The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1376: But it will harm the imperial court’s...

Cheng Chubi watched the sloppy prince in front of him express his wishes, and drank his tea.

Although Li Ke had selfish motives, he was not a ignorant person. At this time, the people who had been subjected to Shezhao had already left.

The rest are his own, so Li Ke's words are not meant to show himself in front of the little sister.

It is also expounding a truth. If Datang did not pay attention to the replacement of Meng Shezhao, this would be the most labor-saving way.

But there is a problem. In the future, who will be as obedient as the Zhang clan?

Although Cheng Chubi didn't know who the Xinuluo was, Cheng Chubi remembered that it seemed that Li Ji had never entered Shu as the governor of Jiannan Dao in history.

Li Ke's stray goods also appeared here because of his own reasons.

Therefore, if you continue to develop according to the original history, I am afraid that Xinuluo is likely to be the future Lord of Nanzhao.

With such consideration, Cheng Chubi was not happy, ah, not happy that Datang let the Xi Nuluo jump onto the front desk and replaced him with Zhang.

The land of Yaozhou must be the territory of Datang. How could it be possible for the tribes under the rule to recklessly establish themselves as kings?

Therefore, Cheng Chubi absolutely does not want such a thing to happen.

At this moment, Li Ke spit on the stars and talked wildly for a long time, but saw that the old driver, Li Ji, was still silent, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

I couldn't help feeling a little anxious in my heart. I glanced away and saw the old **** sipping tea soup and looking like Brother Chubi who was sipping off Laozi.

Can't help coughing twice, Chong Cheng Saburo winks frequently, and Cheng Chubi first casts a glance.

Li Ke took advantage of Li Ji's head down in contemplation, and hurriedly made a gesture to Brother Chubi, and Cheng Chubi took advantage of the momentum.

"In fact, I also think what His Highness said is very reasonable. The Zhang family has always been respectful to the court, if the court sits idly by."

"Then in the future, it will be very unfavorable for the imperial court to control the many Jizhou Prefectures of Jiannan Road, so I ask my uncle to think twice."

Seeing that Cheng Chubi was also on Li Ke's side, Li Ji finally lifted his eyelids, turned his eyes, and looked at Ren Yaxiang and Fang Jun who had been silent over there.

Fang Jun directly said loudly. "I also think the two elder brothers are justified."

Li Ji rolled his eyes and ignored the goods, but lifted his chin toward Ren Yaxiang.

Ren Yaxiang stood up and gave a salute to Li Ji, which was prudent and authentic.

"The lower officials felt that if the court ignored this, it would not damage the court's manpower and material resources.

However, it will damage the prestige of the court in the many jail states of Jiannan Road, and it is indeed not conducive to the court's control and governance of these places in the future. "

Li Ji raised his eyebrows, squinted his eyes, and kept beating on the case table with his fingers.

In the end, Li Ji stood up after taking a shot. "What you said, the old man also thought it was reasonable."

"The edicts of the Erhai Lake should indeed be dealt with first. That Zhang Lejin asked this emperor's request. The old man felt that since the six edicts of the Erhai Lake were to be treated first, the imperial court must be fair to him in this matter."

Hearing Li Ji's conclusion, Cheng Chubi took a breath, but Li Ke was overjoyed.

Although the intentions are different, but at least the two people have the same purpose. If Li Ji, the old yin, can make a conclusion on the matter, it will be easy to handle.

The next day, Li Ji did not go to the military camp again, but began to carefully plan how to deal with the six edicts of the Erhai Lake.

Under Li Ji's instruction, Zhang Lejin was also summoned to comfort him.

Let him rush back to Yaozhou first, and after letting him go back, he will wait with peace of mind for the appearance of the governor of Datang Jiannan Road.

And also asked him to bring a letter to Yaozhou Provincial Governor, let Yaozhou Provincial Governor try his best to help Zhang Lejin seek to stabilize the situation in Meng Shezhao first.

Zhang Lejin took over the handwritten calligraphy of Li Ji with gratitude, and promised again and again that Zhang's lineage would definitely remember the grace of the court for generations and never forget it.

Li Ji helped Zhang Le Jinqiu, and smiled comfortingly.

"Okay, please get up soon. Lord Zhang Zhao is going here. The journey is far away. You need to be more careful along the way."

"When you enter Yaozhou, if Mengshezhao changes, then please don't take the risk lightly and stay in Yaozhou for assistance."

Zhang Lejin nodded vigorously, and replied solemnly.

"Thank you for the advice of Marshal Li, he must follow his orders and dare not violate it."

Just when Zhang Lejinqiu turned around and wanted to leave, he saw the girl Garan cough and cast her eyes.

Zhang Lejin couldn't help but hesitated, gritted his teeth, turned around and turned towards Li Jidao.

"When the commander comes to the, we can’t live without a guide, little girl Garan, and Gu Ye’s help. The two of them can stay and lead the way for the commander.

"This..." Li Ji hesitated, of course, and Li Ke directly interrupted.

"Marshal, since this is Zhang Zhao's good intentions, let them stay in Luzhou and wait for the army. At that time, having a guide will also be conducive to the march."

"If that's the case, then there are two of you."

There was a bright smile on Zhang Jialan's face, and he turned towards Li Ji.

"Dare not, it is a blessing for a little girl to be able to do things for the commander and the court."

Just when he was speaking, a pair of eyebrows floated towards Li Ke, His Royal Highness Wu.


When he left the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, Zhang Lejinqiu couldn't help but glared at his beloved daughter Garan.

I saw Kalan's blushing pretty face drooping down, and she pulled the corner of her clothes away from her pretty face.

Zhang Lejin sighed helplessly. "Galan, the son of the emperor of Tang Dynasty, already has a wife..."

Although Zhang Jialan lowered his head, he couldn't help but muttered a little.

"Daddy, don't you have several women besides A-niang."

"??" Zhang Lejin begged that the whole person was ill, and looked at the girl with a black line. What do you mean, is it okay to expose his own father's shortness?

He turned his head sharply. Fortunately, at this moment, a group of confidants knew that their father and daughter had something to say, and they all hid away.

"You girl, your wings are hard, right?!"

"Daddy, you are the one who loves me the most. I don't want to marry that annoying person." Zhang Jialan quickly grabbed his father's arm and shook it.

"Isn't that Marshal Li going to help us deal with him? What else do you have to worry about."

"But Li Shuai didn't tell me not to marry him?"

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