The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1517: Our eldest grandson is on this matter, the lower the key, the better

  Chapter 1524 Our grandson is on this matter, the lower the key, the better (subscription seeking votes)

   "This is outrageous, this is simply outrageous. Didn't your Majesty have already decreed to build a palace in the north of Chang'an City?"

   "Why, in a blink of an eye, I actually thought of going to the eastern capital of Luoyang to build a palace?"

   "Such a move is simply a waste of money."

   "Yes, your Majesty can be so unwise, it must be instigated by a villain."

   "That's right, everyone, we should play your majesty. If we want to build a palace for the Supreme Emperor, we can completely in Chang'an."

   "Why don't you have to go to Luoyang, the eastern capital,? This is just nonsense."

   "I heard that the kid Cheng Chubi was going to do something, and I don't know how he moved the Emperor."

   "Will this matter be catching the wind and catching the shadows, if I have built a palace in Datang, why should I be the supervisor?"

  "He Cheng Saburo has now been dismissed by his majesty, how could he go to build a palace for the emperor."

   "Is it possible that your majesty is going to let him serve as a supervisor?"

   "No way, but I heard that Yan Dajiang, who will be a great master, is the worst Cheng Saburo. If that kid goes to be a prisoner, hehe..."

   "It will irritate the noble Yan Dajiang, so will you be a prisoner or do you not do anything?"

  All kinds of rumors arose in Chang'an for a while, anyway, they were all kinds of gossip about preparing to build a palace for the Supreme Emperor in the Eastern Capital.

  Finally, many wise men summarized the many rumors after they were false and true.

  I feel that his majesty wants to move the capital and wants to test the civil and military officials, so he specifically wants to go to the eastern capital to give the Taishang Emperor's training palace.

  It happened to be a break in these two days, and many important officials wanted to enter the palace to see the emperor.

   was all stopped outside the palace gate. Your Majesty is unwell. No one has been seen in the past two days. If there is something, we will talk about it later.

  And the more this happened, the more sure those Tang ministers and workers would be sure of one thing, that is, your Majesty was afraid that he really wanted to move the capital.


  In Zhao Guogong's mansion, at this moment, there are already many ministers and workers gathered here.

  At this moment, these ministers and workers are spitting on the generous speeches that were flying in the air for a while yesterday, which is very painful.

  No way, the big guys can’t see your Majesty. In this case, your majesty’s eldest brother Changsun Wuji is an excellent confidant.

   "Zhao Guogong, if your majesty does this, it will shake the country's foundation."

   "Yes, yeah, since ancient times, those who moved their capitals have always been a critical opportunity for the country's survival, and they have to make expedient changes."

  "Whether it was the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it was because of a difficult situation that could not be solved without moving."

   "That's right, but it hasn't been thirty years since I was founded in Datang, but it is really unwise for your majesty to test me and other ministers to move the capital."

   "I'm waiting for this matter to be absolutely absolutely necessary, and decided to play your majesty tomorrow, please take your majesty back, if you want to build a palace for your majesty.

  Then choose a geomantic treasure in Chang'an, why do you need to go to Luoyang, the eastern capital hundreds of miles away. "

  Changsun Wuji cleared his throat calmly. After the hall was silent, Changsun Wuji said.

  "My colleagues, the old man naturally understands that what I did was for the sake of the Tang Dynasty, not for my own selfishness."

   "If you want to come, if the princes can work together and report to your majesty, with your majesty's wiseness, you should understand the pains of the princes..."

  Changsun Wuji earnestly comforted these colleagues, and even expressed his willingness to stand on the same line with everyone, advance and retreat together.

  Finally, all the ministers and workers who came to visit the grandson Wuji left contentedly.

  They have to rush home. Of course, they are not going to find their mother, but they have to make up a wonderful memorial, which will be delivered to the imperial court tomorrow.

   Let your majesty know what everyone is thinking, and hope that your majesty will not be random, let alone learn from the arbitrariness of Yang Guang from the previous dynasty.

  Should listen to the voices of the important ministers of the court and understand everyone's intentions for the long-term stability of Datang.

  Wait until the group of people left, Changsun Wuji watched the group of people and waited to resign, and then he wandered back to the front hall.

  Unexpected effort, sure enough, Chu Suiliang appeared outside the hall again.

  Changsun Wuji patted his chubby belly, smiled and beckoned to Chu Suiliang.

   "The old man knows that you will come back to Dengshan, come and sit down quickly, come, come and serve Bachelor Xu tea."

   "Brother Auxiliary Engine, if your majesty did this, it has really made the North Korean officials mess up. If this matter is a little careless, I am worried..."

  Changsun Wuji nodded, his face became solemn again.

   "Yes, I didn't expect that your majesty would highlight the tricks, which really caught people off guard."

   "The transfer of the capital is no trivial matter. His Majesty had thought of it during the four years of Zhenguan.

  Fearing the opposition of a hundred officials, he took a trick, only mentioning that he wanted to rebuild the main hall of Luoyang Palace, the main hall of the Luoyang Palace, which was burned down at the end of the Sui Dynasty.

  However, Guanzhong at that time was not as critical as it is now. "

   "So, under the persuasion of all the officials, let alone the idea of ​​rebuilding the Qianyang Temple..."

   "But last year, when he visited the eastern capital, his Majesty mentioned it again. Fortunately, the courtiers persuaded him to stop thinking about it."

   "But at the moment, your Majesty has tried to test the officials on the grounds of building a palace for the Supreme Emperor in the Eastern Capital."

  Speaking of this, Changsun Wuji approached Chu Suiliang's ear and whispered.

  "At this time, you must never pass it..."


  When Chu Suiliang left with a convincing expression on his face, Chang Sun Chong walked out from inside and bowed to his father.

   "Chong'er, come and sit down, what can you see today?"

   "Father, the child thinks what his father said is extremely true. Your Majesty thinks that the Emperor's Ascetic Palace is an excuse. If the ministers try their best to interfere, they will be reprimanded by your Majesty."

   "Your Majesty's may have other ideas, but the purpose is to act filial piety after all. Standing in the upper hand of morality."

  Changsun Wuji looked at him nervously, his eldest son, Sun Chong.

  Look at him thinking while stammering at the conclusion he came up with after listening to the outside discussion.

   showed a kind smile, as if encouraging him to continue speaking, don't panic, don't be afraid.

  "Not bad. It seems that my son has been quite profitable during this period. By doing this, I am afraid that he really wants to move the capital."

   "And our eldest grandson's family, family members in the industry, are all in Chang'an. If the capital is moved, our eldest grandson will also be affected."

   "Not to mention those Guanlong clan, they will be the strongest opposition..."

   "Then why didn't my father clearly speak to his colleagues before? Instead, he only communicated privately with Chu Xueshi."

  "Don’t forget, your aunt is the current queen, and our eldest grandson is the lower-key on this matter, the better."

   "So, speaking to Xueshi Chu privately for the father, Xueshi Chu naturally understands the intention of being a father..."

  (End of this chapter)

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