The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1552: This is to let the old Cheng family collectively act as Cheng's Pipa...

Cheng Chubi then confided himself and Li Ke about Fang Jun and his fiancee, and finally discovered Fang Erlang's talent.

In order to let him free up his talents, Cheng Chubi and Li Ke decided to score the guy.

Ever since, I went to the Taiyue Department and looked at those playing instruments. Cheng Saburo was inspired to create this Cheng-style pipa named after his surname.

Of course, Cheng Chubi did not hesitate to praise the merits of the Cheng's pipa.

That is simple and easy to learn, and it feels good to hold, suitable for home travel, kill? In short, whether you are playing or singing at home or expressing emotions on the go, it is very convenient.

While speaking, Cheng Chubi played a few notes with dazzling skills from time to time, and General Cheng took it with interest.

Then he awkwardly lifted his fingers and pulled, his eyes lit up. Ouch, it can really make a sound.

"Oh, God has eyes."

After patted this Cheng's pipa, General Cheng raised the three-leaf pulp in his hand, drained it again, and slammed his mouth with emotion.

Cheng Chubi and the two Xiongtai looked at their fathers with complex and rich expressions in a daze. What's wrong?

I saw my father sigh faintly, and his eyes were full of emotions called nostalgia.

"You also know that your grandpa went early, but ah, Dad thinks it is necessary to tell you.

Back then, your grandfather was not only literary talent, but also first-class in playing musical instruments. He was good at playing, playing and singing.

Presumably Saburo can have such achievements, it must be the spirit of the ancestors that allowed Saburo to not only inherit the literary talent, but also inherit the talents of the ancestors

Cheng Chubi felt that his father was suspected of selling melons by Wang Po, but then again, grandpa passed away early, and there is no evidence that grandpa can't play or sing.

Cheng Chubi touched his nose. Before he had time to speak, the eldest brother and the second elder brother had already jumped forward.

Facing the feudal superstitious family, Cheng Saburo decided to follow the trend, after all, the family must be neat and tidy in everything.

Since he wanted to be neat and tidy, of course Cheng Chubi couldn't let go of the opportunity to make his eldest brother and second brother tidy with him.

"Father, this is an instrument named after our Cheng family. If we don't promote it by the Cheng family, wouldn't it be easy to be buried in the future?"

"That's why the boy was just here to persuade the eldest brother and the second brother to also learn this stuff. After looking back, they made a name for themselves, saying that Changan is full of our Cheng's pipa."

General Cheng squinted his eyes, stroking the thick beard like a steel needle, and looked around on the spitting star and the black-faced eldest second.

At this moment, I heard a soft cough coming from outside the hall door, and the four father and son turned their heads in unison.

I saw Cui Shi, an intellectual and wise and outstanding female. Cheng Chubi noticed that the eye circles of the beautiful and generous mother seemed a little dark.

It seems that it should have been a sequelae caused by playing with my father until dawn last night.

General Cheng hurried over and reached out his arm to hold Cui's sympathetic tunnel. "Lady, why don't you take a good rest, come here and do something?"

"Husband, my concubine just heard people say, our Saburo has improved the instrument, and the sound is very good when playing, so my concubine came here to take a look."

As the mother Cui spoke, a pair of myopic eyes full of wisdom began to squint and searched in the hall.

Cheng Chubi quickly picked up the pipa made by Master Luo and jumped up to his mother.

"Mother, here it is. By the way, why don't you wear glasses in the mansion?"

At this time, a maid hurried over and handed the glasses respectfully to Cui's.

After Cui Shi put it on, he instantly felt that the whole world became extremely clear, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, a little bit uncomfortable and authentic.

"Mother was busy chatting with your father yesterday, chatting too late, and forgot this in the study."

"Oh, oh, hard work, mother." Cheng Chubi nodded his head with a serious expression, hehe, forget it, such a small flaw can't be exposed.

The important thing is that his father stared at him like a copper bell, and Cheng Saburo was a little bit stunned.

For fear of exposing my mother, my father's loving fist will come right away.

"Mother is a little dabbled with Pipa and Qinse, so I want to see the Cheng's Pipa made by Saburo."

"The third child is stunned to do a lot, yet to show off your ability to your mother?"

When my father spoke, Cheng Chubi naturally did not dare to neglect, he hung Cheng's pipa around his neck and pulled his fingers, and the tune of laughter from the sea reverberated in Lu Guogong's mansion again.

Cui looked at Saburo blankly, watched him pull Cheng's pipa, and listened to the deep and magnificent singing.

After a long pause, I turned my head a little sad, a little sad, and a little nostalgic to look at the husband beside him.

When Cheng Yaojin looked at the more sentimental wife Cui Shi, she could naturally understand that she was reminiscing about the past.

Cheng Chubi had already sang the last sentence and played the last notes, his eyebrows stretched, and he opened his eyes triumphantly.

Unfortunately, I couldn't wait for fierce applause, nor did I see the approving eyes.

He saw that his father and mother were squeezing their fingers, with a sweet smile, cuddling together happily.

The single dog encountered a sweet crit, causing huge penetrating damage.

Fortunately, Cui quickly woke up, sat upright in a flawless posture, nodded approvingly at Cheng Saburo, and enthusiastically asked about his invention and creative mentality.

After Cheng Chubi talked about it, he once again mentioned the proposal of inviting the eldest and second elder brothers to become the promoters of Cheng's pipa contemporary art.

Before I finished speaking, I saw my father shook his head unhappily. "No way, no way."

The eldest brother and the second brother, who thought they really had to spend their brains to learn this stuff from the third child, suddenly showed joy.

If my father understands us, the pure men should beat the drums, pick up the big sticks and hum haha, that's energizing.

But the smiles on Cheng Chumo and Cheng Chuliang's faces just showed up, and they froze on their faces quickly, and then their complexions quickly faded.

"How can it be just the boss and the second child? There are also the fourth and the fifth, and the sixth and seventh. If the girl is still young, it will be avoided.

But the old man can also learn two tricks, turning his head back, um, what are you doing in a daze? "

"Father, are you sure?" Cheng Chubi felt that this was not a joy from the sky. Did Dad want the old Cheng family to speak for Cheng's Pipa collectively?

"Of course, since this good baby is named after me, Cheng, how can our Cheng family not? Madam, do you think this is true."

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