The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1255: Luzhou University, who loves big mice? Ok? ! What is this...

Li Shimin glanced over the two generals who had been entrusted with important tasks by him.

Although Hou Junji has some shortcomings in sex, his military talent is undeniable.

And Qi Fu Heli was born in Longyou, and he is the leader of the Tiele tribe, and he can be regarded as a local snake in Longyou.

"The two Qings, what I can do, I have already done."

"For the rest, we need to rely on the two Qings to work together to raise my arrogance.

Let the countries of the Western Regions understand that anyone who violates my Great Tang, destroys my crops, or harms my people shall be punishable by their country. "

A group of people in the hall, all bowed to the ground with the anger of His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

After everything was discussed and all the people had dispersed, Li Shimin, Li Jing and Fang Xuanling came to the Ganlu Temple to chat.

Looking at Li Jing, who was holding a crutch while looking at his beard and hair, Li Shimin couldn't help but feel a little sigh of authenticity.

"If Qing could be handsome, I wouldn't be so worried."

After sitting down, Li Jing put down the crutches in his hand and patted his leg, quite embarrassed.

"The minister is old, weak and sick, and his legs are really inconvenient. If it is not the case, the minister must try to conquer the minister for your majesty."

Fang Xuanling stroked her long beard with a solemn expression. He didn't say a word. Naturally, he knew exactly what Li Jing's thoughts were, so he didn't point out.

After the pair of kings and ministers whispered and crooked for a while, they saw Zhao Kun walking quickly, with a weird expression in Li Shimin's ear and whispered for a while.

"Luzhou?" Li Shimin raised his head and looked at Zhao Kun in a bit of astonishment.

Zhao Kun nodded with certainty. Now, Li Jing and Fang Xuanling's expressions became serious, and they looked at Li Shimin together.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with Luzhou?" Especially Fang Xuanling, when she thought of her own son in Luzhou, she couldn't help but panic.

Doesn't it have anything to do with Jiro? Although Erlang is not willing to read the Four Books and Five Classics, he is an honest boy anyway.

Li Shimin glanced at the two in front of him, especially when he saw Fang Xuanling's appearance, he knew that he was worried about Fang Erlang.

He motioned towards Zhao Kun. "Go, let him bring things up."

Zhao Kun nodded and walked away quickly, leading an embroidered ambassador into the hall with little effort.

Zhao Kun delivered the folds from the embroidery ambassador to the case table.

Li Shimin took a deep breath and slowly opened this rather thick book...


Fang Xuanling's gaze kept staring at His Majesty's expression, seeming to want to read information from the changes in his expression.

As for Li Jing, it is much easier. Anyway, the boss is working outside, and the second child is now suppressed in Chang'an to take care of her baby, and she has nothing to do with herself.

However, Li Jing was also quite curious in his heart. The trio of demon moths that shook Chang'an had arrived at the land of southern Shun.

Will there be something that makes people laugh and cry again?

I hope that these three boys can do something solid and practical, rather than just fooling around all day long.

Li Shimin looked at the zipper from the embroiderer, and the zipper from the embroiderer would not have any subjective opinions.

They are more like cryptic bystanders and recorders, recording everything they saw and heard.

Only in this way can the emperor of Datang be able to more effectively grasp the truth of the matter.

The embroidered clothes ambassador described what they had observed that His Royal Highness Wu, Cheng Saburo, and Fang Erlang did in Luzhou.

It also recorded the local monk and the common people's comments on the three of them.

After seeing these three young men in Luzhou, Li Ke was responsible for dealing with Luzhou civil and military affairs, while Cheng Chubi was responsible for patrolling the places.

He also led the officials of the Ministry of Industry to conduct surveys of roads in various places in Luzhou, investigate people's conditions, and compile the customs, products, specialties, and needs of each animal into a book.

And has opened a large workshop in Jingnan, called Hantang Commercial Bank Luzhou Cement Factory.

Seeing the prefix of Han and Tang Commercial Banks, Li Shimin's eyelids suddenly jumped, and he couldn't help but subconsciously want to grind his teeth. These three bastards, are they endless?

It seems that you are planning to let the Han and Tang Commercial Banks open all over the counties and counties of Datang.

Nowadays, Hantang Commercial Bank is purchasing large amounts of coal from Changning prefecture, and it is also purchasing various special products from other Jizhou prefectures.

An agreement has been signed with Nengzhou. Nengzhou will cultivate 100,000 mu of rapeseed this year, and Hantang Commercial Bank will purchase 100,000 mu of rapeseed.

And will provide Nengzhou with a large number of farm tools...

Li Shimin was amazed at seeing originally thought that Han and Tang Commercial Banks had taken advantage of the people of Luzhou that day, but now it seems.

On the contrary, it seems that the Han and Tang dynasties are making a lot of money to help those people in Jizhou.

Seeing that your Majesty would gritted his teeth and furrowed his thick eyebrows, he was amazed for a while.

Li Jing and Fang Xuanling are really itchy. What happened to Luzhou? Why are your expressions so vivid and rich, Your Majesty?

They didn’t make them wait too long. Suddenly, Li Shimin’s expression became very exciting and he burst into laughter...

"..." Li Jing and Fang Xuanling's faces turned black. What does this mean? Could it be that the three little dolls are in trouble again?

No, if something happens, your Majesty should be furious, how could he laugh so much.

I saw Li Shimin, who was out of breath laughing, pointing at Zhezi and laughing.

"Shi Cheng Saburo, who dared to make money in a hot oil pan with his bare hands, was unscathed, and the unicorn arm length was inadequate, hahaha...

And, there is this, carrying a thousand catties of heavy objects and wading through the mountains and rivers can still lift the Dingfangdian army...

Li Shimin, who was already laughing so hard that he could not stand up, slapped the case and continued to read.

"Also, Luzhou University who loves to eat big mice? Huh?! What the **** is this?!"

Li Shimin's face turned dark for an instant, and he rubbed his eyes to make sure he was right.

In these casual talks among the people of Luzhou, there are comments about their own English fruit.

It was after Wu Wang Li Ke saw the wild boar, bamboo rat and long worm presented by the Xue Zhou head, he admired it wildly.

He even patted the head of Xue Zhou, and said that the gift you gave was the best fit for the governor...

As a result, I didn’t know what happened, but it was spread more and more distorted by the people of Luzhou.

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