The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1288: What kind of pepper is this special lady? It's just a kind of yellow...

Seeing that the stewards of this dry Han and Tang firm gathered here, the stewards of the busy pepper plantation hurried over to see him.

Cheng An returned a gift to the other party, and smiled as he looked at the busy workers here.

"The housekeeper, how is it, how is the harvest, we just came here, but there are a lot of bunches of peppers."

"This is the first harvest after all, and the yield is not high. After one acre of land is harvested and processed, the pepper produced is only 80 kilograms."

"Huh?" Cheng An nodded subconsciously, then raised his head again feeling something was wrong.

"An acre of land, eighty catties?"

"Yes, we tried picking two acres of pepper before, and it has been dried and weighed. It is in the warehouse over there. The total is one hundred and sixty catties."

"That Ethan said that if he had grown peppers in Tianzhu that year, he would have had a good harvest.

One mu of land can yield almost two hundred catties, which can be as short as one hundred fifty or sixty catties. "

"This year is the first year, so the harvest will not be too much, and we will wait one or two years later.

Only then can we enter the harvest year, when the time comes, it will be able to produce almost two hundred catties. "

Cheng An and the other stewards were a little calmer.

The Gu's manager stared at the pepper.

"Ten thousand acres of pepper forest, even if one acre of land can only receive 80 catties of white pepper, that is 800,000 catties."

"Chai remembers that he once bought pepper for the master's family. He bought a catty of pepper and spent eight times. This is 800,000 catties, my mother..."

"It seems that General Chai is rich, and my master is relatively simple. In order to treat my mistress, he made a pot of pepper wine.

Only more than 80 peppers, four to five hundred dollars. "

"We are rich..."

A gang of people in every house and every government can be regarded as sturdy stewards, but at this moment, their eyes are slanted, and the goats are about to go crazy.

"What kind of pepper is this special lady? It's just kind of gold..."

"Everyone, can you calm down, this is our pepper, not someone else's..."

Cheng Anqiang calmly coughed a few times, and turned his head to look at the group of stewards who had already begun to lose control.

Seeing the busy workers on the side looking at this side with strange eyes, they finally woke up.

He quickly picked up the dispatch, and set his posture, as if he had begun to see money as dung.

It's just that the eyeballs are still looking straight at the dark red pepper grains that are washed in the running water.

After Cheng An greeted the steward, the big guys soon followed to the warehouse in a swarm.

At this moment, this huge warehouse seemed extremely empty, with only two large jars inside.

The steward opened one of the jars, motioned everyone to come forward, and saw the pile of peppers in the jar that was already full.

Cheng Ping picked up a few capsules and rubbed them vigorously, then put them under his nose and took a deep breath.

Sure enough, the familiar pepper scent came out, making him sneezes comfortably to the side.

The others are not much better, and the pepper grains in their hands are even reluctant to put them back.

After seeing this scene, Cheng An reluctantly asked the steward to fetch a dozen bags, put a catty for each steward, so that the big guy could take it back and carefully "taste" one or two.

Regardless of whether you take it for food or play, even if you sell it for money, it's a shame to save one or two.


It will take two or three days for the 10,000-mu pepper forest to be harvested completely, but we want to make white pepper completely.

It will take almost two and a half months. After all, there are not many manpower, and the process of making white pepper is relatively cumbersome.

However, Ethan also gave a suggestion that a part of black pepper can be made. The process of making black pepper is much simpler.

"The output of our pepper plantation must be more than one hundred catties."

"But we are really understaffed, so the villain suggested that next year, in February, the pepper has just begun to turn red, and there will be some time before it is fully mature.

Just pick a part and dry it directly to make black pepper. "

"Black pepper, the price of black pepper is much lower than that of white pepper."

"No matter how low it can go, a pound of black pepper is worth four or five pennies in Chang'an. A lot, okay?"

After arguing for a while by the stewards, Cheng An cleared his throat and Everyone, if it is true that pepper can collect more than a million catties next year.

Then we can indeed pick six thousand acres of pepper to make black pepper. "

"After that, the remaining 3,000 acres of pepper plantation will be made into white pepper. In this way, at least the price of white pepper can be maintained without falling too much."

"What do you think?"

"As for the 800,000 catties of white pepper we harvest this year, we will follow the previous agreement.

Take out 10% of the output of the pepper plantation and distribute it to every shareholder.

As for the rest, there can be 720,000 jin, but this amount is a bit too big. One sale can easily cause the price of pepper to drop sharply.

Therefore, we will transport 50,000 catties to the Central Plains every month for the 720,000 catties, and we will continue to increase the transportation volume after the output catches up.

In addition, we can also sell it to the south. As the treasurer said before, Lin Yiguo also has a great demand for pepper.

We can take out a portion of the pepper and discuss it with Lin Yiguo.

See if they are willing to trade some special products, such as the buffalo that Jiaozhou is in short supply now..."

When Cheng An talked about this, his gaze swept over to do business. "Do you have any comments or suggestions on this?"

Everyone shook their heads side to side.

At this moment, I can't wait to get the pepper that belongs to my owner for the first time, and transport it back to Chang'an to show off my credit.

Think about it, when the entire Han and Tang Commercial Bank came south, the amount of pepper that came out was only three thousand seven hundred catties.

But now? It is not in a thousand catties, but in ten thousand catties.

Eighty thousand catties are divided into fifty-two parts, and one part is equivalent to more than fifteen hundred catties.

"Guan Shi, Li thinks that the guards of our pepper farm are still a little bit short, and now the peppers have been harvested and started to be produced."

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