The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1343: Tell your family's history of white thorns, Cheng Mou came to visit today...

A solid community of interests can only be described when everyone has benefits to earn.

Moreover, with the help of these local snakes, the various commercial activities of Hantang Commercial Bank can be carried out quickly.

But before, the Ning Shishi from Quzhou had said that the White Thornshi was very strong in Rongzhou.

The surrounding Jilinzhou all regarded him as his head, and as long as he could move him, it would be easy to handle.

While galloping, Cheng Chubi considered what kind of language he should use to convince the white thorn.

Hearing what Nanning said, this white thorn history is rather rebellious, and I don't know if it is true or not, let's take it seriously.

Cheng Chubi immersed his head in deep thought while rushing on the road, while the artisans and people behind took strides and walked vigorously.

Cheng Jie was bragging with Cheng Fa, Cheng Da and other members of the Cheng family, except for the twenty Cheng family soldiers.

There were still thirty elite Tang troops who accompanied him, and they also seemed very relaxed.

Also, such an elite team, coupled with Cheng Changshi's terrible notoriety, who would be willing to make trouble?

After going out the mountain trail and coming to the official road, the sky finally cleared up.

Cheng Chubi immediately refreshed, took off the hat from his head, and narrowed his eyes comfortably.

It has been raining for several days in a row, and it feels like people are about to get moldy, and finally it's sunny.

At this moment, Xunzhou City also faintly finally showed its outline at the end of the official road.

A group of people waited to quicken their pace, and walked for almost half an hour before they arrived outside the city of Xunzhou.

It's just that Cheng Chubi and others are still a mile away from the city of Xunzhou, and this large-scale team has already been seen in the city.

But this team actually came from the south, not from the direction of Rongzhou.


Moreover, everyone wore a suit and hat, and apart from the seemingly taller rider, there was nothing to distinguish one's identity.

Who knows if it is the southern monks who are at odds with the Xunzhou monarchs, thinking about this, the Xunzhou little monarch who is in charge of city defense hurriedly shouted loudly.

Let the veterans on the city defense cheer up their spirits, but after he got off the city, he drew on two hundred brave Xunzhou veterans and came to the gate of the city.

Urging those Xunzhou monks who set up stalls outside the city to enter the city quickly.

"What are they doing?" Cheng Chubi saw a nervous atmosphere suddenly appeared in the low city not far away.

Even a group of soldiers with spears and bamboo armour ran out from the city. They couldn't help being a little confused.

Lieutenant Tang Jun slapped his head and quickly yelled twice.

The two flag bearers reached into the package, took out the wet flag and tied it to the flagpole in their hands, and then raised the flag.

This kind of wet cloth flag can't be raised at all, so the flagpole has a horizontal branch, similar to the shape of a Ge.

After being erected, one side is the big flag of Tang and the other is the flag of Cheng.

The little head Bailiu saw the flag raised up, but he recognized the Tang character flag with beautiful patterns.

That means this is an official of the court. As for the Cheng Ziqi, there is no official surnamed Cheng nearby. Could it be that Cheng Chubi from Luzhou came to Xunzhou?

The school lieutenant rushed out first and went to negotiate with the little head of Xunzhou.

"Luzhou Metropolitan Governor Cheng Changshi is here to visit the history of white thorns in Xunzhou, you can live with the history of white thorns."

"Cheng, the long history of Cheng in Luzhou?" Xiao Shou Bai Liu subconsciously craned his neck and looked over.

On the back of a tall horse, is a young man with a tall physique.

The other party had already taken off the hat, even if he was just a piece of clothing, he still looked heroic and his eyes were like electricity.

A dry soldier of Xunzhou Liao heard the five words of Luzhou Cheng Changshi, and he took a breath in an instant.

Thinking of the chilling rumors about this Cheng Changshi, the faces of the soldiers tended to turn pale.

"Who are you?" Cheng Chubi was already riding his horse, looking at the dumb little head, and grinning at him.

Seeing Cheng Chubi's sharply exposed teeth that seemed to be shining with cold light, the group of soldiers behind the small head Bailiu fought a cold battle neatly. I was so scared. I heard that when Cheng Changshi was angry. Can eat people's brains.

Out of the corner of Cheng Chubi's eyes, he saw the performance of the gang of soldiers. He was very helpless and could only pretend not to see it.

Although Bai Liu, who can be selected as the leader, is also very nervous, he still hardened his scalp and respectfully said to Cheng Chubi.

"The villain is Xunzhou catching his head. By the order of my governor, he is here to guard."

"Can your governor be here?"

"Yes, my governor won a boy in his early forties, and today is celebrating the birthday party."

"Oh? It's actually having a banquet... Well, well, it's a good time for Cheng to hit it today."

"Go, tell your family's history of white thorns, Cheng Mou specially came to visit him today."

Then, Cheng Chubi saw the little head and Bailiu agreed and ran away. As a result, the soldiers behind the buttocks did not hesitate to follow the little head and rush towards the city...

Cheng Saburo and the lieutenant stood in place blankly.


In Xunzhou Provincial Governor's Mansion, Nicholas Shih was sitting on the main hall, smiling and toasting frequently, inviting drinks to the Jishi Provincial Governors who came to congratulate him.

Today is a good day for his eldest son to reach his first birthday. He, who is already over 40 years old, married four concubines, and all of them gave birth to daughters.

This is really worrying about the history of the Whitethorn. Xunzhou can be regarded as the most powerful Jizhou in the central and southern part of Rongzhou.

There are a total of two thousand soldiers under his command, and the surrounding areas, whether it is Tongzhou, Langchuan Prefecture, Chengzhou, and Jingzhou, are faintly respected by the history of white thorns.

It can be regarded as a tyrant in central and southern Rongzhou. He is already forty years old, but Nuo Da has no son in his family.

This made the White Thorns very anxious. Fortunately, God opened his eyes and finally gave birth to a boy. For this reason, the White Thorns called for friends.

Not only the provincial governors from the above four states have come, but also Zongzhou, Lianzhou, and Gaozhou in the east, and Xiezhou and Quzhou in the south to congratulate them.

"Bayan, if you don't talk, no one thinks you are dumb. When Lao Tzu Ningduo was carrying a knife to kill, you were still sucking."

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