The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1598: I’m afraid I’ll just count this journey, San Lang’s mouth can fool you the most

Cheng Chubi looked at the extremely complicated boss of Kong, and then looked at the touched Li Dejiu beside him.

This lowered his voice. "Brother De Award, then do you know that you are relying on a caravan from an unknown origin.

Just go to the extreme west to make waves, is it easy to be dangerous? "

"First, you don't understand the language, and second, if you want to venture so far, you will definitely carry a lot of belongings."

"But, those caravans, do you think it's really just as simple as a caravan? Have you seen the one in front of you."

"His caravan was completely looted by another bandit dressed as a more powerful caravan."

"He was the only one left. He escaped by chance and came to Chang'an. He stayed for so many years. Even Guanzhong Mandarin spoke so smoothly that he didn't dare to go back."

"Why, isn't it because he is worried about his own life? Of course, there is also that he is worried that he will not be paid after returning and be thrown in jail."

Cheng Chubi whispered facts to Li Dejiu, making sense, and his eyelids jumped when he heard Li Dejiu.

But the problem is that the problems that Cheng Saburo, who always likes nonsense on weekdays, throw up are all the problems that he will encounter when he travels to the west.

Hearing that the Li De Award was one of the first two big, couldn't help but glared at Cheng Chubi with a black face.

"Brother Xian, have you received the news from my father and asked you to persuade me to calm down my mind?"

Cheng Chubi was delighted to hear it. "Brother De Award, do you think your old man still has time to leave his dear grandson, and he will come over to take care of you?"

Hearing this, Li Dejiu's face couldn't be darker, and he always felt that his heart had been stabbed by Cheng Laosan again.

"Brother Xian, can't you speak so harshly."

"Cheng Chengcheng, but Xiongtai, your father must not have that leisure time, well, let's not mention your father, come here, brother, I will toast you a glass."

After a glass of wine, Li Dezheng was finally satisfied, and Cheng Chubi muttered again in a low voice.

In fact, it was also due to the arrival of Boss Kong, and the mention of tea, to stir up the passion of Cheng Saburo, who is already very enthusiastic about international trade.

Silk is already on the way, and only a very rare part of porcelain has been trafficked.

Because nowadays, porcelain is still considered high-end goods for Datang itself, plus porcelain is a land-based thing.

One hundred pieces arrived in Constantinople, and ten of them were complete, which was enough for the international traffickers to pull over with joy.

"But if we go by sea, from Jiaozhou into the sea, we can go straight to a country called Egypt, which is still a protectorate of the Fushi country."

"After going ashore from there, it only takes hundreds of miles to reach Constantinople, the capital of Fushi."

Although sea routes are also dangerous, the problem is that the sea vessels with watertight compartments developed by Hantang Commercial Bank have already begun shipping.

In addition, the veteran drivers of the Han and Tang Commercial Banks have long since obeyed Cheng Saburo's instructions to use the finest silk, high-end porcelain, and sugar.

From the hands of those Persian merchants, they exchanged several charts from the Persian Gulf to Datang Jiaozhou Port.

Nowadays, all the sea-going ships of the Han and Tang dynasties have already been to the country of Lions, even to the west.

Repeatedly compare those nautical charts and chartered routes, as long as they can avoid the stormy season, and then rely on the strong and sinking large sea ships of the Hantang Commercial Bank.

The Li De Prize can lead a vote of brothers to bypass the Central Asian region, which is now in full swing, and avoid death.

Nowadays, whether Egypt is in the hands of the Fushi country or not, no matter which country it is, it will definitely raise its hands to welcome the luxury goods from the East.

Of course, due to the nature of the front stop, the quantity to be brought can be small and precise, otherwise, too much cargo will easily become the target of looting.

Of course, the Li De Awarded this famous ranger who is now regarded as an idol by countless rangers who love the waves of the Tang Dynasty.

Cheng Chubi believed that as long as he waved his forearm, he was afraid that Chang'an City alone would be able to greet the more than a hundred intrepid rangers, and would be happy to follow him on adventures and wander around the world together.

Of course, Cheng Chubi was just a suggestion. In addition, Cheng Chubi also gave the boss Kong of the barbecue shop a choice.

Either continue to be the owner of the barbecue shop, or sell himself to the Hantang Commercial Firm and become the chief temporary seller of the Hantang Commercial Firm.

As long as he can successfully lead this team to the past, meet the nobles of Constantinople, and sell these great treasures of the Tang Dynasty to the western barbarians.

"Then I believe that even if there are not enough assets to pay off the debt.

Your creditor will take your hand and call you a brother regardless of the predecessors, as long as you are willing to do business with him and do big business. "

Li Dezheng sat next to him, watching Cheng Sanlang fluttering his three-inch tongue, seducing the boss of Kong who sells barbecue at the entrance of the Imperial Medical Office.

Inhaling like a toothache, he had to admit that in the rough man in the old Cheng family, he was afraid that Cheng Saburo's mouth could fool the most.

I always feel that if there are two birds standing on the tree, this guy will be able to coax the birds down the tree He willingly got into the cage and closed the door.

And he was one of them, and the boss with red cheeks and bright eyes was the other one.

No way, mainly because the allure given by this guy is too big.

Those merchants from the Western Regions, when telling themselves about the difficulties and experiences of the journey, did mention that now, two powerful groups of forces are fighting their lives on this originally very busy international trade route.

Although both forces understand the importance of this international trade route, they will also deliberately restrain them from attacking caravans.

However, there will still be some people who cannot help being tempted to ransack the caravan, so Lu Lu is very dangerous.

However, the long sea route now appears to be more secure, at least as long as there is no extreme storm, it is generally impossible to die.

Of course, if you really want to meet it, then you can only do everything you need to do, and it feels exciting to think about it.

Well, what excites is the adventurous profligate like Li Dezheng, and the more traditional and conservative decent person like Cheng Saburo who thinks is killing him.

"Master Cheng, if the villain can return to the country, visit my relatives who don’t know if they are still alive, I, Julius Conti, would like to swear to God."

Cheng Chubi looked at the religious boss, not knowing whether he was a true believer or a false one.

After Deng Chengxin led the red-faced Boss Kong with excitement, he cautiously held the tea bricks who tried tea and walked away.

Cheng Chubi then discussed more details with the old brother Li Dejiu.

Of course, Cheng Chubi wouldn't just count on a losing dog hole boss. He told Li Dezheng that it would be better to find a few more nonchalant people in Chang'an City who know how to speak Chinese, even if they are from Tang Dynasty.

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