The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1466: Te Niang, you are already in the royal circle...

Wu Meiniang's expression was very innocent, her eyes were dull and she looked at her face with black lines, she seemed to have a big grandson empress who wanted to vomit.

"The slave and maid did not ask, but according to Cheng Saburo's meaning, this matter was discussed with Yu Zhanshi and His Royal Highness, and he obtained the approval of His Royal Highness."

"Haha..." At this moment, she was already pulling her face, and it was the grandson empress who was really not able to get up and smiled dryly.

Cheng Saburo, that kid, if he did bad things, he was ranked second, absolutely no one would dare to rank first in front of him.

He was not slippery because of his unreliability, and the demon moth wanted him to take the responsibility, fearing that it would be difficult to catch this kid's sore feet even if he racked his brains.

I'm afraid I can only be like my husband, being unreasonable, don't just clean up the nonsense with him before you get out of your anger.

Seeing Empress Changsun pulling her face and not speaking for a long time, Wu Meiniang's heart couldn't help becoming nervous, and she finally hardened her scalp.

"Niangniang, in fact, the servants and maidservants felt that if this matter were really implemented, it would appear to be too exaggerated, and maybe they would be criticized by courtiers.

However, I have to admit that Cheng Taichang's explanation is very reasonable. "

Empress Changsun, who was tangled in her heart, raised her head and looked at Wu Meiniang who seemed a little nervous.

After all, the matter involved the Qian Qian, the Empress Changsun sighed lightly. "Fine, let me talk about it, how did Cheng Saburo explain to you?"

"Cheng Taichang meant that His Royal Highness should have been loved by all people and respected by courtiers, but... since the Prince's trip to Jinyang, he hurt his leg."

"Whether in the court or in the wild, the rumors and rumors are very detrimental to His Royal Highness."

"His Royal Highness is the crown prince of the country. Although he is magnanimous and benevolent, he has been wronged, but he has no way to defend himself..."

Empress Changsun looked at Wu Meiniang who was talking about her in a daze. Listening to what she said, she seemed to see her eldest son again, standing in front of her at the moment.

As a mother, she is so careful and can indeed feel that Li Chengqian is kind and easy-going outside.

Holding a surge of energy, there is a fire in my heart,

He tried his best to prove himself, he tried very hard to follow the arrangements of his father, and tried to do his best.

But what they got was only those ministers who picked bones out of the eggs time and time again, and kept in front of his father and the emperor time and time again, accusing him of not being good enough.

He is not good at communicating with his father, at most the most, so he only dared to whisper a few words beside him quietly.

Until Cheng Chubi appeared, Cheng Saburo, who was unconventional and a little dumbfounded, didn't know what method was used.

But Li Chengqian, who has always followed the rules, began to change, and I still remember that time, Kong Yingda once again habitually picked bones in an egg.

Habitually show Li Chengqian's authority as a teacher, I teach you, it is for your good.

However, he didn't expect that Cheng Saburo would be very frustrated by Cheng Saburo, and went to the palace with anger to find his Majesty to complain.

Li Chengqian, who has always been cautious, only knowing that he bowed his head and admitted his mistake, finally plucked up the courage to stand up to the scene of self-defense.

That time, the eldest-grandson empress realized that as a mother, she paid too little attention to the obedient eldest son.

I also realize that Li Chengqian is no longer an ignorant boy, he has grown up and has his own independent thinking and concepts.

But no one expected that after an accident caused his foot illness to heal.

But it has almost become a target of public criticism, whether it is the ministers and workers in the court, even his uncle has also abandoned him.

And his own brother also began to think differently.

This made the Empress Changsun feel very uncomfortable, but very embarrassed. Both sides are their closest relatives.

All she can do is to appease Cheng Qian while secretly warning her brother.

However, over time, the rumors that have been set off are like a scar embedded in Li Chengqian's heart.

He was not reconciled, not reconciled to being attacked by his ministers, and not reconciled to being buried by rumors.

Otherwise, with his shy temperament that even speaks loudly, how can he agree to this is definitely Cheng Saburo's plan.

Perhaps, he is also eager to prove himself, not only to the princes of the dynasty, but also hope that the people in the market can also see him walking like a flying figure.

Empress Changsun still remembers that her husband at the court agreed with the ministers and workers to choose Qingque as the host of the compilation of "Kuo Ge Zhi".

During that time, Li Chengqian suddenly looked sad but haggard...

Wu Meiniang has been quietly looking at the long-term empress grandson, who has been silent for a long time, and saw the beautiful face of this beautiful empress empress as smooth as suet jade.

The faint sorrow and entanglement, all kinds of emotions, disappeared in a flash, but she did not dare to disturb the long-term examination of the grandson queen.

I can only wait patiently, while praying quietly in my heart, hoping that the empress can nod her head and persuade her majesty.

To be honest, Wu Meiniang even felt sorry for the hapless prince, and she naturally learned a lot about the prince in the palace.

Especially during that period of time, rumors have also arisen during the imperial confinement since His Royal Highness's foot illness has recovered.

Although soon after the rumors were suppressed by the bomb, the reputation of the fat-eared Wei Wang Li Tai, how the courtesy corporal, and how to study well began to clamor again.

Wu Meiniang already felt that there was a problem here, and there was a big problem.

It was as if there was a big invisible net, trying to drag the prince into the abyss.

To be honest, at that time, Wu Meiniang was really worried, of course she was not worried about the prince.

Rather, he was worried that the immediate benefit of Cheng Saburo, who had been tied to His Royal Highness, would happen if something happened to His Royal Highness.

As the confidant of His Royal Highness, Cheng Saburo would definitely not end well, even with the blessing of General Cheng.

I am afraid that Cheng Saburo will also be insulated from official career. When I think of the future that Cheng Saburo will encounter with such profound talents and common sense.

During that time, Wu Meiniang's heart was very tangled and worried, but she was facing it in the Imperial Medical Office.

What makes Wu Meiniang feel dumbfounded is that Wei Wang Li Tai’s dark illness...

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