The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1610: Obviously, I want brother Cheng 3 to throw a rat avoidance device...

Needless to say, it is determined that the father and daughter did not hide from themselves what they did.

But for such a situation, Empress Changsun has always been too lazy to say something even if she sees it through, and after a few words with her husband with a smile, she sits down.

After chatting, Li Mingda lightly tapped his forehead.

"Oh, father and mother, it suddenly occurred to me that my schoolwork has not been finished yet, so my daughter must leave first."

The eldest queen was very satisfied with the conscious attitude of the good girl, and she smiled and nodded slightly.

"Alright, then you go quickly, mother and your father just have something to say."

"Well, that daughter will go by first." Li Mingda nodded obediently, and then winked at his father in a concealed way.

After a few steps, he picked up the heat-preserving food box that he had forgotten to hide in a hurry, and walked out of the hall quickly.

Li Shimin couldn't help but secretly praised her daughter's cleverness in his heart.

Seeing that the maidservant Guanyin noticed her gaze, she wanted to turn her head suspiciously.

Li Shimin hurriedly reached out and caught the slender hand of Queen Changsun. "It just so happens, I also have something to tell you."

"Oh? I don't know what the husband is going to say to the concubine?" Empress Changsun couldn't help but smile softly, letting her husband hold her hand and asked.

Li Shimin smashed his mouth, and then handed the secret copy of the embroidered dress ambassador to Empress Changsun.

"About Luoyang, today my husband received the news from Luoyang from the embroiderer, come, you can take a look."

Hearing her husband's laughter, Empress Changsun couldn't help but her expression became dark, and she picked up the secret paper and looked at it carefully.

After only a few glances, she couldn't help but frown, her face filled with anger.

"The Zheng family and the Luoyang officials, what do they want to do?"

"Hmph, this is nothing like this, husband, look at this."

Li Shimin stroked his long beard, his expression a bit helpless and authentic.

"Luoyang Order used the dense flooding last year as an excuse to mobilize the people to build dams and dredge the river."

"This is the great government of the country, and the ministers of the court and the central government will also raise their hands to cooperate with this move."

"As for the Zheng family, the Xingyang Zheng family does not seem to be difficult on the surface."

Li Shimin was quite helpless, although he knew from the bottom of his heart that the Zheng must be trying to fix the monster moth in secret.

But the problem is that at least there is no problem on the surface, because the people in Zhengjiazhuang did not break the law.

You can't just clean up the other party forcibly just because they set up stalls on the street and piling up dirt and materials in order to make a living.

In that way, hehe, when the time comes, once the people of Zhengjiazhuang make trouble to Luoyang Ling.

Next, it was really good to see, Li Shimin even imagined it.

Those family members who are linked with Qi will surely impeach them one after another.

Hearing this analysis by her husband, Empress Rao was resourceful and could not help frowning at this moment, raising her hand to caress her forehead.

"That said, there is no other way to explain it?"

"My husband hasn't thought of a good way to deal with it for the time being, well, I'm really worried."

"With the irritability of that boy Cheng Saburo, when encountering such things, I don't know what he will do, so he is the only one who will do it."

Hearing this, Empress Changsun couldn't help but frown in her brows.

Yes, this kid Cheng Saburo is resourceful and resourceful, but this kid also has a lot of demon moths.

In case things like Luoyang irritate this kid, what he will make out of an anxious temper is really hard to think about.

"Kuanyin maid, don't worry, just now, my husband has sent someone to send a letter to the boy, so that he can be relieved."

"The county magistrate of Luoyang wants to repair the river embankment.

As for the Zhengjiazhuang matter, when the old man thinks of a way, he will definitely help him solve these constraints, so that he can build a palace for his father with peace of mind. "

Li Mingda stepped into the Ganlu Temple and nodded towards the Hushang Palace and Zhao Kun who were standing at the door of the temple.

Handing the empty food box to the accompanying court lady, she quickly walked in the direction of her palace.

Soon, when I was still some distance away from the palace, I heard a melody of the beautiful melody of Cheng's Pipa.

Li Mingda's lips were slightly bent, and instead of entering the palace, he walked straight to the house where Wu Meiniang lived.

There are still a few steps away from the house. Inside the house, looking at Cheng Saburo’s notation, Wu Meiniang, who is playing Cheng’s pipa, stopped her fingers, looked up, and saw Li Mingda stepping into the house. .

Wu Meiniang put down the Cheng's Pipa in her hand, and was about to salute, when she was stopped by Li Mingda.

"Okay, you retreat." After Li Mingda turned around and ordered the maid behind him, he took Wu Meiniang's hand and went to the case table and sat down.

"His Royal Highness, what happened?"

Li Mingda glanced at the door, then lowered his voice, and couldn't wait to Sister Wu, those officials in Luoyang are really bad, and the Zheng family in Xingyang, hum"

Li Mingda detailed the news she had just learned from her father to Wu Meiniang, and then she couldn't help but frown.

"The Emperor Father has sent someone to send messages to Brother Cheng and Brother Cheng so that they can rest and relax, and let's talk about it if you think of a way."

"I also thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't think of a solution. It's really a headache."

Wu Meiniang is also frowning, mainly because this problem is quite tricky.

"This is really true. After all, the third brother is building a palace for the Supreme Emperor in the name of a private firm."

"In this way, that Luoyang Ling must be the one who disagrees and will use this method to delay."

"The third brother cannot use the official status, not to mention, the many ministers in the DPRK clearly know what your Majesty wants to do."

"This matter originally had a lot of resistance, and we must never act arrogantly."

Li Mingda sighed, quite helplessly.

"Yes, really, these bad guys clearly want to make Cheng San's brother cast a rat avoidance device."

Wu Meiniang stroked her eyebrows for a long time, looked up at Li Mingda and asked softly.

"What does your Majesty think?"

"My father is also very angry, but there is no good idea for the time being, and I didn't think of a good idea.

So I wanted to come over and ask Sister Wu, after all, one person counts the shortcomings, and the two counts the lengths, and the elder sister is so smart."

Li Mingda looked at Wu Meiniang, who was extremely hot, with a smile, and couldn't help lowering her head subconsciously, and she couldn't help flattening her mouth with a bit of discouragement.

But soon, Li Mingda was excited again. Anyway, I am still young and can continue to grow.

Well, it seems that I must eat well to look like Sister Wu.

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