrible red light appeared on my arm. Lao Tzu was slow to get into the pan. Is it hot?

Even Te Niang's invulnerability, why don't you say that I have three heads and six arms?

"..." Fang Erlang's face was black. The gods rushed around the Metropolitan Governor’s Mansion with a stone lock of three hundred jin. Lao Tzu is not a monster of strange power.

"..." Li Ke touched his handsome face and pulled his face unwillingly.

If it wasn't for my father who wanted me to love the people like a son, believe it or not, I would pick up a big stick and let you nonsense guys see how good this king is.

What a **** is like a rat, I eat bamboo rats! bamboo! mouse!

The faces of the guards next to them were distorted, and one of them was like Te Niang's severe feces and hemorrhoids.

From time to time, there will be dumb fart sounds similar to leaks.

Seeing that Cheng Chubi really wanted to pick up the hot red soldering iron and give each of them a look, and heal their eyes well for them.

Along the way, from the Dudu Mansion to the gate of Luzhou City, all the people of Luzhou who recognized the three of them.

There will be similar gossips whistling and crookedly there, but there are many people who travel to and from Luzhou City.

After seeing the three of them, he also pointed and pointed, and looked terrified.

It adds to the feasibility of this mess of rumors.

After the three of them pulled their faces and finally jumped out of Luzhou City, Li Ke let out a long sigh of breath.

"What the **** is going on, why the people in Luzhou are so broken mouths, they are almost catching up with the Chang'an gang."

"Hey...little brother, I obviously took the stone lock and walked a few steps, how come I got into the mouth of the group of people, and it was arranged like that..."

Fang Jun sighed sadly.

Cheng Chubi, who has the best psychological endurance, has adjusted his mentality.

"Okay, let's pass it as they like, and we can't just clean up these people just because they talk nonsense like this?"

Li Ke thought about, but he frowned again.

"Brother Chubi, if this spreads to Chang'an, do you want the faces of the three of us brothers?"

Cheng Chubi glanced at his right arm that had already returned to its normal color, moved it, and said while feeling the strength of that arm.

"Then what to do, pass it on, as it is said that those who are clear will clear themselves, and those who are muddled will be turbid."

"It's not that our brothers have never been rumored to be messy."

"..." Li Ke and Fang Jun looked at this thick-skinned, solid-faced brother Chu Bi with a black line.

Indeed, when it comes to the thickness of the skin, the two think that they are not as good as Brother Chubi in case.

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