The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1591: How dirty have you done without telling the bluebird, saying...

Wu Meiniang ate slowly, although the taste was indeed delicious, but during this time, she didn't know what happened to the Cheng family's servants.

It was either braised pork knuckles or spicy chicken feet. Wu Meiniang felt that she had only ordered it two months ago, and she looked a little bit looser.

When I wore it the first two days, I already felt that it was more personal.

Especially...well, Wu Meiniang straightened her spine with a little joy.

The clumsy third brother Cheng, didn't know that seeing his appearance now, should he no longer think that he was a shriveled little girl pretending to be fierce?

The three little girls were talking and laughing while eating delicious food. At this moment, they heard footsteps outside the house.

Wu Meiniang hurriedly raised her index finger at the two little sisters and put her index finger in front of the attractive vermilion lips. She turned her eyes brightly and glanced at the direction of the window.

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps passed by the door that he breathed a sigh of relief, ate the pig's knuckle happily, and greeted the two little sisters to wash their hands with soap.

Then, while talking about the new things and gossip of the past few days, he fought the landlord with the bamboo plaque.

This is of course a set of bamboo cards given to her by Cheng Sange, the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage chess and card culture, and taught her how to fight landlords before.

When she is bored in the palace, she can invite the little sisters to have fun together, not only for entertainment, but also for making friends. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

Playing the cards, Wu Meiniang couldn't help thinking that Cheng Sange was sitting behind her, giving herself an idea to fight his two loyal servants.

He always exudes a good smell, the breath that blew over him from time to time when he leaned against his ear to speak.

His body was almost crunching, but the clumsy piece of wood actually scolded himself for being slow, and he wouldn't even be able to make a card.

"Sister Mei Niang, what are you stupefied? Hurry up and play the card."

"Ah, it's me, well...I'm one-to-two."

"Sister Mei Niang, we are in the same group, she is the landlord..."

"Aha...Oh, I just lost my mind, I must pay attention next time, I must pay attention..."

I blame the stupid third brother who is far away in the Tangquan Palace in Lishan. If it weren't for him, how could this shrewd girl make such a mistake.


Cheng Chubi followed Li Shimin back to the Prince's soup, and squatted with Li Yuan and Li Chengqian to brag together.

Of course, the three generations of their grandchildren were babbled and crooked there, and Cheng Chubi, who didn't care about hygiene, played on the side drums and jokes on the side.

The sky was getting darker, and a group of big guys who were full of food and drink were all a bit bored. What should I do?

Li Yuan touched his belly, and he was a little braced to eat today. Going to bed so early, I was afraid that he might have trouble tomorrow.

"Today I was a bit too full. It just happened that the weather was good. Why don't you just go to the old man's soup and soak in a good soup? How can you eliminate food by the way?"

Hearing that it was the father's invitation, Li Shimin was naturally anxious, after all, he had been thinking about how to get closer to his father's relationship.

"Since the emperor has such an interest, the sons and ministers naturally don't have any opinions. You have to inherit Qian's legs..."

Cheng Chubi hurriedly helped the ribs Jing Prince.

"Uncle, don't worry, your Royal Highness has already soaked in Tangquan several times since he removed the traction."

Li Shimin gave a big hand, very heroic and authentic.

"In that case, how about three generations of our grandfather and grandpa to join in the fun?"

Since the three generations of this family are going to take a bath, Cheng Chubi naturally left with Yu Zhining very wittily.

Back in the room, Cheng Chubi thought that there was nothing wrong with it anyway, the sky was already dim...

"That's fine, I'm free from trouble, come and come, I'm satisfied you go and make a pot of tea, Cheng Fa, you go and get the cards, we are just playing a few hands."

The card game here has been opened, three big and one small four people squatted together, fighting the landlord, naturally the loser, take turns to play.

On the side of Shanghuangtang, Li Shimin, with only a loincloth tied around his waist, lay down comfortably in the hot spring well.

The warm pool water, coupled with the scenery of Lishan Mountain, which was already breezy at dusk, made Li Shimin feel comfortable in a different place.

Next to him, after Father Li Yuan went down to Tangquan Well, he asked Father Zhong Bao to bring the bracket and place it in the middle of the hot spring well.

Soon, dried small fish, spiced beans, dried fragrant, and some melons and fruits were also brought, of course, the essence of a pot of wine was indispensable.

Li Yuan poured himself a cup, and when he saw Li Shimin sitting up, he thought about it and poured him a cup.

"Come, soak in this hot spring, drink a little wine, eat some small dishes, this day, comfortable..."

"My father thinks it's good to be comfortable, and my son is worried that you will be bored in this Lishan mountain."

Li Shimin quickly took the wine glass, took a sip of the essence of the wine, chewed on the dried fish, and enjoyed the massage of the hot spring water on the body. It was indeed very refreshing.

"It's not boring to be bored, but some time ago, the boy Cheng Saburo was not in Lishan, so the old man was not so comfortable in the bath."

"???" Li Shimin glanced at his father in a daze. Cheng Laosan is not here, what does it matter whether you always go to the hot springs or not?

At this time Li Chengqian was also supported by the eunuch, and sat comfortably in the Tangquanjing to enjoy, while explaining to his father.

"Father doesn't know that Cheng Saburo is not only good at medical skills, but also the ability to rub back and massage. It is also a must..."

"That's not it? The old man still remembers the first time he asked him to wipe the old man's back, and he almost felt a few pounds lighter."

Li Yuan deliberately bit the Jinzi very hard, after all, this is just an adjective.

It's not like Cheng Sanlang's nasty bastard, who deliberately reminded himself to be only a few taels lighter.

"That kid knows all this?" Li Shimin looked at his own son and father with a look of sorrow.

Li Yuan smashed his mouth, vomiting maliciously.

"Heh... the thing that the kid doesn't know, I'm afraid it is to nurse and have a baby, hahahaha..."

Li Shimin laughed with him and looked at the appearance of his father who almost fell down with laughter. It seems that his father has been recuperating here very successfully during this period of time.

Energetic, there is no longer the situation of having a straight face when living alone in the Da'an Palace a few years ago, and I am afraid that I will not see a smiling face once a year. Mi He Mi

At that time, the speed of the old father made Li Shimin's heart tangled and painful.

But he really had no other way to do except let Guanyin maidservant take more children to walk around in the Da'an Palace.

Because at that time, when the father was facing himself, it was like facing a stranger, even with resentment...

"I heard what my father said, how about letting Cheng Saburo's boy come over? The son also wants to teach him Cheng Saburo's ability to massage his back."

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