The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1623: Master big business is not good. Your Highness is gone!

  Chapter 1630 Master is not doing well. Your Highness is gone! (Seeking subscription for tickets)

  It is even possible that in the future, the top ten filial sons in history will be selected.

  When today, the son may be able to win the championship, winning the crown of the top ten filial sons in history.

  After all, in order to be able to accompany relatives up close, even the country has moved. How much filial piety is necessary to do such a thing?

  Thinking about this, Cui Luoyang couldn't help letting out a long suffocation. Now, what he has to do is to use his identity as Luoyang Ling.

  The idea is to try to delay the construction of the Luoyang Palace. Yes, it only needs to be delayed.

  As long as the Supreme Emperor does not just squat in Luoyang Palace, but before Luoyang Palace is built.

   has already closed his eyes peacefully in Chang'an, then everything will stop.

  At that time, even if your Majesty wanted to select the top ten filial sons in history, ha ha... There would never be such a possibility.

  Cui Luoyang has already completed this abacus. He had to repair the dam before the rainy season came this year. Clean up the river to prevent flooding.

  Many idlers from the active surrounding areas of Luoyang were included in the engineering team.

   is to greet the various families and the many merchants in Luoyang City.

  When it comes to construction materials, you can drag it if you can, or give it as little as you can.

  In a word. Just can't let him repair Luoyang's palace happily.

Cheng Saburo and Li Ke, the two partners, are facing such a dilemma.

  I don’t know what kind of coping method they can solve. To be honest, Cui Luoyang is also looking forward to it.


  Thinking about this, he picked up the teacup in front of him, drank the lukewarm tea in one sip, smiled confidently, and muttered to himself.

   "I don't know what kind of methods these two rumors are capable of making a fuss about monsters and moths to deal with the old man's methods.

  It's really exciting, I hope you don't let the old man down.

  If the opponent has no resistance at all, it would be boringly tight. "

  Then Cui Luoyang filled himself with a cup of tea, and just as he was about to toast, he heard a rush of footsteps.

  Cui Luoyang couldn't help frowning. The most annoying thing was that someone would disturb him when he was reading or drinking tea and thinking about major issues.

After   , I saw the intrusive generals of the indifferent confidant butler staggering in.

   "Master, something is not good. Your Highness is gone!"

   "Make it clear, what your Highness is going to be gone." Cui Luoyang rolled his eyes unwillingly and scolded.

   "It's His Royal Highness King Wu. Just less than half an hour ago, Zhengjiazhuang in the north of Luoyang was attacked by a thief. He was seriously injured and dying. I am afraid it will be gone."

  When there was a crisp sound, the tea cup in Cui Luoyang's hand fell directly to the ground and broke into pieces.

  The two scheming and calculating, always like their squinted eyes, they stare like copper bells at the moment.

   There was a gurgling in his throat, but he couldn't say a word.

  His Royal Highness King Wu was attacked by this culprit outside Luoyang City, seriously injured and dying.

How can this be? The public security outside Luoyang city is so good. His Royal Highness was attacked here, seriously injured and dying?

  If this news spreads, I, Cui Luoyang, may not only end his career, but also his wealth and life may not be guaranteed.

   "What the **** is going on?" Cui Luoyang stood up and asked with a trembling voice, angrily.

  The loyal butler did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly recounted what the catcher who had just rushed back had stated.

   Hearing that His Royal Highness actually took a carriage to the entrance of Zhengjiazhuang Village, the carriage collapsed, and then was seriously injured, Cui Luoyang's face became more ugly.

   Regardless of manners, he directly raised his leg and crossed the desk, rushing out of the study.

   saw a steward hurried over with a worried face.

  "Master, the second master of Zheng's Mansion has something important to visit, please go there quickly."

  It seems that the other party already knows that His Royal Highness Wu was attacked and seriously injured and dying.

  For a long time, Cui Luoyang rushed to the front hall and saw Zheng Er's master Zheng Tuo turning around in the hall with an annoyed look.

   Seeing Cui Luoyang hurried over to break free, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked quickly.

  "I have seen Cui Luoyang, Cui Luoyang knows that His Royal Highness Wu was attacked by an assassin in Zhengjiazhuang and was seriously injured and dying."

  Cui Luoyang Chao Zheng Tuo gave a gift, pointed outside, and strode forward.

   "The officer already knows, let's hurry over, let's discuss what's the matter on the way."

  The two rushed to Cui Luoyang's government office, and saw that dozens of guards had arrived. The head catcher who led the team saw Cui Luoyang and hurried forward to salute.

  "You don’t need to be polite, hurry up and get on the road. Brother Xian will follow me in the car, let’s talk about it on the road."

  Not long after, the people in Luoyang city saw dozens of officials rushing out of the city, surrounded by horse-drawn carriages in a hurry.

  Cui Luoyang and Zheng Tuo were thinking and discussing on the carriage for a long time, but they were helpless.

  Cui Luoyang raised his hand and stroked his eyebrows, smiling bitterly.

   "Now it is useless no matter how much we think about. Everything can only be planned when we arrive at Zhengjiazhuang and see how His Royal Highness Wu is injured."

   "Brother Cui Shi is right, if His Royal Highness has been seriously injured and died... Hehe, even if we have a thousand calculations, we will stop everything."

  Zheng Tuo stared at the scenery outside the window ignorantly, his face still ugly.

   "What kind of person is he who has the courage to plan to assassinate King Wu outside Luoyang City."

   Hearing Zheng Tuo’s low voice, Cui Luoyang really had nothing to say except for a long sigh.


  Wu Wang Li Ke still blocked two nostrils. He took another cloth strip before, but found that the blood was still bleeding.

  He had trouble breathing, and he was so idle that he looked left and right, and finally his eyes fell on the four blood-bleeding bamboo rats.

  " I said Cheng Fa, you take it over and let me take a look, why the hair of this bamboo rat is yellow."

  Cheng Fa glanced at Cheng Chubi, and saw that San Gongzi did not respond. So he handed the yellow-haired bamboo rat to His Royal Highness Wu.

  Li Ke happily flipped the soft yellow bamboo rat in his hand, showing off with Cheng Chubi, who was sitting next to him.

   "Brother Chubi, look, it's really strange. We have eaten a lot of bamboo rats in Luzhou, and we haven't seen yellow-haired bamboo rats."

  Cheng Chubi sat up and looked at the yellow-haired bamboo rat, lifted it in his hand and looked at it, and he was just happy.

  "Oh, fortunately, this tail is slender, without any hair, and fat enough. Otherwise, if the hair on the tail is a little longer and the monkey's cheek is a little bit longer, you might think it's a weasel."

   "Can weasel eat that stuff too?" Li Ke couldn't help asking with a curious expression on his face.

  Cheng Chubi seriously recalled in his mind the various mountain and game delicacies he had tasted in the beautiful Southwest.

  I finally found out with regret that the weasel had appeared in his own recipes, but the meat of the Mustelidae belongs to Chinese medicinal materials, which is true.

  (End of this chapter)

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