The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1420: His Highness’s old knowledge in Chang’an, specially came to visit today...

Without hesitation, Xinuluo got up and left his position, and came to the middle of the hall, pushing Jinshan and Yuzhu directly towards Cheng Chubi and bowed to the ground.

"Xinuluo thanked Cheng Changshi for his life-saving grace, Entong recreated."

"Sure enough, he is a wise man..." Cheng Chubi smiled and looked at Xinuluo who had fallen in the hall.

Because the goods used to force Zhang Lejin so hard that even Meng Shezhao dared not stay, his family avoided Yaozhou.

He even made Zhang Lejinqiu, who had fallen into despair, jumped to Luzhou to ask Li Ji to give him justice.

And as Zhang Lejin asked to take charge of Meng Shezhao again, he established his prestige.

He can't wait to break Xinuluo's body into pieces to dispel his hatred, but he hasn't found a chance yet...

And now Cheng Chubi would not give him another chance.

After all, it is not a good thing for Datang instead of letting Erhai’s various imperials sing and dance.

Xinuluo had no retreat originally, but now with the support of Cheng Chubi, he can continue to fight with the Lord of Erhai Gezhao in an upright and open manner.

Hearing Cheng Chubi's comment, Xinluo immediately understood, maintaining a posture of worshipping the ground and continuing to speak.

"Xiaguan, I would like to thank Cheng Changshi for his appreciation. I also ask Cheng Changshi to rest assured that there will be an official as a supervisor of the Han and Tang Commercial Bank for one day.

The listed shareholders of Yaozhou will certainly not have the opportunity to twist into a rope to advance and retreat together. "

Cheng Chubi was very satisfied. At least Xinuluo could understand the spirit of the leader and said what she wanted him to do the most.

"Well, get up, Supervisor, I hope you can remember your promise today."

Hearing this, Xinuluo sighed and stood up, but he thought of what Cheng Changshi would call him.

Forget it, since I'm determined to follow Cheng Changshi to the dark one by one, I might as well just lick it all at once.

Immediately, he bowed to Cheng Chubi again and smiled flatteringly.

"Yes, in addition, the Xiaguan would like to thank Cheng Changshi for giving the Xiaguan a surname. Starting today, the Xiaguan and their children will use Xi as their surname."

"...This, are you sure?"

Cheng Chubi couldn't help staying for a while. In his consciousness, as adults, especially big men, they are most taboo to get along with adjectives such as short, short, thin, and soft.

And the Sinuluo in front of him was able to accept such a surname to show his favor, which made Cheng Chubi a little bit embarrassed.

"The next official is sure." Xinuluo's categorical answer left Cheng Chubi speechless, and he could only smile at Xinuluo with satisfaction.


As the shareholders' equity subscription meeting of Yaozhou Branch of Hantang Commercial Bank was held in Jianchuan City.

As the chairman of Hantang Commercial Bank, Cheng Chubi personally presided over the meeting, and arguing against the crowd, arranged an important supervisory position for Xinuluo.

The leaders of Yaozhou Zhuzhao didn't dare to attack the notorious Cheng Changshi, so they could only pinch their noses to admit it.

With the arrival of the spice planting workers, and the establishment of various branches under the Yaozhou branch.

As well as the evaluation and identification of species and specialties in Yaozhou, targeted development and expansion began.

The official cement road from Rongzhou to Kunzhou finally crossed the boundary of Yaozhou, and Yaozhou Cement Factory has also begun to develop civil engineering.

In the future, the transportation and economic development of Yaozhou will reach a new level within three to five years.

In terms of economic development, especially special products with great economic value, such as the most distinctive fungi and tea in the land of Yaozhou.

Moreover, the local black pigs in Yunnan are not the same as the pigs in the Central Plains, and they have significantly more lean meat than pigs in the Central Plains.

They are typically fat and thin, although Cheng Chubi doesn't know exactly where Xuanwei is.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it is strongly advocated to raise pigs in Yaozhou and make cured bacon and ham.

It is very good for increasing the protein intake of local people in Yaozhou.

After working here for almost half a month, finally ushered in the generals and elites sent by the court, and handed over the defense of Jianchuan City with Cheng Chubi.

And Cheng Chubi finally got rid of the affairs of Yaozhou Branch of Hantang Commercial Bank, and finally bid farewell to Yaozhou.

Of course, before leaving, Cheng Chubi took a good look at the souvenirs suitable for gifts: all kinds of dried bacteria.

Although Cheng Chubi has been staying in Jianchuan City during this period, he has already tasted a lot of delicious fungi.

But what is regrettable is that when Cheng Chubi rushed to Yaozhou, he could see that the villain had passed the, it had to be said that it was a pity.

But Cheng Chubi can't stay here in Yaozhou for more than half a year just to eat the fungus.

I can only wipe the mouth that has tasted at least more than 20 kinds of fungi, such as matsutake, dry basil, chicken fir, tiger palm, morel, old head, truffle.

Bringing more than ten kinds of dried bacteria, bid farewell to Yaozhou affectionately, and embarked on the return journey...


"Your Highness, Your Highness... An old gentleman came from outside the house and asked who he was, but he refused to give his name.

It's just the old acquaintance of His Highness in Chang'an. Today, he specially came to visit His Highness. "

"Old gentleman?" Li Ke, who was playing cards with the two soldiers, heard the three words for old gentleman, and suddenly the master Xu smiled in his mind.

When thinking of Master Xu, Li Ke couldn't help but recall his colorful nightlife in Chang'an City, and couldn't help thinking of so many unscrupulous art treasures that he had brought down...

Soon, Li Ke shook his head vigorously, and for most of the day, he must not think about those things that are not serious.

But having said that, after Brother Chu Bi has gone for so many years, even the girl Jialan has not returned for a long time, alas... it is really annoying.

Li Ke, who was a little depressed in his heart, threw down the card in his hand and stood up.

"Finally, let's not fight for now. It just happens to be exhausted. This king will go over and see in person to see which old acquaintance it is."

At this moment, a middle-aged man in his early forties has already entered the Luzhou Metropolitan Government Mansion.

Because Li Ke's escorts assigned a lot of Sui Cheng Saburo to the south, there was a shortage of manpower.

The responsibility of guarding the gate has already been handed over to the local guards in Luzhou. Naturally, these people can't recognize this middle-aged elder who claims to be the old acquaintance of His Royal Highness Wu.

Li Ke's eyes bulged in an instant, and he was actually here...

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