The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1577: Hurry up and order people to rush to Chongren Hall to fight the fire, hurry!

"In addition, it is necessary to prepare as soon as possible to transfer food to help the people in Huazhou, so as to prevent the people from being displaced."

"From the end of last year to the present, there have been many disasters in Guanzhong, and the grain in Chang'an Zhucang, I don't know how long it will last."

Speaking of this, Li Shimin touched his nose and sighed again, rather distressed.

"I am afraid that this year, our family will have to travel east to eat in Luoyang."

"The Empress Changsun frowned when she heard it, but Li Mingda's eyes lit up when she heard it.

After Fang Erlang got married, Cheng San's brother was going to Luoyang, and he didn't know when he would go.

But thinking about it, even if Dad wants to lead the civil and military officials and all the soldiers and horses to eat eastward, he is definitely not happy to let Cheng San's brother follow.

But that’s okay, anyway, when you arrive in Luoyang, wouldn’t it be possible to meet Cheng San’s brother often again, and you can often eat his delicious food?

Thinking of this, the corners of Li Mingda's mouth almost lifted up happily, but considering the feelings of mother and father.

Li Mingda sat next to his father obediently and offered him tea, persuading him not to worry too much.

Li Shimin was finally relieved a lot, and our Xiao Sizi was still the most intimate and pleasant.

At this moment, Prince Li Chengqian, along with Cheng Saburo, wandered around in the east palace like a fence.

Listening to Chu Bi brother happily telling the scene of Fang Erlang sings loudly, a group of rough masters collectively scoring.

Li Chengqian was so happy that he could not wait to be there at the time, so he could enjoy the scene where the children of the Wu family were engaged in music.

Ning Zhong rolled his eyes in the distance behind him. Isn’t it Tachun, I really don’t know what cola is there.

At this moment, a sudden rush of gongs sounded faintly from the south.

Cheng Chubi couldn't help but stunned, and subconsciously turned his head and looked towards the south, and he saw that direction. There seemed to be a faint smoke drifting towards the sky.

"What's the matter? Go and take a look." Li Chengqian also saw this scene and couldn't help but ask Ning Zhong.

After Ning Zhong took the order, he walked away quickly, and Cheng Chubi felt that something was wrong with the smoke still floating.

"His Royal Highness, isn't it where the water is taking place in the south? Otherwise, where is the smoke coming from."

Hearing this, Li Chengqian also had no intention of continuing to wander around, and the two hurriedly walked toward the south.

It took no more than a hundred steps before he saw Ning Zhong rushing over, panting, his face pale and authentic.

"His Royal Highness, it's the Chongren Hall that compiled the Datang Pharmacopoeia on fire."

"What?!" The expressions of Cheng Chubi and Li Chengqian changed drastically, and Cheng Chubi jumped out directly.

"His Royal Highness, the minister first go over and see what's going on." Before the words fell, people had already jumped out for several steps.

"Brother Chubi, ah, wait for the little brother. Ning Zhong, you are so dazed, you have to order everyone to go to Chongren Hall to fight the fire, hurry!"

Ning Zhong agreed, and looked at the ignorantly raising the front, His Royal Highness, who had already followed Cheng Saburo away, hurriedly yelled helplessly.

When Cheng Chubi rushed to Chongren Hall, he saw that there were already quite a few palace guards and eunuchs copying buckets and basins.

He was splashing water towards a small hall that was blazing. At this moment, Cheng Chubi could hear the sound of the wood being burned and cracked, and he could see that the door and window lattices of the small hall were all moving towards There was a flame outside.

Not far away, Yu Zhining's face was very upright and made people hurry out of the other room next to this small hall.

Mouthful boxes were being moved out, and in the distance, a dozen or so healers looked at the small hall in front of them with a stunned fire.

Fortunately, because it was daytime and the discovery was timely, it did not cause any major disasters, and no one was injured.

Standing in the main hall of Chongren Hall, Li Chengqian looked at the boxes that had been transported here, and saw that there were a few boxes, and a corner was obviously burnt.

There are even some wooden boxes, which have been completely poured with fire-fighting water.

Li Chengqian's face couldn't help getting darker and darker, and Yuchi Baoqing, who had been instructing to put out the fire, his face was also extremely ugly.

There weren't those East Palace officials who rushed over, all of them looked at the boxes of information and whispered in low voices.

