The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1524: Lao Tzu cultivates this palace, but it's all to be able to have a...

Li Ke took the information dubiously and checked it carefully.

And Cheng Chubi was on the side, sipping the tea from Yaozhou, which was powerful and full of smoke, and it was really refreshing to drink.

Li Ke's expression became more shocked as he watched, and it took a long time to raise his head and look at Cheng Chubi.

"Brother Chubi, we Han and Tang firms, there are so many copper mountains?"

"This is only detectable at the moment, and it is expected that there will be new copper mountains in the future."

Cheng Chubi nodded and explained. "We now have so many copper mountains in our hands, and these are rich copper mountains with huge reserves."

"We have such resources. Do you think we will make some things like copper basins, copper pipes, and copper mirrors?"

"As for your father, making money is a loss-making business, haha...that depends on how you make it."

Seeing Brother Chu Bi's confident enough face, Li Ke couldn't help rolling his eyes, just not getting used to Cheng Saburo's sullen face.

"The mining and smelting of copper mines in the past had big problems. In fact, the most important thing was that after copper mines were mined, the roads were difficult and difficult to transport."

"Most of them are on-site mining and on-site smelting. Large-scale and industrialized smelting cannot be formed."

"But we have tasted the sweetness of large-scale operation in cement plants over the years.

Moreover, we can completely repair the official cement road directly to the factory and mine area, which is conducive to centralized smelting of the copper ore that has been mined. "

"Furthermore, look at the money was cast in the past, it was all casting.

And there is this kind of money model, only ten copper coins can be cast at a time, which is both labor and material resources. "

"So, after a long period of research and conception for my brother, I finally designed this thing, called a hydraulic press."

"With this, we only need to directly make copper plates from the smelted copper, and then rely on hydraulic stamping to get coins one by one."

"Well, I know you won't believe it by looking at your expression on Brother Xian, but that's okay, I've already made people work on this hydraulic press.

When you go back and get it done, let you see it yourself and you will be able to understand the benefits of this stuff. "


Li Ke looked at the design drawing that Cheng Saburo had unfolded in a daze, and had already believed 80% of what Brother Chu Bi had said in his heart.

"Brother Chubi, do you mean that directly smelted into copper plates, and then directly used this kind of mechanical impact, can it become the money circulating in the Datang market?"

"Hehe, otherwise? Think about it, the copper mine is our own. All we need to pay is the cost of mining, transportation, smelting, and stamping."

"And what about the past? After mining, smelting, transportation, and transportation to the place, they began to use money to make..."

Cheng Chubi began to count the processes that Datang wanted to make copper plates with his fingers.

In comparison, this kind of mechanical stamping and forming, coupled with direct smelting into copper plate stamping, is afraid that at most the cost is only more than one-third of the money made by the government, or at most 50%.

In other words, the Han and Tang Commercial Banks can make half a penny by making a penny of copper coins, and this is money, which can be used directly to buy things.

Li Ke sucked for a long time like a toothache, then raised his head. "Brother Chubi, that machine is really capable of such things. If the copper plate is stuffed in, what comes out is money?"

"Hehe, otherwise?" Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes unwillingly.

In the later generations, coins were all made by mechanical stamping and manual casting. That was the era when there was a lack of mechanical operations.

Cheng Chubi remembered that even those counterfeiting coins used punch presses and standardized operations.

Li Ke took a picture of these materials, um, there is an old driver like Chu Bi who is operating it, which really saves people a lot of heart.

"But Brother Chubi, how do we respond to what my father said today?"

"How can I deal with it? In Chang'an, I'm afraid it will not be able to recruit people in all likelihood, and in Luoyang, we are not familiar with the place where we are born, and it is not easy to do it."

"So, I think, if we don't have this side, we will get the staff directly from Luzhou."

"Luzhou?" Li Ke straightened up, his eyes lit up.

"You mean, the monk construction team we organized in Luzhou Hantang Commercial Bank?"

"That's right, we can transfer a group of elite soldiers and strong craftsmen from various cement factories on Jiannan Road.

When we go to Luoyang, we will build a cement plant, a lime plant and other raw material production plants we need. "

"After that, I will pull a few construction teams directly to Luoyang, especially those engineering teams that have only experience in building construction."

These construction engineering teams, but the teams that have been working with Hantang Commercial Bank for several years, are guaranteed both in terms of technical strength and engineering proficiency.

What's more, when Cheng Chubi wanted to engage in buildings from all over the world, one of his considerations was to reduce the use of wood as much as possible.

What's more, those Western-style buildings are mostly made of masonry, and masonry, haha, burn it.

It takes a lot of manpower, and you have to find wood of suitable thickness. After it is cut down, you have to wait for the wood to dry before it can be used.

If you want to do that, Cheng Chubi feels that five years will be short. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

Maybe ten years later, my eldest nephew is about to enter the official position, and I am still a single This is not a must. If you want to do it, you will be short and fast. I cultivate this palace, but it is all for the sake of being able to have it. A daughter-in-law.

Instead of learning romantic movies, wait until gray hair is gray, and then hold hands tremblingly for the rest of his life.

On the same day, several messengers left the headquarters of the Hantang Commercial Bank and hurried away.

And Cheng Chubi and Li Luo agreed that three days later, they would go to see how the hydraulic press makes money.

The Luoyang branch of Hantang Commercial Bank will purchase land in advance to prepare for the construction of the necessary workshops.


Early the next morning, another person came from the East Palace, saying that His Royal Highness called for something.

Cheng Chubi, who was dismissed by His Majesty the emperor, swayed into the East Palace in full view. Minus bxW*

When I arrived at Dedong Palace, I went straight to the main hall of Nali, but at this time, there was a small court meeting going on inside.

Cheng Chubi greeted the former Zuo Neishi colleagues, squatting outside the Lizheng Hall, watching the group of Zidong Palace officials and His Royal Highness discussing matters.

Today, the situation is indeed much better than in the past, perhaps in those years, Cheng Saburo Chengri carried a ritual sword there to pose. Mi He Mi

As a result, the discipline of the Xiaochaohui in the East Palace is much better than it was in the past, and the officials have faced less direct impeachment of His Royal Highness.

After all, nowadays, His Royal Highness Wei Wang is now a lot of low-key, and has been compiling his "Quoting Local Records" behind closed doors.

The progress of this "Kuo Ge Zhi", which was supposed to have brought him great prestige in history, has come to an end.

It's just that the "Kuo Di Zhi" compiled by him is not as important as the Datang Pharmacopoeia compiled by His Royal Highness.

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