The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1317: Cheng Changshi wiped out all 0 thieves with 1 man, and he was scared to death...

Listening to the description of Achang's saliva and stars flying across, and reading poems and books, the talented Gu clan turned pale.

"These are all you have seen with your own eyes?"

"Yes, Madam, the villain is stupid, but the truth is that the big head is also on the spot. Madam, you will know when you ask the big head."

"Good job, brother Achang, what else can you tell me?"

After A Chang said, and Gu watched A Chang leave, he let out a sigh of relief.

The Gu Zengfang on the side was already delighted with ecstasy. "Well, now, sister, you can finally rest assured."

"Brother Yu said, your husband, Junji, and the natural state, there will definitely be nothing wrong."

Seeing the appearance of the eldest brother, Gu sighed quietly before speaking slowly.

"If there is anything, it's hard to say now."

"Sister, what do you mean by this?"

"Cheng Changshi led his army into Xuezhou, and summoned the Luzhou allies to gather here. There has been no conclusion on how to punish my husband."

"Do you think something is wrong, or is it okay?"

Hearing what Gu said, the tent of Gu was dumbfounded, and sighed helplessly after a long time.

"Is it possible that the fierce Cheng Saburo still wants to kill my brother-in-law?"

"It won't..." Gu raised his hand and stroked his forehead, shook his head surely.

"If it is the capital crime committed by my husband, why has he not captured my husband so far."

"By killing the rebel army and taking down my husband, how can I not dare to come and kill the Xuezhou monk?"

"Wait until the Luzhou all the lizards gathered here, he gave an order..."

"So, the little girl thinks that her life should be fine, but she doesn't know what kind of punishment she will be punished."

Speaking of this, Gu's caressed her pregnant belly lightly and couldn't help sighing lightly.

"Then this, how can this be good?" Gu Zantang suddenly became nervous again, his brows furrowed.

"Brother, better go and help first. In any case, don't neglect Cheng Changshi and the heads of the prefectures."

"Okay, but I'm going, sister, your side."

"Don't worry, elder brother, my husband has no worries about life, what else can I worry about my younger sister."

"Yes, yes, that's reasonable, let's say goodbye to my brother."


From Luzhou to Zhulianzhou, all the official cement roads have been completed, so now there are also post stations.

According to the Tang system, the news of Cheng Changshi's victory in Xuezhou at one station of thirty miles, was copied by Wang Lang and reported to Luzhou as quickly as possible.

In the city of Luzhou, Li Ke and Fang Jun are sitting in the room, and they are also a little unsure.

After all, they are all too young. I originally thought that everything in Luzhou, I waited for someone to come, just like Cheng Saburo said.

Engaged in economic poverty alleviation, by the way, made some money, and after three or five years of stability, he returned to Chang'an.

But as a result, at the moment, that Xuezhou Liren suddenly jumped out to kill and arson and clamor for rebellion, which immediately made people feel unprepared.

Fortunately, Cheng Chubi decisively led more than a thousand elites to leave, which made Li Ke and Fang Jun feel a little more at ease.

However, after Cheng Chubi left, no news came back, making the brothers feel a little sleepy and sleepy.

Li Ke couldn't help but slapped the case a few times, quite embarrassingly authentic.

"Hey, it would be fine if I knew that little brother, I would go with Brother Chu Bi, and save the present, without knowing anything..."

Fang Jun sipped a sip of tea and nodded with deep conviction.

"Yes, or else, brother, I will bring some people to meet Brother Chubi?"

Li Ke glanced at Fang Jun, thought about it, and shook his head.

"No, now Brother Chu Bi has acted alone. Let's separate again. If something happens again, how should we take care of it?"

Fang Jun nodded helplessly, and couldn't help but become angry again.

"That's true, those gangsters are really shameless."

"For Luzhou and Luzhou Zhulian, how much we put in our thoughts, and how much money we spent."

"This makes the life of the people in Luzhou become prosperous, who would have expected it."

"Those people from Xuezhou are so insatiable that they actually killed the shopkeeper of our Han and Tang firms."

Li Ke smiled coldly, gloomily and authentically.

"That Bai Xian, brother, I met several times when I was in the Luzhou branch of the Hantang Commercial Bank. He is a clever person."

"But he was killed by Xue Zhou Liren, but I believe that Brother Chu Bi must have a way to recover this blood debt."

"By the How are you preparing for Hantang Commercial Bank?"

"Don't worry about De brother, after you told him that day, my little brother had already gone to the Luzhou branch to say hello."

"Everyone is treated the same, and each person has 50 pensions. If there are children in the family, they will give money and money every month until the children reach adulthood."

"If anyone is willing to join Hantang Commercial Bank to do business, priority will be given to employment."

"It's done well. Our Hantang Commercial Bank is now getting bigger and bigger. It's not enough to rely on people from each house and government. We can only recruit people from all over the world."

"As long as you can type a sample in this Luzhou branch, if there is any accident in other places in the future, there will be rules to follow."

Just when the two were chatting in a low voice while drinking tea.

Outside the south gate of Luzhou City, a scream of hooves came, and the defenders who had already closed the gate couldn't help but get up and look down.

The people below rushed forward, igniting the tinder, and illuminating the flag on the back by the reflection of the fire.

"Five hundred miles hastened a victory. Cheng Changshi has settled the Xuezhou Liao battle and won a big victory... You opened the gates at a constant speed."

After seeing the banner clearly, the leader of the gatekeeper hurriedly called out loudly, and he quickly led a few soldiers to rush to the bottom of the city gate.

When the messenger entered the city gate, he checked the seal while inquiring about the situation curiously.

The messenger was panting, his face full of authentic expression.

"Cheng Changshi's hands alone wiped out hundreds of thieves, and frightened the thieves to death. The Luge, who is known as the second warrior of Luzhou..."

"Okay, let me quickly, I have to go to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion to send a message!"

A group of guards hurriedly stepped away, watching the messenger call to walk away quickly, and several people looked at each other.

"Cheng Changshi wiped out hundreds of thieves by himself? Is it that exaggeration..."

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