The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1621: There is really one kind that personally caused His Royal Highness Wu to be seriously

As soon as they were murderous, the guards and guards who were unsheathed with their swords saw Cheng Fa and the two guards of Prince Wu's mansion rushing towards the distance.

Everyone didn't know what they were doing, um, there should be something important, so they were sent to deal with it.

A group of people continued to be vigilant and vigilant with murderous aura.

Not far away, in the big bamboo forest, Cheng Fa and the two guards of His Royal Highness Wu were looking for the bamboo rat hole conscientiously.

Fortunately, after his Royal Highness King Wu had tasted bamboo rats in Luzhou, he understood that this kind of delicacy is almost everywhere here.

This idle His Royal Highness King Wu initiated several campaigns to capture harmful animals and protect the bamboo forest outside Luzhou City.

Therefore, the guards under his hands naturally also have veterans who catch bamboo rats. They cooperated with Cheng Fa and quickly determined the bamboo mouse's hole.

Because of the lack of watering tools, smoking was the only way to catch them. After a long time of tinkering, at least three bamboo rats ran away in a large brood.

But somehow caught four fat-headed goods, looking at these chubby, struggling bamboo rats with their stupid faces against the two yellowish men.

Cheng Fa couldn't wait to kiss him, and finally he didn't have to put his own blood to pretend to be the scene of the assassination.

The guard of Prince Wu's Mansion on the side was still unwilling to do so. He always felt that there were too few four, for fear that the brothers had nothing to offer.

"Why don't we stop by the hour?"

Another old guard who was very calm couldn't help but glared at the companion and shouted.

"The whole fart, if Luoyang Ling or the Zheng family arrives in a while, we can't bleed the bamboo rat in front of them, right?"

"You two, let's go quickly and hand it over to the third son for bloodletting to set up the scene."

Cheng Chu took a skin bag, and after throwing the four fat bamboo rats in, he ran back carrying the skin bag.

Although this thing is very powerful, but in such a short period of time, there is no way for them to escape.

The three men rushed toward the carriage, and the guards did not expect them to come back so quickly.

I was very curious about what they did, just as Cheng Fa squeezed through the wall.

The familiar bamboo rat's call rang out from the pulsating skin in his hand.

"!!!" Everyone nearby who heard the sound of the bamboo rat turned their heads in a daze.

The momentum and tense atmosphere before this collapsed in an instant, and some even burst into laughter directly.

"Brother Cheng Fa, are you too hard to take a break from your busy schedule?"

"Brother Cheng, why don't you spend more hours, such a little stuff, it's not enough for a tooth sacrifice"

Cheng Chubi also heard the familiar bamboo call, and couldn't help pulling his face down.

He pulled the skin pouch in Cheng Fa's hand over, gave the **** a vicious look, and didn't know how to knock the bamboo rat out.

It’s good this time, I just missed the stuffing. Fortunately, all the idlers and others have been left far away, otherwise, tut.

Cheng Chubi heard the jerky and crooked faces of the murderous guards who were absent, his eyes swept away, gloomy and authentic.

"If you dare to be squeaky and crooked, it will ruin the major event between me and His Royal Highness, you just wait to be cleaned up, and don't cheer me up, be serious."

"No!" When the guards heard Cheng Saburo's crippling threat, the chrysanthemums tightened instantly, and they obediently obeyed all orders.

Cheng Chubi quickly picked up the bamboo rat, and then began bleeding the thing.

Although one bamboo rat does not have much blood, the total amount of blood from four bamboo rats is also a lot.

Li Ke really couldn't stand the strong smell of blood, so he wanted to drill outside, and Cheng Chubi hurriedly stopped.

"Brother, please bear with me, don't break the flaws, turn around and cook for my brother myself, and treat you well."

"Oh, all right, these bamboo rats are really fat, Brother Chubi, we are also idle when we are idle, or let them singe the fur first.

The taste of the burnt skin is more fragrant than the hot skin of the bamboo rat. "

Cheng Chubi looked at the extremely boring Royal Highness Wu with a black line on his face. He really had an urge to personally make him seriously injured and dying.

"Brother virtuous, can we stop making trouble and just follow the plan and do things as planned?"

"If you want to continue doing this again, can I just ask someone to hold the pot here for you?"

Seeing Brother Chu Bi's grumpy and fierce look, Li Ke hurriedly smiled.

"Just kidding, just a joke, don't worry, Brother Chubi, I know my little brother."

"Everything is up to you, Brother Chubi, so you won't miss serious things."

After serving the five-stone powder, today we have a high spirit of fighting, and after tinkering with the pretty concubine on the couch almost as much effort.

The long-term improper life led to Master Zheng Er, who had already been hollowed out, collapsed on the cold bed and panted with dead fish eyes.

"Master, master?" The blushing concubine flattened her small cherry mouth unhappily.

Hold the white lotus-like toe to the second I hope he can be brave and last longer.

"Master, me, I have to slow down, don't be noisy"

Master Zheng Er was panting and wiping his sweat, alas, as the so-called intention to kill the thief, he was powerless to return to heaven.

Just as he was breathing, a steward, accompanied by the sweaty Zheng Sanfu, was staggering inward.

"Second Master, Second Master is not good, Second Master"

Master Zheng Er first froze his ears, and sat up with a black line on his face.

"Second master, I am very well, who dares to humiliate me so much?"

"Who is yelling outside and doesn't understand the rules?"

"Second master, His Royal Highness King Wu was murdered by thieves in Zhengjiazhuang, and he is about to die."

"Huh what?!"

He heard a plop from inside, accompanied by a scream, and then saw the painful expression of Old Master Zheng Er's clothes opening the door in a mess.

"Who do you think is going to die?! What's the matter in a daze, say!"

Just now Master Zheng Er was doing serious things with his concubine, so naturally he didn't wear a loincloth.

And because of taking five stone powder, today he is wearing a tulle gown that is so thin that it is not only transparent, but also almost completely transparent.

Now he is sliding the door with both hands, and the tulle robe without a belt is like two curtains opening to the sides, revealing a very ugly thing.

Zheng Sanfu looked at the small thing, his mind was confused, and he quickly moved his eyes away and explained it eagerly.

When Master Zheng Er heard that His Royal Highness Wu was actually assassinated in Zhengjiazhuang, several people from Zhengjiazhuang were arrested on the spot.

Shengsheng was so frightened that he would fall to the ground if he hadn't held the door frame with his hands.

Zheng Er's face was pale for a long time before he shivered and said. "His Royal Highness, how is he?"

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