The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1340: The one I used today has never been contaminated with farmyard manure

At first, Cheng Chubi wanted to do excavation. Later, considering that the cost was too high, the important problem was that.

Cheng Chubi is very worried, what if a cave dwelling collapses after being excavated? Fortunately, he suddenly thought of a town leader who had been to the Maotai Distillery and wine kiln to show off triumphantly.

The old wine kilns of Moutai Distillery are built with stones and covered with thick yellow mud.

He also talked about the topic most talked about by the staff of Moutai Distillery at that time.

That is the respected prime minister back then, once wanted to build a new winery, and even dug the yellow mud from the old wine kiln.

As a result, the taste of foreign wine was still not brewed, so Cheng Chubi changed his approach.

The stone trough is also pushed through with stone bricks, and the yellow mud dug in Shunzhou is used to pick up impurities to seal it to prevent wine from seeping.

Cheng Chubi took a step forward and touched the yellow mud on the cement cover. Well, it was very moist and slippery.

"Cheng Changshi, don't worry, every month, Lao Yu will bring his apprentices to check it out, just because he is worried that there will be problems with these seals."

"Fortunately, this cave is rich in moisture, and the sealing mud has always been kept moist."

Cheng Chubi nodded in satisfaction. At this moment, the people beside him took a deep breath.

Can't help muttering a word in a low voice. "Really, there are nearly 10,000 catties of fine wine hidden here, but you can't smell the slightest taste of wine."

This old man named Zhedu, who is still Zheguang's grand uncle, smiled and stroked the long beard.

"That's because the sealing work is done well, otherwise, these fine wines, after more than a year, I am afraid that all of them will have evaporated long ago."

"Cheng Changshi, look at..."

"Where are the wine fetching tools, let them quickly get them." Cheng Chubi began to pick up his clothes and roll his sleeves, preparing to use it himself.

"Good Cheng Changshi, but how much do you want to take today?"

"Take three hundred catties."

"Three hundred catties?!"

"Is there a problem?"

"No problem, Cheng Changshi, wait a moment, the villain will let them get the bucket."

Someone hurriedly picked up a pair of big wooden barrels with lids and handed them to Cheng Chubi...

It is the kind of scoop that is very common in the beautiful countryside of the Great Southwest. For example, the farmer uncle will use it when applying farmyard manure.

It is a small wooden barrel tied to a long bamboo pole. Of course, the one used today has never been contaminated with farmyard manure.

First, someone carefully wiped off the wet mud, and then peeled off the oily paper that was sealing the periphery of the cement board.

Cheng Chubi raised his hand, Cheng Fa Chengda also jumped forward, and together with the workers in the brewery began to take hemp rope through the iron rings.

Then seven or eight people worked hard together, and the moment the cement board was lifted, a mellow aroma of wine, like an orchid blooming in the empty valley, was born out of thin air.

Then, Cheng Chubi took a deep breath, um, there was a sound of inhalation around his ears, and almost everyone took a deep breath in unison.

After Li Ke took a deep breath, his eyes widened, and he swallowed.

"It's so fragrant...Brother Chubi, this smell, the younger brother thinks, it seems that it's different from the smell of the newly steamed wine..."

Fang Jun craned his neck hard, wishing to plunge his head directly into the wine pool.

"Yeah, yeah, I also think the smell of this wine is very comfortable, Brother Chubi, hurry up and let the little brother taste it first..."

The two guys buzzed like two flies, and Cheng Chubi almost unwillingly wanted to pick up the dung spoon as a fly swatter.

But considering this shit...Bah! This wine spoon is still new, and it's unsightly with the blood of two flies.

He was worried about the large number of idle people on the left and right, and could only barely give these two guys face, dry and honest.

"His Royal Highness, Fang Dianjun, please be patient and wait for you. You will surely make the two of you full of wine in a while."


When the cement cover was finally half-opened, by the light of the candle, Cheng Chubi saw the wine in the pool, rippling slightly.

The yellow mud in the pool did not dissolve into the wine, but perfectly covered the walls and below, which made Cheng Chubi secretly relieved.

Then he took a deep breath, and now the aroma of this fine wine has completely lost the nose-rushing smell that it had steamed out at the beginning.

It made people feel mellow. Cheng Chubi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, picked up the wine spoon, and started to scoop the wine into the wooden barrel with the lid and poured into the transparent wine. In a wooden barrel, beautiful hops from millet grains to sorghum grains appeared in an instant.

According to Cheng Chubi’s long-standing experience in later generations, the appearance of such hops of nearly uniform size means that this is a good wine, rather than a poor quality wine mixed with messy things.

A spoonful of spoonfuls was good, and with little effort, the two barrels were already full, and two more barrels were moved over.

Wait until the six vats that can hold about fifty or sixty catties are full. Two people carried a pole and went out carefully.

And the cement cover was covered again, sealed again with oil paper, and then wiped tightly with yellow mud.

There are many such wine tanks in it, but there is no need to take the wine one by one. After all, this first batch of wine will continue to be kiln for three years, and will be divided into jars and kept in kiln after three years.


When the six barrels of wine were carried to the largest room, everyone took a deep breath frequently there.

Talking about it, discussing this attractive aroma.

Only at this time, the heads of the other three wineries continued to maintain an expression like this.

But the appearance of them inhaling frequently in secret has exposed their inner uncertainty.

After all, the aroma of this wine is much better than what they had smelled before, the essence of wine that Cheng Changshi gave them.

And it is more mellow than freshly steamed wine.

Cheng Chubi didn’t start it at the first time. Instead, people brought jars. Each jar was small and could hold about ten catties of fine wine. The outside of the jar was made of bamboo strips.成的Buffer layer.

Pursing his mouth, he carefully picked up this beautiful little wine glass, first took a deep sniff, and then slowly raised his neck, letting the wine enter the throat...

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