Although Cheng Saburo was not an official of the Eastern Palace, he still stood in the hall dignifiedly. Those officials from the Eastern Palace had no choice but to turn a blind eye to the Cheng family who hated this man.

After all, the painful experiences and lessons in the past have made them remember deeply, don't conflict with this guy, or you will suffer in the end.

"Have you found it? How did the fire start."

Li Chengqian's face was pale, his eyes swept across a group of officials in the Eastern Palace in anger, and finally fell on the dejected Yuchi Baoqing.

"His Royal Highness, the minister is incompetent. I have already checked the subordinates guarding the Chongren Hall. They are not clear because they are on duty at the periphery."

After Yuchi Baoqing reported the report, Ning Zhong also reported the news he enquired cautiously.

The **** named Deng Guozhong was the first to discover the fire. He happened to be instructed by the medical officer to go there to get the materials. Only then did he notice that the room where the eunuchs rested at night was already ablaze.

Because it is daytime, it is naturally impossible for the eunuchs who watch the night to stay in the house, and the location of the house where the information is stored is relatively remote.

So when it was discovered, the fire was already very violent, but fortunately it was discovered in time. If it is later, the data and book samples of the Datang Pharmacopoeia that may exist there may be burned.

But even so, a part of the data was still affected, and the specific losses would have to be verified after inspection.

"Check, check for the lonely, thoroughly investigate to the end, exactly how the fire started, if you can't find out, then the lonely will play his father"

Seeing that His Royal Highness, who has always been gentle and elegant, became so violent that he could only do nothing but promise and dare not talk nonsense when he went to the Eastern Palace.

As a non-East Palace official, Cheng Chubi would naturally not stand in the ranks of the East Palace official, but just stand aside.

A pair of eagle eyes swept across the faces of those Donggong officials. It's a pity that these Donggong officials all had the same expressions and looked very numb.

In the end, after Li Chengqian made a fire, he could only flee away angrily.

Seeing the incompetent and furious appearance of the prince, even some officials of the Eastern Palace showed the color of happiness and misfortune.

As Shao Zhan Shi, Zhang Xuansu coughed vigorously.

"His Royal Highness has already left, you are also separated, all have their own official duties, don't delay here."

When these ministers and workers left without great effort, Zhang Xuansu summoned Yu Zhining who was about to leave.

"Yu Zhan stayed a step, the lower officials felt that the fire was too weird and sudden, and I'm afraid there is something wrong here."


Yu Zhining really didn't expect that Zhang Xuansu would say this to himself. After a slight shock, he sighed.

"Yu also finds it strange, how can it catch fire in broad daylight, and not when the candle is burning."

Zhang Xuansu solemnly said. "Nine out of ten, it must have been deliberate arson."

Yu Zhining's eyelids twitched at the words, and he looked at Zhang Xuansu, with a look of stunned expression on his face, which made Zhang Xuansu a little unhappy.

"For Yu Zhan, although the lower official has opinions on certain actions and deeds of His Royal Highness, the lower official is a minister of the Eastern Palace after all."

"What's more, this Datang Pharmacopoeia is the place where Donggong's achievements have been made over the years. If it can be successful, your Highness's momentum will definitely be stronger."

Listening to Zhang Xuansu's words, Yu Zhining nodded and bowed to Zhang Xuansu.

"Thank you for the reminder, Yu also thinks things are strange, but you must also know this Donggong"

Almost at the same moment, after leaving the Chongren Hall for a certain distance, the anger on Li Chengqian's face, who was originally so angry, gradually disappeared.

After looking back at the direction of Chongren Hall, Li Chengqian let out a suffocating breath and looked at Cheng Saburo.

"Brother Chubi, I didn't show any flaws, brother?"

Cheng Chubi nodded, admiringly raised his thumb to Li Chengqian in a low voice.

"Of course not. When your Highness became angry and became angry, the ministers wanted to come forward and persuade His Highness to calm down."

The corners of Li Chengqian's mouth raised slightly, and his smile quickly converged, raising his legs to move on.

"Let's go, sit in the lonely Tibetan wine hall, this is really not a place to talk."

Cheng Chubi nodded, striding forward with Li Chengqian, but never expected that such a thing would actually happen under his nose.

Cheng Chubi followed Li Chengqian to the room where Li Chengqian specializes in wine storage. Ning Zhong had already ordered people to prepare a small cold dish for the wine, and according to Li Chengqian's order, he fetched a bottle of fine wine.

