The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1272: Fate is my own, not a joke

   Cheng Chubi glanced over the five people in front of him, and nodded towards Deng Chengxin. "Go, get a pitcher of water."

  With little effort, a pot of water was brought up, and Cheng Chubi began to pour water into the small-necked porcelain bottle vigorously.

   And those small wooden sticks, which seem to be very slender, were filled with water in the slender-necked porcelain bottle, and they did not break.

   The porcelain vase was still hanging motionless in the air. Li Ke watched this scene blankly, before murmured for a long time.

   "This, this is impossible, this must be some kind of magic, or there is a problem with your wooden sticks..."

   Hearing this guy's feudal superstition, Cheng Chubi couldn't help rolling his eyes.

   copied the porcelain bottle filled with water, and handed one of the wooden sticks to Li Ke.

   Li Ke took the thin wooden stick with a slight force, and with a click, the wooden stick broke directly...

   "How about letting a try?" Shangguanyi couldn't help but ask with itchy hands.

   Shangguanyi has a good memory. She remembered the operation steps that Cai Deng liked, and she completed a feat of hanging three small wooden sticks full of water porcelain bottles.

   "This, is this physics?" Li Ke shook his head in disbelief, feeling that the picture in front of him had refreshed his cognition.

   "Yes, this is the mechanics in physics. Many forces acting on the same object are called force systems."

  "The object maintains a balanced state under the action of a force system. This force is called a balanced force system.

   To put it simply, these three seemingly fragile sticks rely on the application of mechanics..."

  "The stretched rope gave the second wooden stick enough squeezing force to ensure the friction between the rope and the wooden stick, and the three wooden sticks formed a stable triangular structure.

   and the state of force balance has been reached. Therefore, only by finding the exact point of force, the porcelain bottle filled with water can be easily lifted. "

   "There is a lot of physics involved here, so I don't need to explain it anymore, mainly for you, it will be more complicated."

  Cheng Chubi's remarks made the imperial examination talents and even Li Ke's complexion not so good, but they couldn't say anything to refute.

   "I will give another simplest example, for example, the tea soup in our tea bowl. Its main ingredient is water, and water has three physical forms."

  "One is liquid, such as tea soup that we can drink, and the other is gaseous.

   You must have seen the white gas that is rising above the hot tea soup. You only need to cover it slightly with your hands, and the water vapor will condense on your hands. "

   "There is also the ice and snow we see in winter, which is another physical form of water, called solid state."


   "How dare you ask Cheng Taichang, what is this chemistry?" Xin Mao will look at the next discipline, that is, the two words chemistry.

   "Chemistry, for you, may be a little abstract, I will give you two simplest examples.

   One is burning. What happens when wood burns, light and heat, is a chemical reaction.

   Also, the soap I gave you before, do you know what it is made of? "

   "Fat is used. If fat is to be turned into soap, it needs to be soaped, and saponification is also a chemical application."

   Cheng Chubi talked about there and gave vivid examples to give this group of imperial examination talents and Li Ke a general understanding of the differences in various disciplines such as chemistry, physics, and nature.

   But after hearing this, Li Ke couldn't help but raise his own question.

   "What's the use of learning these things?"

   "Hehe...Xian brother, you are very good at this question, so I will tell you the house where we live.

   Whether it can be strong and reliable enough, the principles of physics are involved here. "

   "Besides, you still remember the printing machine I built for my brother.

   There are a lot of physics principles involved, which can far exceed the efficiency of manual printing. "

   "As for chemistry, it's even simpler. Without soap, can you make it so white and scented? And why does metal rust? This is also a chemical reaction..."

   "In addition, mathematics is the foundation of all this, whether we are doing business or building buildings, we have to use it."

   "For the simplest example, the range of our Datang bows and arrows and ballistas can also be calculated using physics and mathematics."

   Cheng Chu was very eloquent, and the spit star showed off his talents. Naturally, he was a medical student.

   It was because my science was my strong point and my liberal arts background was a bit poor, so I couldn't learn Chinese medicine.

   However, this allowed Cheng Chubi to be proficient in modern medicine, but at least he did not get rid of mathematics, physics and chemistry.


   On the afternoon of August 16th of the Mid-Autumn Festival of the Ten Years of Zhenguan, Cheng Chubi and several young talents and Wu Wang Li Ke.

   conducted a small-scale scientific knowledge popularization seminar in his small courtyard of the Lu Guo Mansion.

   At the meeting, Cheng Chubi, an outrageously knowledgeable talent of the Tang Dynasty, used a lively teaching method.

   made them understand that compared with Cheng Taichang, their level of knowledge is nothing short of scum.

  It is important that Cheng Chubi links the application of various disciplines to daily production and life.

   let them understand how useful these disciplines are for daily production and life.

   I heard that they had a feeling that they had seen him thoroughly and thoroughly understood how good he was.

   At the end of the day, you discovered that the original understanding of him before coming was so superficial and one-sided.

   Five people sat in the room dumbfounded And at this moment, Cheng Chubi stood with his back facing the door, spitting stars in a spirited spirit.

   The evening sun, through the wide open door, hit Cheng Chubi on the back.

   The five of them seemed to have seen a sage bathed in the sun, with golden brilliance all over his body...

   It turned out that everything in the world, in Cheng Chubi's mouth, will become a reasonable truth.

   seems to have opened a whole new door for them, letting them understand that there are so many things they have seen, seen, and even used.

   contains many disciplines, but ordinary people are just groping and trying.

   never considered the truth behind things.

  "Just like the clothes on our body, whether it is silk thread or cotton linen, each thread needs how thick the diameter is.

   can be woven into a silk that is strong enough and durable, or smooth and thin.

   These knowledge can be used to solve problems..."

   Li Ke stared at Cheng Chubi in a daze, and found sadly that Brother Chubi’s knowledge reserve could be described as a vehicle-mounted bucket.


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