The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1572: Have the courage and...

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! The important thing is that Cheng Chubi is the kind of person who has suffered and won't take advantage of it?

Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes in a gloomy tone for a long time before he whispered.

"Since my uncle wants my nephew to invite Master Luo from the Taile Department to make Cheng's pipa, he wrote a small note to my nephew so that my nephew can make a deal with the people from Taile Department, right?"

After all, Cheng Saburo had already taken advantage of the Tai Le Department by going to the Tai Le Department before. He went there again without any proof, I was afraid it would be difficult to get it.

Li Shimin grinned and rolled his eyes helplessly. "What's a little note written by the old man, is that called a manuscript?"

"Cheng Chengcheng, I also ask your uncle to give my nephew a whole handwritten letter, so that my nephew can go to the big, serious things."

Li Shimin didn't care much, and asked Zhao Kun to prepare a pen and paper, pick up a pen, and wrote down a small note very quickly.

After Cheng Chubi took it, he saw the ease above, which meant that Cheng Sanlang went to Tai Le Hall to make Cheng's Pipa for the Supreme Emperor.

Seeing that Li Shimin hadn't written the number clearly, Cheng Chubi's mouth raised inadvertently, and then returned to a frustrated expression, wandering towards the distance.

It didn't go far, and I saw a place not far from the river bank.

A tall heroic figure, and a petite and exquisite figure, are about three steps away from the beginning, gradually getting closer and closer, as if they were two magnets.

When they turned back, Cheng Chubi finally saw clearly, holding the Pipa in his arms and looking a little tight, but Fang Jun looked glorious on his face.

What was being said, and the petite and exquisite Gao Yang princess raised her eyes to look at Fang Erlang from time to time. The bottom of her eyes, the corners of her mouth, and the brows were all sweet.

From time to time, Fang Jun's expression seemed a little embarrassed, but he was very happy.

Hmm... According to Li Ke's observation, I feel that the two people have quite good impressions of each other, and there is a feeling that the **** looks at Mung Bean.

Cheng Chubi listened to Li Ke's triumphant analysis.

After nodding in agreement, he asked a question that had been held back for a long time.

"Brother Xian is indeed good at combining theory with practice. It is so sensible, but I have a question. Who do you look like, Brother Xian, is like the **** and who is like mung bean?"

Li Ke tilted his head with a black line on his face, always feeling that Brother Chu Bi wanted to retaliate against him, and was about to grasp his own words.

But what kind of person is Li Ke, who has spent a long time with people like Brother Chu Bi who are full of bad water, and he knows how to turn things around.

"...Brother Chubi, can you not be so blunt? This is just a metaphor, not a clear reference to who is mung bean and who is the bastard."

Seeing Li Ke's neurotic expression, Cheng Chubi shook his head helplessly, and said seriously and honestly.

"Look at your appearance, it's as if I'm going to harm you, brother Xian, you have a very bad mentality."

"Haha..." Li Ke felt that he didn't need to talk nonsense with Brother Chu Bi, mainly because he had just offended him.

How could this guy let go of his suspicions so quickly and think for himself. Haha, I think too much.


This is an unsuccessful spring concert and heroic rescue operation for Cheng Saburo and Li Ke.

It's not perfect, but at least for Fang Erlang and Gao Yang, this is definitely a huge turning point in their destiny.

Historically, the green room two, and Gao Yang, who was frowning with the versatile bald guy, had already twisted (crossed out) their destiny because of the big turning point of this transmission.

In the future, Datang will probably have more singers, and Princess Gaoyang will become the singer's good companion.

In the future, I have the opportunity to discover more Fang Xiaoer's specialties, try to make this kid more talented, and also have to cultivate this kid's correct three views.

And how to get along with women, of course, the latter item mainly depends on Li Ke.

However, this Li Ke, who has the attributes of a little milk dog, would surely not be able to give Fang Xiaoer many suggestions.

Only relying on himself, a theoretical master who has obtained a psychologist's license and admires many Gongdou movies and Zhaidou movies, can give him psychological counseling.

Cheng Chubi was in the study at the moment, flying and dancing with his quill there.

Record your own experience during this period, and also write down the cheeky and non-martial ethics of the emperor of Tang Dynasty to bully younger generations.

In addition, I naturally analyzed in detail the big turning point in the fate of my good brother Fang Erlang and Gao Yang, as well as various complaints...

When I was busy with other people, I could only stay outside the house honestly, peering into the inside.

Cheng Da couldn't help but spit out a sentence in a low voice, and hit a straight by the way.

"Why is he not willing to let us get close every time the son draws a talisman?"

"You kid, Mrs. Shao is talking nonsense. The son said, it is not called the prescription body or the drawing symbol, okay, when you look back, you cleaned up Monet and didn't remind you of it."

"Yes, yes, it's a prescription, my brother is just a slip of the tongue, it's definitely not the ugly character of the third son."

"Puff......" The other two Cheng family members who were fighting the landlord with him dumb **** again and again.

Cheng Da quickly tightened his fingers in front of his mouth. It's okay to joke, but it's a big deal to provoke the third son to jump over.

Before long, Fang Jun will really marry Princess Gao Yang, from a young man (a question mark here, after all, there is a maid in his house) to become a mature man.

And I have to leave Chang'an with Li Ke to go to Luoyang to develop a new industry: real estate.

Cheng Chubi was actually unhappy in his heart when he thought that it hadn't been long before he came back and was about to leave Chang'an.

But for the long-term stability of the Datang, for the future emperors of the Datang Empire will not be called the emperor of the horse race, or the emperor of the emperor.

Cheng Chubi felt that he was carrying the burden of changing the destiny of history. This burden was not light.

Especially if you want to marry a wife, you have to do your job first, in exchange for the favor of the Emperor and His Majesty, so that Cheng Chubi feels that his burden is even heavier.

"San Gongzi, His Royal Highness King Wu sent someone over, saying that he was ready, and asked when you would go to Taile Office."

"Chengchengcheng, I'll go now." Cheng Chubi hurriedly finished the last few sentences, and when the ink was dry, he carefully put the diary into the wooden box and locked it.

Then he put the wooden box inside the box and locked it, and then pushed the box under his couch.

Carrying the key of the box and wooden box, he sprinted out the door and drove straight to the Tai Le Department.

Of course, he still didn't forget to touch Li Shimin's handwriting. With this thing, he also had the courage and determination to take advantage of the court and garnish the court's wool.

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