Before this started, I heard the sound of familiar footsteps. As soon as I turned my head, I saw that Yu Zhining had already arrived outside the house.

"Yu Qing come in quickly, Ning Zhong, let them serve food quickly."

After Yu Zhining stepped into the house, he respectfully saluted Li Chengqian somewhat apologetically.

"His Royal Highness, the minister is incompetent. I really didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen in broad daylight, and it would be too sudden."

"Okay, okay, you can't blame it. Just like what Brother Chu Bi said, only a thousand days can be a thief. Then there is a thousand days to guard against the thief. It will last forever, and there will always be a time of negligence."

Hearing Li Chengqian, the prince with extraordinary memory, retelling his original words in full, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but raised his thumb to give him a thumbs up.

"His Royal Highness has a good memory, that's exactly the truth."

"Fortunately, we were prepared early and prepared a plan in advance.

Otherwise, the fire today is down, I am afraid it is the time we want to complete the Datang Yaoqu, and I don't know how long it will be delayed. "

Hearing this, the other two people present, plus an eunuch, all raised their heads neatly, agreeing with Cheng Saburo's statement.

Li Chengqian took the glass that Ning Zhong filled himself with wine with a gloomy expression, and took a sip.

"Hey, I didn't expect that we originally planned it just in case, but we didn't expect that it would actually happen."

"Two Qings, who do you think is most suspected?"

Yu Zhining exchanged a glance with Cheng Saburo, and finally he, Donggong Zhanshi, spoke his point of view.

"His Royal Highness, this is hard to say. After the success of this Datang Pharmacopoeia, it can bring you great momentum to your Highness."

"And anyone who is unhappy about this scene is suspected."

Hearing this, Li Chengqian couldn't help being silent, and then suddenly nodded for a long time.

"Yu Qing makes sense, yes, you can't see the lonely person, but there are a lot of them in the hall."

"But your Highness does not have to worry too much. Your Majesty has always trusted His Highness. This time, the East Palace caught fire for no reason, destroying a lot of Datang Pharmacopoeia materials."

"Presumably it will spread to Chang'an soon. Those who have a gap with the East Palace should be able to settle down for a while."

"After all, they don't dare to repeat these things over and over again."

Li Chengqian nodded and asked Yu Zhining about the progress of the Datang Pharmacopoeia.

Now, the Pharmacopoeia has reached its final stage.

At the end of the spring next year at the latest, or at the end of this year at the earliest, this comprehensive medical encyclopedia, which collects the ancient to the present medical classics, can be completed.

Presumably at that time, when it is promoted to the world, it can greatly solve the pain points of the Tang doctors’ lack of comprehensive medical Li Chengqian nodded with approval and looked at the past two years. Since Brother Da Chubi left for Luzhou, Yu Zhining took on the heavy responsibility.

Although Yu Zhining lacks professional knowledge in medicine, fortunately, his strength lies in the overall planning and handling of various affairs.

"Thanks to you for your hard work, this book is also where Yu Qing's painstaking effort lies."

Hearing this, Yu Zhining's heart suddenly warmed, and couldn't help but glance at Cheng Saburo, who was with the old **** beside him, and said that he was hard pressed.

At the beginning, the person in charge of this Datang Pharmacopoeia was Cheng Sanlang, but the problem was that he was kicked to Luzhou by his majesty.

And this feat of benefiting the people, countless eyes were staring, after Cheng Saburo was taken to Luzhou by His Majesty.

But many people came out one after another, expressing their thoughts and wishes to come and help.

Fortunately, under Cheng Chubi's recommendation and Li Chengqian's maintenance, Yu Zhining finally caught the heavy baton.

Precisely because there are countless pairs of eyeballs staring at, in the past few years, almost all of Yu Zhining's thoughts have been spent on this Datang Pharmacopoeia.

Fortunately, this is the East Palace, there are not many specific matters, and His Royal Highness trusts himself very much.

Yu Zhining was advancing step by step with difficulty. Over the years, the silent efforts of countless doctors, and the pain and tears of the famous doctors in Datang, it was finally about to bear fruit.

As a result, I didn't expect that at such a critical juncture, such a change occurred.

Li Chengqian slipped another sulky sip of wine into his throat, smashed his mouth and smiled bitterly.

"East Palace, everyone says that the East Palace is like a fence, with loopholes everywhere."

"Today's incident is enough to prove that even a thief who set fire can't be caught, alas"

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