The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1278: Even if I can’t make any money after waiting, I still want to make some...

Li Ke, who had lost so boringly, got up and walked to the door of the room, looking at the sparse rain outside.

The whole person has a feeling that it is about to die out, the misty water vapor, with the swelling of the wind, oncoming.

Not far from the house, the lime yard wall that was newly painted last year was already covered with green moss.

There are also those unknown wild flowers blooming in various colors, welcoming the wet, moist and cold rain and dew.

Li Ke couldn't help sighing and authentic.

"People often say that it is misty and rainy and the scenery of the south of the Yangtze River is no worse than that of the south of the Yangtze River.

But every day is so misty and rainy, I feel like I am about to get moldy. "

"Hey... the winter in the south is already hard, but I didn't expect spring to be so hard."

Cheng Chubi couldn't help but enjoy seeing Li Ke, a handsome northern man with a fine skin and tender flesh.

"This is normal. We are better here. Those mountainous areas to the south of Luzhou, it is true that the sky will not be sunny for three days, and the ground will be flat."

"Somehow, you can see the sun from time to time here, so it's already very comfortable, OK?"

Fang Jun touched his belly, feeling hungry again.

"Two Xiongtai, instead of discussing this, it's better to think about what shall we eat tonight?"

Li Ke nodded in agreement, then turned back and smiled.

"That's true, oh... I want to go out for a stroll, but I don't want to move when I watch such a sky."

"Or, let's have the bacon on the hour tonight?"

"By the way, Brother Chubi, how is your cured ham, when can you eat it?"

"That thing has to be marinated for two or three years. It is too wasteful to eat now, but today you can taste the flavor of cured pork feet."

Cheng Chubi couldn't help but feel a bit painful, but unfortunately this is Luzhou, not Yunnan. The climate in Yunnan is dry and rough, and that is a good place for curing ham.

However, I am the head of the governor of Luzhou, so I can't go to Yunnan to cure ham just because I am stuttering?

Sitting on the edge of the iron stove, Cheng Chubi poured the boiled water that had been placed for a while, and the temperature had dropped slightly, into the white porcelain bowl in front of the three people.

Soon, a quiet tea fragrance began to diffuse.

"It's so fragrant, brother, I can smell this smell, it seems that I feel spring..."

Li Ke is worthy of being the gentleman of Ms. Tianli, and he has to rub his hair when he drinks a sip of tea.

Cheng Chubi waited for the tea to appear bright and pleasant yellow-green before taking a sip from the tea bowl.

I smashed my mouth happily, and I was comfortable. That's what it means to drink tea.


"Brother Chubi, an official from Luzhou, but he always complained to my little brother."

Li Ke sipped his tea and enjoyed it for a while before opening his eyes.

"Complaining that we have been in Luzhou for so long, we have not paid any attention to Luzhou's government affairs except for a few orders of the governor's house."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi suddenly became unhappy.

"What else should I care about? When we came to Luzhou, have we done less?"

"Look at us, it took us less than two years to build a wharf from the south bank of the Yangtze River in Luzhou to Jingnan.

And the road from Jingnan, Changning Prefecture to Luozhou. "

"To the east, all the roads to Nengzhou on Jingnan Road have been completed, and the road to Shunzhou is almost half completed."

"In the next two years at most, we can build the cement official roads throughout Luzhou and make the roads in Luzhou smooth."

"Brother Chubi, don't worry, they say that. I naturally know what their psychology is, little brother."

"After all, many things we did in Luzhou were not done by the Metropolitan Government in person, but by the Luzhou branch of Hantang Commercial Bank."

"This makes them very unhappy, especially seeing that now, Luzhou Zhuhu has become more and more prosperous, but they have done nothing..."

Luzhou officials were unwilling to contribute to road construction at first. Because this road refurbishment was presided over by the Luzhou Metropolitan Government Office.

There are also officials from the Ministry of Industry who are responsible for supervision. In addition, they are building roads without asking for money from those detainees.

Instead, they use the money of the Luzhou Metropolitan Government to spend money, which makes it difficult for them to profit from it.

In addition, the son of a prince, a prime minister, and a son of a general, none of these three young people who are trusted by the emperor is easy to provoke.

Therefore, these Luzhou officials have adopted a let alone attitude.

You do yours, we do ours.

However, their attitude can actually reduce the constraints of the Dadufu Demon Moth The important thing is that Cheng Chubi persuaded the two good brothers to make Hantang Commercial Bank become a business invitation The biggest beneficiary.

Cement factories, various breeding farms, and various production workshops, etc., allow Hantang Commercial Bank Luzhou Branch to obtain a large amount of income.

The Luzhou Branch of the Han and Tang Commercial Banks also provided money to support the Luzhou Metropolitan Government's establishment of Luzhou Mongolian Schools and adult literacy schools in Luzhou Zhuzhizhou.

It can be said that the rapid economic prosperity of Luzhou Metropolitan Government House cannot be separated from the strong support of Hantang Commercial Bank Luzhou Branch.

With the commercial prosperity of Luzhou, a large number of migrants have been brought in, and tax revenue has been increased.

Those Luzhou civil servants were a little unhappy. They originally thought that these three young men would come here for gilding and pat their buttocks away.

But in the end, it made them stare at them. Seeing how Luzhou is now changing three times a year, they couldn't help but start to become anxious.

I can't make money, and I want to make some political achievements anyway, so I come to visit Li Ke, the chief governor of Luzhou frequently.

After all, everyone is considered a gentleman and scholar, and he is not willing to deal with Cheng Saburo's notorious Governor-General Shi.

Naturally, he could only go to the smiling tiger-level His Royal Highness King Wu.


"They just rely on themselves and courageously want to undertake the heavy task of building roads from Luzhou to Rongzhou, Rongzhou, Zizhou, Bazhou and Yuzhou."

"Little brother, I certainly wouldn't agree directly, but I didn't reject them directly.

After all, they are all colleagues. If they want to make a difference, I also think this is a good thing, my brother. "

"In addition, they also want to learn from us, and instead of enlisting civilians for service, they recruit monks to build roads."

"The quality of the project must be checked by the Metropolitan Government and the officials of the Ministry of Industry, and the cost of each mile of road must not be higher than..."

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